June 15, 2011 Planning and Grants Committee Meeting


Open to the general public.


June 15, 2011
9:00 -11:00 AM


  • 401 S Clinton, Think Tank-2nd Floor-Chicago
  • 100 S Grand, Think Tank-Springfield


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Review of Current Commission Grants
    1. Transportation
    2. First Defense Legal Aid (FDLA)
    3. Domestic Battery Pilot
    5. ICJIA
  5. Other
    1. Results Based Accountability
    2. Reentry RFP Update
    3. Research Assistant Position
  6. New Business
  7. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order: Chairman Jacobs called the meeting to order at 9:16AM.
  2. Roll Call: Committee Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Commission Chairman George Timberlake, Commissioners Rosanna Ander, Eugene Griffin, Wayne Straza, Julie Biehl. Quorum declared present. Staff present: Karrie Rueter, Julie Stremlau, Lin Ferguson and Ron Smith.
  3. Approval of Minutes: Motion made to approve minutes from the April 13, 2011 and May 11, 2011, by Commissioner Straza and seconded by Commissioner Griffin. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed.
  4. Review of Current Commission Grants: Approval of current expenditures for Transportation, FDLA and Domestic Battery Pilot programs is needed from Planning and Grants Committee to recommend to the Executive Committee for their approval. Decision needs to be made in order to continue funding of these programs.
    1. Transportation: Chairman Jacobs explained that the Transportation grants are direct services providing services to detention centers that we fund. We pay for the officers and staff to go out to communities to pick up youth and transport them to detention centers. The current grants exist in Adams, Franklin, Madison and Peoria Counties. Funding provides compliance with JJDP Act to prevent youth from being detained in adult centers and sight and sound compliance. Karrie Rueter added that the program has been consistently cut but has maintained current funding for the last three years. Chairman Timberlake stated that he didn't want to increase the funding but with current budgetary climate and changes being considered for detention centers, this issue warrants consideration. Chairman Jacobs asked the Committee to consider the work we have done in Results Based Accountability and the focus of the Commission in considering if this Committee wants to recommend that there be a change in grants and/or amounts for Transportation. Karrie Rueter suggested that redoing an RFP for this program is an option, but it would have to be done immediately. Chairman Timberlake added that that process could expand our services. If we are out of compliance we will lose 20% of funding. Commissioner Jacobs asked Committee members to consider three options: 1) cut off funding now; 2) fund as is or keep funding; and 3) use time to figure out what needs to change. The Committee can access CPRD statistics on Transportation, we can ask for the assistance of Jeff Bradley and we can seek partnerships.
      Motion made by Commissioner Griffin to continue funding for this year at the current rate with no changes. Motion seconded by Wayne Straza with the addition of adding a second part of getting analysis and asking JDAI committee to take on the challenge. Ron Smith will work with Jeff Bradley. Commissioner Griffin agreed. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed.
    2. First Defense Legal Aid (FDLA): Commissioner Jacobs reported that the funding request provides staffing for street outreach program, 24 hour hot-line and additional funds for management. If we fund this request what do we get back to advance systems improvement? Karrie Rueter suggested that we prepare a RFP that proposes using law students as volunteers to do this type of work in the community. Commissioner Biehl added that such a plan would not work. Commissioner Ander asked if the Commission could continue to fund the program if FDLA would work with CPRD to validate their work. Chairman Timberlake added that to date we have not asked them to provide us with specific data. He added that this program is not one of the Commission's objectives, so we would have to structure this to get results we are looking for, and we have to decide if the Commission wants to continue in this way.
      Commissioner Griffin made a motion not to fund the proposal. Commissioner Straza seconded the motion. Commissioner Jacobs posed the possibility of funding FDLA for one quarter with the stipulation of verifying deliverables the Commission would need. Commissioner Griffin stated that we redefine their focus for those three months and when that quarter has ended they may request a new contract with specific program performance measures and deliverables as set by the Commission. Chairman Timberlake motioned to approve funding for one quarter (3 months) of the $103,716 proposal with the option to request a new contract when that quarter is expired. Commissioner Straza seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed. We will convene a group to decide how to move forward. Commissioner Biehl added that we tell FDLA what we would be willing to fund and have them report back to the Commission. Commissioners Griffin and Straza accepted the amendment to the original motion. All in favor. None opposed. None abstained. Motion passed.
    3. Domestic Battery Pilot: Commissioner Jacobs explained that the request is for $50,000 for each of the 3 proposals from Cook (Youth Outreach Services) Peoria and DuPage Counties. Evaluations are being done and they are getting in-depth data to determine the effectiveness of the program. The CBYS Program has been working in collaboration with law enforcement and the Step-Up Plan to get good data. Chairman Timberlake added that these 3 proposal are doing good work and asked if it worthwhile to put out a RFP, since Reentry is one of our projects. Commissioner Jacobs added that they are ready to engage with DJJ and that they are doing good work. It is possible for us to let them know what information we want back. U of I is doing studies on cost implications. There are two questions in the forefront: 1) Do we fund and how do we get back the information we want. We could meet with DJJ on implications of kids with domestic battery histories and reentry and JDAI as an alternative to secure confinement; 2) what information do we want back and who can manage our requests? Commissioner Griffin made a motion to fund the work on policy and project improvement strategies. Chairman Timberlake seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Chairman Jacobs abstained. Motion passed.
    4. IDOC, CPRD, JMIS: Karrie Rueter reported that we currently have a contract with IDOC for less than $215,000 to provide training and compliance information. JMIS contract approved for an additional $120,000. Peter Mulhall provided a report of what we are asking CPRD to report using RBA/data capacity and their ability to report. We need approval for additional $60,000 for JMIS to complete their research and analysis. Chairman Timberlake made a motion to approve $60,000 for CPRD. Motion seconded by Commissioner Straza. All in favor. None opposed. None abstained. Motion passed.
    5. ICJIA: Request for $60,000 was approved at May 19, 2011, Commission meeting for risk and trends data for our Federal reporting. The cost to develop this report is more than requested, but they invited the Commission to ask them to do the work. Compliance monitoring was reduced from $215,000 to $190,000 which is due to a decrease in clerical support. We need to find out what they do with the funds in terms of policy and practice. Commissioner Straza made a motion to fund at approximately $190,000 for compliance monitoring. Motion seconded by Commissioner Griffin. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed.
  5. Other: Procurement is working on Technical Assistance support to extend contract for three months. If extension needs to be longer than that, we will have to do another emergency contract.
    Graduate Public Service Intern (GPSI): The Committee voted to move to Executive Committee for final decision. If the students have not accepted new positions or they don't like what was offered to them, they can intern with the Commission. If they have acquired new internships, they can stay where they are. Motion was made by Commissioner Griffin. Motion seconded by Commissioner Straza. All in favor. None opposed. No abstained. Motion passed.
    1. Results Based Accountability: Will address at Executive meeting due to time constraints.
    2. Reentry RFP Update: Will address at Executive meeting due to time constraints.
    3. Research Assistant Position: Will address at Executive meeting due to time constraints.
  6. New Business: None.
  7. Adjournment. Chairman Timberlake made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded by Commissioner Jacobs. All in favor. Meeting adjourned at 11:02 AM.