Client Demographic Information

Client Information Selection screen

  • To Add or Change client information - use the Client Data / Add or Change option at the top of the opening screen.
  • On the CLIENT INFORMATION SELECTION screen - input the client's SSN
  • ALWAYS select either the Developmental Disabilities (DD) or Mental Health (MH) segment
  • All client records have 2 segments: Demographic or DD/MH.
  • Use the CONTINUE button to go to the next screen - Client Demographic Information

Client Demographic Information

Client Demographic Information screen

  • Complete all information as you know it. When in doubt as to what to enter, use the F1 key on your keyboard for Help.  Your curser must be in the field to use the F1 key.
  • Client information must match with HFS information exactly -- Name (1st, middle and last), SSN, Birth Date, Gender and RIN.
  • Medicaid Site ID should always be 000 unless told differently.
  • Refer to the GeoCode information for the County and Township codes. (link)
  • PROCESS will take you to the next screen and save what you have entered
  • Be careful when viewing records that have been accepted, clicking on PROCESS will also change the record's status from Accepted to Pending.
  • EXIT will allow you to exit the screen without saving any changes or changing the record's status
  • Any records in SUBMIT status cannot be changed until the record has been updated
  • PrintScreen(Ctrl+P) in the upper left corner of the screen allows you to print this screen