May 11, 2011 Planning & Grants Sub-Committee Meeting


Open to the general public.


May 11, 2011
9:00 -11:00 AM


  • 160 N LaSalle, 10th Floor
    Chicago, IL 60601
  • 100 S Grand, Think Tank
    Springfield, IL  62704


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Committee Membership
  4. Approval of Minutes
  5. Results Based Accountability Update 
  6. Reentry RFP Development 
  7. Open RFP Concepts
  8. DJJ Screening and Assessment Implementation
  9. Review of Current Commission Grants
    1. Transportation
    2. First Defense Legal Aid (FDLA)
    3. Domestic Battery Pilot
  10. Research Assistant Position
  11. New Business
  12. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 9:11AM. 
  2. Roll Call: IJJC Chairman Timberlake, Chairman Jacobs, Commissioners George Hill, Wayne Straza, Rodney Ahitow, Esther Franco-Payne and Edith Crigler. Quorum declared present.
    Staff: Lin Ferguson, Karrie Rueter, Julie Stremlau.
  3. Approval of Minutes: No minutes available due to a request for further review by Committee Chair.
  4. Committee Membership: A few Commissioners have been replaced by the Governor's office. New committee members will be suggested and approved by Chairman Timberlake.
  5. Results Based Accountability Update: We want to assure that what we have on paper reflects Commission's goals, activities and funding. At the June Retreat we will have an entire packet that will map out what we plan to put into practice.
    Headline Performance Measures: This document defines what the Commission's role in terms of the customers it serves, the services is provides to those customers and the desired impact of the services on or for IJJC's customers. What changes in policy and practices in the system can address these factors so the system performs better.The Commission should perform analysis on those factors and then provide to policy makers and practitioners timely information in a user-friendly format to create change. The Commission exists to test the efficacy of policies and practices and provide the knowledge to decision makers and policy makers about those policies and practices which will guide how the system works. This Commission also has a role to collaborate with others beyond the system to identify the gaps in the way the State works relative to youth that others should play a role in filling.
    Commissioner Hill stated that the Commission funds as necessary to maintain compliance with federal regulations and it is necessary, at times, to provide direct services to kids. Phil Lee clarified that the Commission does have a stop gap role but it should strive to get the State to spend the money necessary to keep programs running without intervention of the Commission. Commissioner Hill added that the Commission is not a line item but does provide stop gap funding to avoid problems in the JJ community. Phil Lee agreed that this work can be redrafted to include Commissioner Hill's premise, but the primary role of the Commission must stay as effecting change in the system. Commissioner Straza added that the stakeholders are not only the members of the community or those that are benefiting from the services, but all of the representatives of the districts who have the power to influence change or to act on policy. Karrie added that the Reentry Project is a question that we need to address relative to this discussion. Phil Lee added that the RFP for Reentry will be presented as a demonstration project and cutting edge.
    IJJC Headline Performance Measures:  This section identifies how the Commission will gauge how well the services identified are provided. The youth served by the demonstration projects are the customers as well as are the systems, agencies. The Commission wants to assure that its objectives/goals have impact. Policy makers use valid, reliable, accessible data analogy in their decision making. IJJC Demonstration Projects provide credible assessment of the policy changes and practices that were designed to test and demonstrate. We must identify a feedback loop that the Commission can use to determine success. How well do we do the work can be measured by assessing the clarity and timeliness of information provided to policy makers and practitioners; the clarity and timeliness of RFPs; the 
    quality of collaboration and partnership with stakeholders; timeliness of grant processes; and percent of OJJDP Act deadlines met on a timely basis. The impact can be measured by: Information provided is used; the project demonstrated its designed purpose; positive outcomes can be measured; JJDP Act requirements are met; track funding for increase; and strategic use of funding and resources.
    Framing Reentry Study:By driving change in policy and practices by putting it into the RBA format. This will become the Commission's official plan on re-entry which can be built upon. What part of the system do you review to determine if reentry is effective.The plan was discussed in steps.  Youth outcomes, measures of success, cost effectiveness, the most important factors for the success or lack of and what do we propose in policy and procedure to address needed improvements.  Commissioner Straza suggested that we project the cost of keeping a youth incarcerated throughout his life and publish that as an incentive to put money into these programs. Chairman Jacobs has already asked that the cost of failed juvenile justice practices be calculated. Clarification on the terms was defined as: Release - release from institution to parole status. Discharge - discharged because of age and moving to the adult side or discharge from parole.
