Occupational, Physical and Speech Therapists Providers of Intellectual Disability Services

In order to provide more service choices for our customers, the Division of Developmental Disabilities (Division) is providing the list below, including contact information.

Contact your Independent Service Coordination Agency  (ISC) agency to discuss potential service providers and current service options.

Illinois County Map

The provider information is based on current billing information.  If you have questions regarding the accuracy of these lists, please contact DHS.DDDMedProv@illinois.gov.

Last Updated: 1/31/2025

Occupational Therapists

Provider Name City County Contact
BALOGUN, ADETUTU Tinley Park Cook tutubalogunotd@gmail.com
Bane, Susan Sidney Champaign (217) 840-2037
BARROW, PAMELA Breese Clinton barpot2000@yahoo.com
BOWREY, TONYA Shelbyville Shelby tonya.bowrey@hshs.org
FRANK, KATHERINE Chicago Cook kfrank7@uic.edu
Hintzman, Lauren Downers Grove DuPage hintzman.lauren@gmail.com
Jones, Reshawn Dyer, IN N/A (773) 852-2777
OTOOLE, NICOLE Chicago Cook (773) 426-9270
Rogel, Patricia Chicago Cook progel@PRpediatricorthotics.com
ROSE, CAMILLE Mahomet Champaign (217) 356-9176
RYBICKI, IRENE Hoffman Estates Cook (847) 970-7741
SANZANA, LAURA Round Lake Beach Lake info@thetherapytree.org
Schmidt, Kristin Chicago Cook eflores@larabida.org
SHAH, NAMRATA Carol Stream DuPage credentialing@eastersealsdfvr.org
STINE, JENNIFER Monticello Piatt otui89@hotmail.com

Physical Therapists

Provider Name City County Contact
ARLEGUI-MARTINEZ, ABIGAIL Skokie Cook (847) 970-7741
Balogun, Joseph Tinley Park Cook jbalogun.jrc@gmail.com
Bennett, Stacy Arlington Heights Cook ASC-providerenrollment@aah.org
BETTENDORF, CAROL Lake Bluff Lake info@thetherapytree.org
GLEASON, ERICA Pekin Tazewell egleason@ci.easterseals.com
Gruber, Amanda Peoria Heights Peoria amandagruber@marcfirst.org
MCCLAIN, MICHELLE Findlay Shelby Michelle.McClain@hshs.org
MILLIKAN, TIMOTHY Monticello Piatt tmillika@juno.com
Petersen, Sara Eldridge N/A - Iowa sara.petersen@rockvalleypt.com
SCHUG, MALLORY Woodstock McHenry mallory.schug@hotmail.com
WUEBBELS, ANGELA Trenton Clinton angieandadam@hotmail.com
YUEN, MICHELLE Edwards Peoria myuen525@gmail.com

Speech Therapists

Provider Name City County Contact
Badgley, Abigail Lake Villa Lake info@thetherapytree.org
Barnett, Sabrina Decatur Macon sbarnett@dps61.org
Bartlett, Sarah Germantown Hills Woodford sbartlett@gbcaba.com
Bognanno, Michelle Peoria Peoria hwoodward@eastersealsci.com
DIFILIPPO, SUZANNE Champaign Champaign (217) 356-9176
GOVEA, ISABEL Batavia Kane Isabel_govea@yahoo.com
HOUSTON, LAURA Pleasant Prairie Kenosha info@thetherapytree.org
KANDER, JULIE Wheeling Cook (847) 970-7741
Lloyd, Aynna Darian DuPage aynna.r.lloyd@gmail.com
Loftus, Margaret Chicago Cook margaretgloftus@gmail.com
MCASEY, DANILA Peoria Peoria danila@mtco.com
Mendoza, Mylinh Des Plaines Cook mylinhmendoza@gmail.com
Moma, Laura Mt Zion Macon l.hllmn@gmail.com
SCHMIDT, JEAN Chicago Cook jeandschmidt@gmail.com
STUDT, CHRISTINE Elgin Kane (847) 323-9930
TAPAJNA, MARILYN Flossmoor Cook (708) 351-8816