Summary of PUNS by Individual Age & Care Taker Age

Updated 9/6/24

Age Active Count % of PUNS
00 - 02 26 0.16%
03 - 17 5593 34.30%
18 - 22 4998 30.65%
23 - 29 3652 22.39%
30 - 39 1071 6.67%
40 - 49 462 2.83%
50 - 59 268 1.64%
60 - 69 177 1.09%
70 - 79 58 0.36%
80 and above 3 0.02%
Totals: 16308

PUNS by Care Taker Age

Age Active Count % of PUNS
00 - 59 12362 75.80%
60 - 69 2415 14.81%
70 - 79 647 3.97%
80 and above 146 0.90%
Unknown 738 4.53%
Totals: 16308