The above screen appears after Services/Bills is selected from the Menu Bar.
- From drop down lists select the following:
- Fee for Services
- By Provider
- Add/Change/Delete or Add Using a Roster
- This screen is used for billing services for individuals served by a single provider.
- The field Hours will change to Events depending upon the program code used.
- Bills for services are to be entered only after the services have been provided. The system will not allow for entry of pre-dated billings.
- The PROV LIST button will provide you with a list of Providers already in your system that can be selected from.
- The CLIENT LIST button will do the same with clients entered into your system.
- The LIST button beside Program will provide a list of programs that can be selected from.
- NOTE: there are a few programs that allow for the Service Provider and the Payee Provider to be 2 different ID numbers.
- An example is the 56U (Behavioral Analysis) program.
- Serv Prov ID is the SSN for the individual who actually provided the service to the client.
- Payee Prov ID is the provider who will be receiving the actual payment. In some cases this will be the Service Provider and in other cases it will be the agency that the Service Provider works for.
- When inputting hourly amounts use the actual hours and minutes services were provided.
- For 1 hour and 30 minutes - use 130.
- For 30 minutes use 30.
- If you input 150 for 1.5 hours -the system will record 1 hour and 50 minutes.
- If using a Roster to report services and there are no services for the displayed Client ID, click SKIP CLIENT to advance to the next client in the Roster.
- PROCESS will save what you have entered, you will then be asked to verify the information before proceeding.
- Be careful when viewing records that have been accepted, clicking on PROCESS will also change the record's status from Accepted to Pending.
- EXIT will allow you to exit the screen without saving any changes or changing the record's status.
- More information on FFS billing can be found starting on page 97 of the ROCS User Manual (PDF version).