July 28, 2011 Communications Sub-Committee Meeting


Open to the general public.


July 28, 2011
2:00 -4:00 PM


  • Chicago Metropolis 2020
    2020 30 W. Monroe
    13th floor
    Chicago, IL 60603
    823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL  62701


  1. Call to Order 
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of minutes
  4. Review of mandated reports: Status updates
    1. SB1725 Juvenile Reentry Improvement Study
      1. Status Update of Release Studies
    2. Raise the Age
      1. Status Update 
    3. SB2151 - Sex Offender Bill
      1. Review of work-plan and next steps
  5. Other Items / Next Steps
  6. Next meeting date
  7. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 2:13PM.
  2. Roll Call: Chairman Esther Franco-Payne, Commissioners Lisa Jacobs, Dana Weiner, Michael Rodriguez, Chairman Timberlake and Commissioner Julie Biehl by phone.
    Guests: Niya Kelly, Soledad McGrath, Stephanie Kollman; Guests: Susan Witkin, Peter Mulhall by phone.
    Staff: Lin Ferguson, Julie Stremlau, Jeff Bradley, Karrie Rueter.
  3. Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Jacobs made a motion to approve the minutes with corrections. Commissioner Weiner seconded the motion. All in favor. None opposed. Motion passed.
  4. Review of mandated reports: Status updates
    1. SB 1725 Juvenile Reentry Improvement Study: Commissioner Biehl reported that she is drafting a letter to the PRB requesting for data and process they use for preliminary hearings. She will have it ready next week but doesn't know who should approve it. Chairman Franco-Payne thinks the Communications Committee could approve the letter. She and Chairman Timberlake have meetings scheduled in mid August with Anna Stratton and Meg Ryan to discuss reentry. The report is in draft form. Our goal is to meet with legislators and other stakeholders to prepare them for the release of the report and to get them involved in the recommendations within the report. The plan is to meet with everyone on the list by September to have it ready by the Veto Session.
      Status update of Release Strategies: Preparing for release by talking to legislators and stakeholders on list developed by Committee and getting their support for the recommendations before the Veto Session or by September.
    2. Raise the Age
      Status Update:
      Stephanie distributed copies of her report. The plan is for a qualitative study and we are on track with timelines. Without additional time we are unable to provide the quantitative portion of the study that would reveal cost saving benefits. Stakeholders around the state will be contacted to complete the survey and move forward with this study.
      Commissioner Jacobs addressed Peter Mulhall and Susan Witkin telling them that the Raise the Age Study illustrates our needs and potential role as a Commission in doing the type of gathering, analysis and recommendation on policy based on solid data and also identify the gaps that we know exist in the State. She reported that CPRD is working with the Committee on the JMIS data system which is one of the most complete and solid data bases available to the Commission. This project and the Juvenile Sex Offender Bill that will be discussed later to illustrate our role, needs and things that we hope to explore with CPRD in terms of analysis and data gathering moving forward. Peter responded that their goal is to be reactive and responsive as well as proactive as issues come up. Stephanie Kollman thanked Susan Witkin for her quick response on technical support request.
      Stephanie reported that Raise the Age timeline is projected out to November 1, 2011. This time line allows plenty of time for revisions and writing at the end of the project. First round of detailed data request and letters to stakeholders will go out on Monday. She plans to speak with researchers in other states that have published similar studies on line to get their perspective. The first deliverable date is a summary of what other states have done is set at August 22, 2011 and the first set of data from the stakeholders should be back by that date also. She built in a second round of data requests which will be available in mid-September. Preliminary data from ICJIA for calendar year 2010 showed that 17 year-olds arrested on misdemeanors fell markedly below but there wasn't a corresponding increase in felony arrests. Chairman Franco-Payne asked if CPRD would ask about their data collection/assimilation methods, particularly the JISK, because she has unanswered questions about that.
    3. SB2151 - Sex Offender Bill: Niya Kelly and Soledad McGrath explained their capacity concerning the bill. The Commission has a plan to look at the legal portion and best practice analysis but doesn't have a plan for data. Soledad reported that Loyola will research this in depth as it relates to juveniles. The outline is preliminary and it maps out what the report would look like, what kind of information is needed and who would be most effective in fulfilling these roles. They will look at how a case progresses through the system and what types of cases get classified as juvenile sex offenses. The data piece lists what types of services are currently being offered locally, statewide and nationally. They will include evidence based practices and how they want to proceed with that. Commissioner Biehl stated that the report refers to "IJJC" and she wants to include the names of Commissioners who are assigned certain tasks rather than referring to the Commission. Chairman Franco-Payne suggested the Committee develop an outline or plan for Loyola with tasks and timelines of what needs to be done. Commissioner Biehl agreed and suggested a draft letter on behalf of the Commission for Chairman Timberlake's signature to introduce this project to entities from who we will be seeking assistance. A letter will also be sent to Directors Bishop and McEwen alerting them of the work being done in conjunction with the Capstone project from Northwestern researchers. Commissioner Jacobs suggested that we build a model that can be used for all of the Committee's projects that outlines the steps and timelines. Commissioner Biehl asked Soledad to get the names and dates of birth for the people working in the facilities on the project to Beth Compton. Commissioner Jacobs suggested that we map out data questions from which we can develop a plan using the Raise the Age Project to determine what we want to know and what we need to ask of people at the state and local levels.
