September 14, 2011 Planning and Grants Sub-Committee Meeting


Open to the general public.


September 14, 2011
9:00 -11:00 AM


  • 823 E Monroe - Springfield, IL 
  • 401 S Clinton 7th Floor - Chicago, IL


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Status of Funds
    1. Title II
    2. Title V
  5. Results Based Accountability
  6. Reentry RFP Update
  7. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
    1. BARJ
    2. JDAI
    3. DMC
    4. Communications
  8. Youth Membership
  9. Other
  10. New Business
  11. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order: The Meeting was called to order at 9:14AM.
  2. Roll Call: IJJC Chairman George Timberlake, Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Commissioners George Hill, Pamela Rodriguez, Wayne Straza, Rod Ahitow, Gene Griffin by phone. Guests: Ravenn Moore for Commissioner Franco-Payne, Ron Smith, Rob Vickery, Lisa Dadavo and Susan Witkin.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Hill made a motion to approve the minutes of the August 10, 2011 meeting. Commissioner Pam Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. August 10, 2011 minutes approved. Minutes from the July 13, 2011 will be resent for editing.
  4. Status of Funds
    1. Title II - Karrie Rueter reported that OJJDP had approved the request for a non-cost extension of FFY09 funds, which will allow expenditure of these funds for an additional 12 months. She also reported that we have submitted a revised budget for FFY09 and FFY10 funds, to accommodate the Commission's reentry priorities and projects and also noted that FFY09 funds are being spent down to avoid lapsing funds. We have not yet received approval from OJJDP. Ms. Rueter also reported that Illinois had been notified that additional funds had been allocated to Title II by OJJDP, and that Illinois' share would be $84,000. Because of the short turn-around required, these funds were added it to original contract and DHS submitted a budget revision to accommodate these funds and designated them for the reentry project line in FFY11. Karrie asked if there were questions about Title II and indicated that she will have handouts for Commission meeting next week.
    2. Title V - There were no changes to report; this funding line continues to support the local juvenile domestic battery pilot sites. Karrie reported on a new DMC federal demonstration grant to Illinois in the amount of $50,000 which falls under the Title V umbrella. As with other Title V grants, this funding must go to a Unit of Local Government and requires a 50% match. Commissioner Pamela Rodriguez will work with staff on an implementation plan for this grant. (Note: Following the September meetings, it was learned that there had been a communications error and Illinois will not be receiving this demonstration grant.  It will receive $50,000 for general OJJDP Title V grant.) 
    3. Status of Compliance -Commissioners asked if there was any further indication from OJJDP regarding our DMC compliance and the impact, if any, on funding levels and availability. Staff indicated that we had not yet received the letter expected from OJJDP discussing our DMC compliance. Karrie further explained that DHS submits an update to OJJDP on Core Requirement Compliance each March and typically receive a communication in response in September. Compliance letters for status offender, jail removal and sight / sound requirements are typically sent first, and Illinois has been deemed in full compliance on those requirements. Analysis of DMC compliance usually takes longer, because OJJDP receives and reviews a full DMC plan from states each year.  Commissioner Rodriguez asked about the impact on funding if Illinois is deemed out of compliance on the DMC requirement. Karrie replied that if we are found out of compliance quarterly reporting will likely be required, but she is not clear at this time about the loss of funding and which year would be affected. She noted that Illinois has been selected as a pilot state for the reporting tool and will have a meeting at the upcoming OJJDP Training Meeting to discuss it. Karrie Rueter, Julie Stremlau, Dick Walsh, Ron Smith and Miguel Millett will be attending the conference. DOC and DJJ staff are also attending. Commissioner Griffin is presenting at the conference.
  5. Results Based Accountability - Chairman Jacobs reported that the September Commission meeting we will continue the development of RBA outcomes and measures for the Commission's work.
