Summary of PUNS by Individual Age & Care Taker Age

Updated 1/3/2025

Age Active Count % of PUNS
00-02 22 0.13%
03-17 5278 31.82%
18 - 22 4872 29.37%
23 - 29 4228 25.49%
30 - 39 1195 7.20%
40 - 49 478 2.88%
50 - 59 255 1.54%
60 - 69 190 1.15%
70 - 79 63 0.38%
80 and above 8 0.05%
Totals: 16589

PUNS by Care Taker Age

Age Active Count % of PUNS
00 - 59 12380 74.63%
60 - 69 2605 15.70%
70 - 79 715 4.31%
80 and above 169 1.02%
Unknown 720 4.34%
Totals: 16589