QE = QIDP Continuing Education

Reimbursement may be requested for 12 hours QIDP Continuing Education (QE) once per Illinois State Fiscal Year except when the initial 40-hour Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional (QIDP) training end date is within the same Illinois State Fiscal Year.

To Be Eligible for Payment Consideration

  • DDD does not reimburse staff training reimbursement requests for individuals in advance.  The Staff Training Reimbursement Request, either initial submission or resubmission, can be processed if received over the 12-month time frame, and for those Staff Training Reimbursement Requests received after the lapse time period following the end of the fiscal year with training end dates of July 1, 2009 and after. This alleviates community providers submitting billings through the Court of Claims. DDD is able to continue this process, as long as no changes are made to the language of the State Finance Act (30 ILCS 105/1) and the Department's appropriation that allows for this practice.
  • QIDPs, employed by the provider, must receive 40 hours of basic training on a DHS approved course if employed after October 1, 1999.  QIDPs employed by the provider must receive 12 hours of DHS approved continuing education units (CEU) per State of Illinois Fiscal Year (July 1 - June 30).

    Documentation of 12 hours of CEUs annually (July 1 - June 30) must also be maintained for each QIDP.  The CEU requirement excludes the fiscal year in which the QIDP completed the initial 40 hours of QIDP training.  The Staff Training Reimbursement Request will not be considered with a 40-hour QIDP training end date and 12 hour QIDP Continuing Education (QE) training end date within the same Illinois State Fiscal Year (July 1 - June 30).

    Individuals must satisfactorily complete an approved QIDP training program at an approved training site by an approved instructor. DDD will verify that the billing agency has an approved QIDP training program and an approved instructor on file with the Department.

    The Staff Training Reimbursement Request will not be considered with a QIDP training end date prior to DDD's QIDP approval date.  Staff Training Reimbursement Request will not be considered with a QIDP Continuing Education training end date prior to DDD's QIDP approval date.

    When submitting the Staff Training Reimbursement Request, possible reimbursement for 40-hour QIDP training or 12-hour QE will be rejected if the QIDP name, social security number or employing agency number does not match the QIDP registry.  Agencies need to keep the QIDP Registry up-to-date.  You may do this by contacting DDD at DHS.BQM@illinois.gov.

    The 12 hour QIDP Continuing Education must be billed at one time. Partial hours, if submitted, will be reimbursed but no additional hours will be accepted for this individual for the same fiscal year.

  • The TABE is not reimbursed with this training type.  Please leave blank or indicate "NA" on the Staff Training Reimbursement Request.