  6. Reentry RFP Update - People affiliated with organizations which may be applying for reentry funding were asked to leave the meeting. Commissioner Hill asked why this was required, since Commission meetings are open meetings, with minutes posted on the Internet. There was extended discussion of what is and is not required by the new procurement processes, but no clear determination reached. Commissioner Pam Rodriguez left the meeting for the discussion of the projects and Request for Proposals in development. No handouts or written materials discussing the reentry projects were circulated. Rob Vickery provided a report on timelines and processes. He reminded Commissioners that the purpose of this RFP is to promote and support juvenile reentry programs that produce positive outcomes with youth leaving DJJ facilities and which demonstrate the impact of youth-focused after-care services and strategies. He noted that the Commission has indicated an intent to fund one or more projects in Cook County and one outside of Cook which will need to include case management/case planning, since there are no Youth and Family Specialists outside Cook County. Based on Commission discussion, the RFP will state that "one or more" projects will be considered outside Cook County.
    Rob discussed the outcomes identified by the Commission, through the RBA process, for inclusion in the RFP, including reduced re-incarceration, reduced rates of re-arrest, improved youth functioning and independence and increased education achievement and employment. He also discussed the process for interested applicants to submit a letter of intent within 10 days of RFP issuance and voluntary (but highly recommended) participation in a two-part grant information conference held to provide guidance and to present the RBA mode, with a span of a 2-3 weeks between conferences to allow time for questions to arise to be asked at the second conference. Applicants will then have an additional couple of weeks to finalize their proposals. 
    Karrie noted that the RFP is in draft form, and if we get approval from the Commission at next week's meeting, we will hit our targeted contract start date of January 1, 2012. Karrie clarified that proposals must utilize an RBA format to be considered for funding. Karrie added that the term of the RFP will be 36 months, with annual review of grantees to determine if funding will continue. We also have the ability to create two one-year extensions, if it is decided to continue. Commissioner Hill raised concerns that Commissioners are not allowed to review the written RFP prior to issuance and that there doesn't appear to be a mechanism for the Commission to interview applicants / potential grantees prior to the issuance of a grant. He indicated that both steps had been allowed previously and both processes contributed greatly to the quality of the RFP itself and of the projects funded. He asked why, if this is funding to be allocated by the Commission, Commissioners cannot review the RFP or meet with potential grantees. Karrie assured them that she has been looking into this from past JJ Specialists and all have agreed that this is the way it has been done in the past. Karrie further stressed that she includes and seeks guidance from the Commission whenever possible. She stated that Senate Bill 51 defines the RFP process and has put the Procurement Office as the overseer of this process. Commissioner Straza added that we should voice the Commission's disapproval of these limitations to the Governor's Office and seek a written decision from the Attorney General. Commissioner Jacobs asked for any additional recommendations for inclusion in the RFP. Karrie asked if Chairman Timberlake thinks it would be best to have other Commissioners review the draft and he is not opposed to that. Karrie needs to have identified proposal reviewers from Planning and Grants. Commissioners Jacobs, Straza and Chairman Timberlake volunteered. Karrie would like to send the RFP to Procurement within the next week and will include the list of reviewers with the RFP. Karrie would like this committee to send the RFP to Full Commission based on the edits suggested in this meeting. Chairman Timberlake made a motion that the Commission vote on the RFP with the parameters and amendments suggested in this meeting. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion, but he would like to meet face-to-face with proposed awardees at a Planning and Grants Committee meeting. 
    Karrie will check to see if we can do that under the new procurement laws. All in favor. None opposed. Motion carries.
  7. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
    1. BARJ - No report.
    2. JDAI - Contract with Jeff Bradley expires at the end of this month. It will be on the Commission meeting agenda.
    3. DMC- No report.
    4. Communications - Chairman Jacobs reported that the Committee is editing the Reentry report based on the comments received. The Committee is also working on "Raise the Age" report, data analysis and survey which is on track and will be completed in November. She reported the Commission is launching the SB2151 Juvenile Sex Offender project and will be convening an initial meeting on September 15, 2011 at Loyola. Susan Witkin will take the lead on the data analysis and will attend the meeting by phone. The JSO report workgroup currently consists of Commissioners Pam Rodriguez, Gene Griffin, Ben Roe, Dana Weiner, Rick Velasquez, Edith Crigler, Arthur Bishop, Julie Biehl and Lisa Jacobs. If you are not on that list and interested in attended, please contact Commissioner Jacobs.