      Commissioner Jacobs asked if it would make sense for CPRD, and anyone interested to start on the data map to identify what information we want to get from the registrations. She volunteered to work on getting the data. Chairman Franco-Payne added that we need to set our own timeline. She would like to work parallel to the discussion of 1040. Soledad said that ideally she will have this completed by the next legislative session. Chairman Timberlake asked that they draft a letter describing what they plan to do and address it to the full Commission, because there may be broad interest in this project. Race, ethnicity, gender, geographic origin and offense are the topics Commissioner Jacobs wants to include at all points identified. She wants to start to draft a description of what they will be doing and collaborate between Loyola, CPRD and any other Commissioners that want to participate. Commissioner Franco-Payne asked Susan Witkin if CPRD has the capacity to develop a preliminary cost analysis of current responses for incarceration or do we need to look at national research to determine the cost. Susan will discuss with Peter Mulhall and get back with an answer. Chairman Timberlake asked if we could include that analysis into the data collection and noted it would not be precise as it varies widely across the State. AOIC will have data on the costs but may not be able to break it down by location. Chairman Timberlake wants objective data in this area that can be used in the report. Chairman Franco-Payne stated she feels the Commission is in good shape and we want to assure what the legislation is asking for and to assure what the data collection will give us. Commissioner Jacobs asked if we need a smaller work group to deal with this issue rather than using the Communications Committee as the venue for discussion. Commissioner Franco-Payne stated that a small team analyzed the data collected by Loyola, CPRD and Northwestern. Commissioner Weiner assisted with the DOC data before they brought it back to the Communications Committee. Commissioner Biehl added that there were other non-commissioners that were interested in the subject that did a lot of work. Commissioner Franco-Payne added it might be worthwhile to enlist additional people to work on this such as Sara Sullivan to help with the project. Next steps: Get work started on the data map.
  5. Other Items / Next Steps: As reported at the Commission meeting we received alerts from the Feds that JBAG and Title V funds were eliminated and Title II was cut 50% from last year. Karrie sent an e-mail on July 22, 2011 warning the Committee of the cuts and advising a response should be prepared. Chairman Franco-Payne wants to develop a concrete plan for next steps and a point person named. She then wants a plan in place for how the Committee's response can be most efficiently presented to the Commission. Chairman Timberlake suggested that every commissioner send a letter to the two senators. Julie and Lin will send out to the Commissioners a draft letter. He will ask Jim Bray whether it is better to have 25 different letters or one letter signed by the Chair. Michael Rodriguez has agreed to be the emergency legislative liaison for the Committee. He invited Chairman Timberlake to talk to Representative Lisa Hernandez with him. Commissioners Jacobs and Rodriguez agreed that we need to identify a larger group of supporters. Betsy Clarke and IBARJ will be contacted by Chairman Timberlake and an e-mail with the draft letter will be sent to Commissioners and they will be asked to enlist others interested for their support.
    Chairman Timberlake had a short meeting with Senator Radogno, Republican Senate Leader. She brought up public safety question and he responded to her fear of the people's safety in relation to early release. She put out a comment on the report to the Republican Senators. Senator Johnson received her comment just before he met with him this morning, but he didn't share the content of the comment. Senator Johnson was open to this but since he is not running for reelection and was appointed to his senate seat, he has a different position. He is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee. He is protective of the function of PRB and thinks they are the last bastion of public safety and treatment. Chairman Timberlake agreed that it is important for DJJ to assess, evaluate, and then case manage with a youth family consultant. On the Democratic side he was directed to Dave Ellis from the Representative Madigan's Office. He was very supportive. His suggestions are: 1) a request for a subject matter hearing would be met with a positive response if it came from a member; 2) if we have a champion on the Democrat side, the speaker would take that seriously and go with what the member requested. He will meet with Republican Leader Cross next Friday and has more meetings scheduled later. Commissioner Biehl suggested meeting with Representative Robyn Gabel. He plans to do that with Betsy Clark and invited Commissioner Biehl to attend.
  6. Next Meeting date: The meeting will be moved to Commissioner Biehl's office starting August 25, 2011 and the time will be changed to noon-2:00. Jeff Bradley asked if social marketing could be added to the August agenda. Commissioner Biehl agreed.
  7. Adjournment: Commissioner Michael Rodriguez made a motion to adjourn. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 3:46 PM.