Purchase Of Service (POS) Rates Update of 12-31-15

POS rates update data applies to Division of Developmental Disabilities' (DDD) POS program codes and rates only. Questions concerning the content of this POS Rates Update should be addressed to:

Division of Developmental Disabilities
Bureau of Community Reimbursement
319 East Madison Street, Suite 2K
Springfield, IL 62701-1035

Attention: Tim Millbrandt, POS Section Manager

Phone: (217) 782-5974
Email: POS.DHS@illinois.gov

(Please note this e-mail address is not to be used for legal notification or for requests under the Freedom of Information Act or FOIA).

Total Unduplicated Count as of December 31, 2015

  • Authorized for POS Residential Supports (17D/19D/41D/42D/61D/65H/67D/68D): 818
  • Authorized for POS Day Program Only (31A/31U/38U/36G/36U/39G/39U): 3,508
  • Authorized for POS Residential Supports and Day Programs: 420
  • Number of SODC Residents Authorized for POS Developmental Training (31S): 863
  • Authorized for Adult Home-Based Supports (AHBS): 6,594
  • Authorized for Children's Home-Based Supports (CHBS): 1,352

POS Residential Supports Authorized - Children and Adults

Program Code Description Number of Authorized Rates % of Total Number Authorized Weighted Average Topline Rate Estimated Average Topline per Person/Year Estimated Total Topline Funding
17D Children's Group Home 247 30.20% $301.98 $110,223 $27,225,007
19D CCI 36 4.40% $293.47 $107,117 $3,856.196
41D SHP 11 1.34% $42.23 $15,414 $169,553
42D SLA 10 1.22% $7.05 $2,573 $25,733
61D POS CILA 0 0.00% $0.00 $0 $0
65H (1) POS CILA - Hourly 106 12.96% $42.00 $15,330 $1,642,980
67D CLF 403 49.27% $87.99 $32,116 $12,942,889
68D HIP 5 0.61% $99.41 $36,285 $181,423
Total 818 100.0% N/A N/A $46,025,781

Number of Authorized Children & Adults by Residential Support and Region

Region 17D 19D 41D 42D 61D 65H 67D 68D Total
Central 57 0 0 0 0 0 8 5 70
North Central 5 0 1 4 0 10 51 0 71
Northwest 107 0 1 0 0 5 31 0 144
Southern 5 8 1 6 0 1 0 0 21
City of Chicago 12 16 0 0 21 58 0 107
North Suburban 50 12 2 0 0 0 211 0 275
South Suburban 11 6 0 0 69 0 0 86
Total In State 247 36 11 10 0 106 359 5 774
Total Out of State 0 0 0 0 0 0 44 0 44
Grand Total 247 36 11 10 0 106 403 5 818

Purchase of Service Day Program Services

(Not funded via 60D CILA Authorization) The data in the following day program table is not unduplicated.

Authorizations for Day Program Services

Program Code Description Base Rate Day Program Only Adult Home-Based Supports Other Residential Supports SODC DT Authorized by Day Program Code
31S SODC DT $1,220.96 0 0 0 863 863
31U DT (Waiver) $10.39 3,134 6,594 420 0 10,148
31A DT (Waiver) $10.39 74 57 67 0 198
36G Supported
Programs (SEP)
$11.63 300 260 124 0 684
39G SEP $11.63 300 260 124 0 684
36U SEP $13.03 300 260 124 0 684
39U SEP $13.03 300 260 124 0 684
38U Regular
$10.39 2,163 2,962 301 0 5,426
  • 1 31S is developmental training for individuals who reside at State-Operated Developmental Centers (SODCs).
  • 2 31S has a provider-specific monthly rate,  The31S average or base rate is the weighted average monthly rate for all individuals authorized at all 31S providers.