  8. Youth Membership - Before Planning and Grants would make decisions on funding youth engagement activities, we would seek guidance from the Commission to identify our actual goals for engaging youth. Chairman Timberlake reported that this issue will be on the agenda next week and Phil Lee will be leading the discussion, using RBA framework, to identify out youth engagement goals and strategies. Karrie added that the packet for the Commission meeting will include the DJJ youth engagement model document.
    Virtual HS Concept Paper - Chairman Jacobs reported that she has followed up with Joan Brody and Roseanna Ander and explained that we are not in a position to fund activities posed in the concept papers presented, but that the Commission would like to learn more about where DJJ, Cook County and the State are going in terms of using technology with the kids in detention. As their plans unfold we may find a role for the Commission in it. She also asked Joan for a more descriptive write-up of that planning grant where we discussed what we learned about how the system functions now, where there are gaps, and how the Commission can have a role in addressing gaps such as policy and law around record sharing between a home school and DJJ. We expect the report for the November Commission meeting. Chairman Timberlake reported that Director Bishop has contacted Director Koch and they plan to meet with ISBE before the November meeting. Chairman Jacobs reported that Roseanna Ander has remained very engaged with this concept and is working to build a relationship with the White House Office of Science and Technology to seek support for the work in Illinois. Commissioner Ahitow informed the Committee that there are guidelines for teachers working in the adult and juvenile centers. He would be happy to share that with Chairman Timberlake and Director Koch of ISBE. We may want to get involved in the process but not funding.
  9. Other:
    First Defense Legal Aid (FDLA):  Committee Chair Jacobs reminded Commissioners that, at the June meeting, we considered FDLA's proposal for funding to continue the same activities for another year. At that meeting, the Commission decided that FDLA must modify its current activities and strategies to better align with the Commission's goals of long-term systems improvement if the organization wished to continue to receive funding.  To support this transition, the Commission continued funding for one quarter of SFY12, which ends September 30, 2011 and requested that FDLA submit a proposal that coincides with the Commission's goal. FDLA's new proposal was included in the handouts. Commissioner Jacobs provided an overview of the proposal and asked the Committee whether this proposal has system change potential. Chairman Timberlake wants more details on what role ICJIA will play in this proposal and what the Commission will get from it. He further explained that he would like to know if what they have done in the past has had an effect on individual youth or the juvenile system. Commissioner Hill questioned the total budget of the agency and how much of it goes to juveniles versus legal services for adults. Chairman Timberlake agreed that this was problematic. Commissioner Griffin indicated he did not support the proposal because it does not clearly advance systems change and does not clearly use JJDP Act funds to serve primarily youth. Commissioner Rodriguez stated that FDLA has provided what we requested and proposes important work with law enforcement and schools; she indicated that she views the proposal favorably. Commissioner Jacobs added the proposal has strong potential for causing an impact on how to track juvenile arrests in Chicago.
    Commissioners continued to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the proposal and identified several other questions FDLA should answer prior to a funding determination.  Commissioner Hill commented that if we continue to ask for revisions to proposals, the Planning and Grants Committee should vote yes or no to fund the program.Commissioner Griffin wants to know if it will be possible to fund selective parts of the proposal. Chairman Timberlake suggested that without seeing the results of previous funding it's hard to fund further. Commissioner Jacobs agreed to ask FDLA to provide additional information regarding its overall organizational budget, the budgets for each proposed project and whether the projects are severable. She also agreed to ask for more information on the evaluation collaboration proposed with ICJIA. Commissioner Jacobs made a motion that the Planning and Grants Committee not make a recommendation for or against funding at this time, but that the full Commission review the additional information provided and make a final funding decision at the September meeting. Chairman Timberlake seconded; all in favor, none opposed. Motion
    Pending RFP's:
      Karrie reported that two RFPs have been sent out for review.One specifically focuses on support, training and technical assistance for youth services and one that specifically focuses on juvenile justice issues, including support to the Commission and to Redeploy Illinois projects and activities.  One application was received for the juvenile justice activities. Karrie reported that a meeting of all of the reviewers will take place on Monday, September 19, 2011 to discuss the applications and at the end of the meeting they will have a recommendation for funding. When a selection is made the procurement office will negotiate the price and discuss this with Karrie. Chairman Timberlake will be included in the conversation.
  10. New Business: No report.
  11. Adjournment: Motion to adjourn was made by Chairman Timberlake. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 11:16 AM.