Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission
Planning and Grants Committee
9:00AM - 10:00AM
55 East Monroe 30th Floor
Chicago, IL 60603
- Call to Order
- Roll Call
- Approval of Minutes
- DJJ/VDISC Funding Request
- New Business
- Planning & Next Meetings
- Adjournment
I. Call to Order
Meeting called to order at 9:24am.
II. Roll Call
Present: Lisa Jacobs, Roseanna Ander, Chairman George Timberlake, Gene Griffin and Rick Velasquez. Quorum present.
Staff: Julie Stremlau, Ron Smith, Dick Walsh, Karrie Rueter.
III. Approval of Minutes
Commissioner Griffin motioned to approve September 24, 2010 minutes, Commissioner Ander seconded the motion. Minutes approved. Commissioner Ander motioned to approve December 16, 2010 minutes. Commissioner Griffin seconded the motion. All in favor, minutes approved.
IV. DJJ/VDISC Funding Request
Commissioner Jacobs reported that, pursuant to the Committee meeting on January 12th, she and Commission Chair Timberlake had sought additional information regarding the proposal of the Department of Juvenile Justice for funding to support continued use of the VDISC mental health assessment tool. She indicated that, while the Department had provided detailed responses to the Commission's requests for additional information in the discussions, Director Bishop and his staff would be following up with a written document providing this information for review by Commissioners.
In the meantime, Commissioners discussed the additional information provided and noted the Department's response that a mental health assessment / diagnostic tool was currently needed, and that the Department would assess both the utility of the tools in place and the results they produce in the coming year, with the intention of sustaining effective screening and assessment protocols internally. Commissioner Griffin motioned that Planning and Grants review the written documentation, timelines and project budget provided by the Department in support of this proposal and for Planning and Grants to make a recommendation to the Executive Committee regarding funding, with final approval authority to the Executive Committee. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
V. New Business
Commissioners discussed the training and support contract that Youth Network Council currently holds and Karrie Rueter explained the options before the Commission in reissuing the "federal" portion of this contract, through a Request for Proposals (RFP) process. She noted that this RFP can be a joint contract which would combine the state youth services and federal juvenile justice resources, or that the Commission could decide it recommends a separate RFP for the activities it seeks. One advantage noted from separating the juvenile justice activities and funds from youth services activities and funds is a wider potential range of applicants from which to choose a contractor. Ms. Rueter explained that the timeline is very short and if we are going to separate these RFP's we need a decision by the February 9th meeting. The Planning and Grants Committee agreed to review and make further recommendations to the Executive Committee and/or full Commission, depending upon timeline constraints.
VI. Planning & Next Meetings
The next Planning and Grants Meeting is scheduled for February 9, 2011.
VII. Adjournment
Commissioner Griffin motioned to adjourn. Chairman Timberlake seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 10:11am.