ICFDD - LTD Rates Update (12-31-15)

This mid-year Update features ICFDD and SNF/Ped information as of June 30, 2013, on licensed bed capacities, current Medicaid recipients, residential facility rates, developmental training rates, and a summary of the Inspection of Care (IOC) data for all facilities.

You may address questions, requests, and comments to:

Email: dhs.dhsltcdd@illinois.gov  

Phone: (217) 524-9057

Licensed Bed Capacities By Facility Type and Geographic Area

and Greater
and Fewer
SNF/Peds Totals
Geographic Area Beds Ind. Beds Ind. Beds Ind. Beds Ind.
1 & 10 132 131 392 378 184 178 708 687
2 & 4 353 115 652 599 193 180 1,198 894
3 99 94 383 373 0 0 482 467
5 199 193 511 453 0 0 710 646
6, 7, 8 1,152 1,115 821 791 548 365 2,521 2,271
9 0 0 256 246 0 0 256 246
11 439 408 400 367 0 0 839 775
Statewide 2,374 2,056 3,415 3,207 925 723 6,714 5,986

Note: ICF/DD 17 or more includes ICF/DD that are dually licensed for geratric and DD (Duals), SLC and large campus facilities. ICF/DD with less than 16 beds includes 4-bed, 6-bed, and large campus facilities having 16 beds or less. Recipient information is as of June 30, 2012, and "private pay" persons are not included as recipients.

Weighted Average Residential Per Diem Rates By Facility Type and Geographic Area

Geographic Area ICF/DD 17
or more
ICF/DD 16 bed
or less
1 & 10 - $179.51 $176.58 $193.65 $133.92 -
2 & 4 $213.78* - $167.35 $178.07 $120.04 -
3 $123.82 - - $188.42 $117.88 -
5 $152.74 - - - $114.27 -
6, 7, & 8 $147.69 $160.27 $203.58 $221.15 $158.30 $187.93
9 - - - $202.33 $154.22 -
11 $140.11 $136.57 - $210.26 $118.63 -
Statewide $145.51 $163.96 $192.08 $199.71 $130.44 $187.93

*High rate due to rates increase for 1 of only 2 large facilities downsizing to closure.  Facility closed in 2014 and rate will return to normal range.

  • Statewide Weighted Average Rate - All types - $148.21
  • Metro Networks Weighted Average Rate (HSA 6, 7, 8, 9) - $173.58
  • Greater Illinois Networks Weighted Average Rate (HSA 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 11) - $133.25

Note: Weighted by most current Medicaid enrollments

Weighted Average Day Training Rates By Geographic Area (COS 82 DD Facility DT Rates Only)

Weighted Average Day Training Rates
Geograpic Area 1 & 10 $1,124.23
Geograpic Area 2 & 4 $1,011.62
Geograpic Area 3 $916.79
Geograpic Area 5 $972.75
Geograpic Area 6, 7, & 8 $1,144.80
Geograpic Area 9 $1,037.69
Geograpic Area 11 $981.97

Average Rate, Metro:   $1,133.63

Average Rate, Greater IL (HSA 6, 7, 8, 9) : $1,005.70

Average Rate, Statewide: (HSA 1, 2, 3 4, 5, 10, 11) $1,050.38

IOC Information by Facility Type (Using most recent unduplicated IOC information per facility)


CAMPUS Mild Mod Sev/Pro Beh0 Beh1 Beh2 Beh3 Med0 Med1 Med2 Med3 Total
Totals 22 103 256 381 0 0 0 318 0 44 19 381
Percent 5.8% 27% 67.2% 100% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 83.5% 0.0% 11.5% 5%


ICFDD Mild Mod Sev/Pro Beh0 Beh1 Beh2 Beh3 Med0 Med1 Med2 Med3 Total
Totals 129 327 1,093 1,427 59 41 22 979 17 226 327 1,549
Percent 8.3% 21.1% 70.6% 92.1% 3.8% 2.7% 1.4% 63.2% 1.1% 14.6% 21.1%

DD 16

DD 16 Mild Mod Sev/Pro Beh0 Beh1 Beh2 Beh3 Med0 Med1 Med2 Med3 Total
Totals 546 964 1,303 2,800 8 4 1 2,289 64 233 227 2,813
Percent 19.4% 34.3% 46.3% 99.5% 0.3% 0.1% 0.1% 81.4% 2.3% 8.2% 8.1%

DD 4 & 6

DD 4 & 6 Mild Mod Sev/Pro Beh0 Beh1 Beh2 Beh3 Med0 Med1 Med2 Med3 Total
Totals 17 58 117 192 1 0 0 179 6 6 2 193
Percent 9.0% 30.2% 60.8% 99.5% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% 92.7% 3.1% 3.1% 1.1%


SLC Mild Mod Sev/Pro Beh0 Beh1 Beh2 Beh3 Med0 Med1 Med2 Med3 Total
Totals 20 35 272 315 5 7 0 175 3 56 93 327
Percent 6.1% 10.7% 83.2% 96.3% 1.5% 2.2% 0.0% 53.5% 0.9% 17.2% 28.4%


SNF/PED Mild Mod Sev/Pro Beh0 Beh1 Beh2 Beh3 Med0 Med1 Med2 Med3 Total
Totals 3 11 709 707 7 6 3 7 0 101 615 723
Percent 0.4% 1.5% 98.1% 97.8% 1.0% 0.8% 0.4% 0.9% 0.0% 14.0% 85.1%


STATE Mild Mod Sev/Pro Beh0 Beh1 Beh2 Beh3 Med0 Med1 Med2 Med3 Total
Totals 737 1,498 3,751 5,822 80 58 26 3,947 90 666 1,283 5,986
Percent 10.8% 23.6% 65.6% 97.3% 1.3% 1.0% 0.4% 65.9% 1.6% 11.1% 21.4%