    Identifying Headline Measures:  Commissioner Ahitow wants to clarify that the educational level of the youth should be measured upon incarceration and upon release from the institution and again at release from parole. Commissioner Franco-Payne suggested that the assessment be made and DJJ have a part of that role. Karrie suggested we assure that the entity being paid to make the assessment is doing the assessment. Commissioner Jacobs suggested that we refrain from making a rule where the youth is kept incarcerated until they have a high school or GED diploma, but assure educational progress and provide links so they can access educational services once they are released from the institution. Karrie wants to demonstrate the need for policy makers to look at reentry services in a different way by educating them on the educational level of kids being released. Commissioner Franco-Payne suggested that we don't track the correct things, which allows kids to become better criminals and go into the adult system. The group prioritized the factors driving the youths success or lack of on discharge of parole.  Karrie Rueter reported that RIOB, advocacy before incarceration, is an example of individual advocacy that is successful in Illinois. 1) Ongoing positive adult mentor/advocate relationship, available at discharge, which will make the best use of the funds spent to rehabilitate youth; 2) Drug treatment, mental health program is imperative including the education component. These need to be treated together if more than one issue is present, not separately. 3) While incarcerated interaction with staff is important to a youth's self image. Chairman Timberlake added that Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is important and proven that atmosphere is crucial to a youth's success after discharge. 4) Engaging the community - RIOB as an example and using alternative activities to keep kids from committing crimes. Policy and practice. Chairman Timberlake reported that councils are necessary but not sufficient. 5) Holding grantees accountable (performance measures). 
  6. Reentry RFP Development: Updated draft. Need recommendation to present to Commission on May 19, 2011. Commissioner Hill asked why we are spending $350,000 in Cook County and $150,000 downstate, since the State is putting a lot of money in Cook County for the same project Neighborhood Recovery Initiative (NRI). He would like to see an equal split of $250,000 in Cook County and $250,000 downstate. Chairman Jacobs responded that 1) 40% of the kids leaving DJJ return to Cook County; 2) After care specialists would be complemented and provide positive outcomes to present the best case for future funding; 3) Less structured in Cook not covering all of the neighborhood, systems improvement, serving larger numbers and NRI funds are not providing transitional housing.
    Karrie Rueter asked if we would be targeting only communities that did not receive NRI money. Chairman Jacobs responded that areas receiving NRI money can apply for Commission money but they have to make the case that what they are planning is not being done already. Commissioner Jacobs added that we are trying to present the efficacy of a holistic, comprehensive reentry support and some of it will be the case management provided by the after care specialists. If a NRI community/agency receives Commission funds, they have to report outcome information on what they are doing with that money. DJJ is a partner in this program and has to be accountable helping us understand what the after care specialists are doing, being responsive to our systems improvement suggestions and Director Bishop has said that he is willing to do that if it helps provide successful reentry. Chairman Timberlake made a motion to move the RFP on to the full Commission for discussion, as written, with no approval from the Planning and Grants Committee. Motion seconded by Commissioner Hill. All in favor. None opposed. Motion approved.
  7. Open RFP Concepts: Will be addressed at Retreat in June.
  8. DJJ Screening and Assessment Implementation: Unable to discuss due to time constraints, will address at Retreat in June.
  9. Review of Current Commission Grants: Unable to discuss due to time constraints, will address at the Retreat in June.
    1. Transportation
    2. First Defense Legal Aid (FDLA)
    3. Domestic Battery Pilot
  10. Research Assistant Position: Communications Committee presented a proposal for funding of a full-time support assistant position to do research, data collection and writing for up to $120,000. Karrie suggested that, as written, it proposes a person for research and staff assistant. We want a research entity to support Commission business as a role and a function not another staff person. Chairman Timberlake made a motion to move with Karrie's edits. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion approved.
  11. New Business: None noted
  12. Adjournment: Chairman Timberlake made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Commissioner Hill. All in favor. Motion approved. Meeting adjourned at 12:20PM.