March 16, 2012 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Commitee


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff.

The public is welcome to attend.


March 16, 2012, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.


  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
  3. Vice Chair Nomination  
  4. FY12 Funding Update
  5. Redeploy Illinois Focused Update
  6. 2011 Annual Report
  7. Three Year Site Evaluation Update
  8. Open Meetings Act Training Update
  9. Next Meeting
  10. Adjourn


  1. Roll Call: 
    Members Present: Chair-Grace Hong Duffin, Pam Rodriguez, Lawrence Stasica, Tom Bilyk, Jim McCarter, Betsy Clarke, (P) Erica Hughes (for Jack Cutrone), Anne Studzinski, George Timberlake, Chip Coldren, Paula Wolff, Pat Griffith.  Guests: Michelle Arnold, John Payne, Jeff Bradley, Esther Franco-Payne, Mary Ann Dyer, Danielle Donovan, Betsy Goulet.
  2. Approval of Minutes 
    The Board voted to approve February 17th minutes with no changes.
  3. Vice-Chair Nomination
    Grace Grace requested nominations from the group in order to appoint a vice-chair. Pam nominated Anne Studzinski for the position; the motion was approved and seconded to appoint Anne as Vice-Chair of the RIOB.
  4. Funding Update 
    Judge Timberlake informed the Board that this year's GRF funding remains the same as the amount in the previous budget. This is a concern because LaSalle County, the new RI site, must expend all of their federal funding by December 31, 2012 and there is no guarantee of additional funding. The Board discussed strategies for allocating the approximately $275,000 remaining in the ARRA budget. Ideas included (1) funding an evaluation that looks at all of the programs, not just the pilot sites, (2) commissioning a feasibility study to determine what should be done to expand RI statewide and (3) utilize remaining funds for the implementation of Redeploy in Cook County. Paula moved that the Board allocate unexpended funds (ARRA) for two planning projects: 1) a planning grant for Cook County 2) a study laying out what it would take to take Redeploy Illinois to scale across all counties in the state.
  5. Redeploy Illinois Focused Update
    The packets were completed and sent out.  Paula suggested that Judge Payne should discuss the Focused program with the sites during the site evals so that the RI programs can recommend others to apply for funding for eligible youth. Board members suggested that Jeff could talk to the JDAI sites as well. Members discussed the possibility that based on the utilization of the Focused program any unspent funds might be available to use for LaSalle.
  6. 2011 Annual Report
    Board members requested a time frame for submitting their responses/recommendations for the draft.  RI staff agreed to contact the DHS print department for an estimate of the time needed to print and bind the report. Board members suggested that we make every attempt to have the report completed prior to the end of the legislative session. Once we have determined an approximate length of time for printing we will set a date by which board members will need to submit their additions/corrections. Board members discussed the initial concerns with the data and Erica explained that there are discrepancies with some of the totals. Paula asked about the challenges to obtaining accurate data and Pam shared concerns that without more accurate data it is difficult to be confident that the right juveniles are being referred into the program.
  7. Three Year Site Evaluation Update
    Judge Payne provided an update of the process including the confirmation of dates for the reviews:
    April 3: St. Clair (Jim and Betsy)
    May 10/11: 4th Circuit
    June 15: Macon
    July 12: Peoria
    Aug. 16/17: Lee
    Sept. 13/14: Madison
    Oct. 18/19: 2nd Circuit
    Nov. 8/9: McLean
    Judge Payne asked Board members to check their schedules to determine if they are available to participate in one or more of the site evals. Chip informed the members that if they are not already impressed with the work that is accomplished through Redeploy they should attend a site eval to fully appreciate how valuable the work is in each community.
  8. Open Meetings Act Training Update: Tom indicated that this training is located on the Attorney General's website but there was some discussion if Board members might have to wait to take the course until they are notified to do so. Jeff Bradley sent the link to RI staff who will inquire about time frames and contact Board members.
    Arrest and Full Commitment Data Analysis: Preliminary data is completed; planning to have a complete report by next meeting; Erica also reported that the recidivism study is underway.
    Adult RI update: Mary Ann shared a new Adult RI handout that is being distributed to legislators; the ARRA funding will end in February 2013 and the program will be moving to state funding.
  9. Next Meeting
    April 20th , 2012 1:00 - 3:00
  10. Adjourn