Award Memo Effective Dates

Department of Human Services
Division of Developmental Disabilities
Information Bulletin

Award Memo Effective Dates
July1, 2011


This Information Notice is being sent to remind providers not to begin serving an individual until they have a signed Award Memo in hand for that individual. The provider should not begin providing services until the effective date stated on the Award Memo.

Process and Procedure

The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DDD) within the Department of Human Services (DHS) will issue Award Memos with an effective date that is equal to the date the Award Memo is signed or a future date to coordinate issues of eligibility or transition from one service type to another. Community providers are reminded not to initiate services until a signed Award Memo or Pre-Award Letter has been issued by the Division of Developmental Disabilities.

When services must be initiated on an emergency basis or before a complete funding request packet can be submitted and processed, a Pre-Award Letter will be issued for residential placements that include:

  • Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA)
  • Community Living Facility (CLF)
  • Children's Group Home (CGH)
  • Child Care Institution (CCI)

A request to back-date the effective date on an Award Memo prior to the date of signature must be approved by the Deputy Director of Community Services or the Director of the Division of Developmental Disabilities. Requests for back-dating of an Award Memo effective date will only be considered in an extreme emergency situation that has the prior approval of the Division of Developmental Disabilities.

Effective Date

This procedure has been a long standing and is a current Department practice.  This is effective immediately with the release of this Information Bulletin.