Human Capital Development Grants – All Funds & GRF

FY12 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds

Staff (June 30th) All Funds

FY11 Request FY11 Adj. FY11 EOY FY12 Adj. FY12 Request
Staff (June 30th) (HCD) 268.0 268.0 (101.0) 167.0

Appropriations All Funds

Appropriation Name FY11 Approp. FY11 Adj. FY11 Est. Exp. FY12 Adj. FY12 Request
Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled $30,514.7 $30,514.7 ($14,907.4) $15,607.3
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families $85,941.3 $85,941.3 $8,700.9 $94,642.2
Putting Illinois To Work (TANF) $107,000.0 $107,000.0 ($107,000.0)
State Transitional Assistance $9,636.6 $9,636.6 ($9,636.6)
State Family and Children's Assistance $1,263.6 $1,263.6 ($1,263.6)
Funeral and Burial $3,435.9 $3,435.9 ($3,435.9)
Refugee $3,855.3 $3,855.3 ($2,669.8) $1,185.5
Refugee Social Services $471.9 $471.9 ($250.1) $221.8
Immigrant Integration Services (Immigrant Services & New Americans) $4,829.7 $4,829.7 ($2,585.1) $2,244.6
Refugee Resettlement $10,494.8 $10,494.8 $41.8 $10,536.6
Child Care Services GRF $618,042.5 $618,042.5 ($333,344.7) $284,697.8
Child Care Services SPTF $130,611.1 $130,611.1 $58,887.1 $189,498.2
Great Start Program SPTF $5,200.0 $5,200.0 $5,200.0
Migrant Child Care Services $3,142.6 $3,142.6 $77.8 $3,220.4
Head Start State Collaboration $500.0 $500.0 $500.0
Emergency Food Program (GRF) $245.8 $245.8 ($12.1) $233.7
Hunger Relief Check-Off $300.0 $300.0 $300.0
Emergency Food Program (SPTF) $5,000.0 $5,000.0 $120.6 $5,120.6
Employability Development Service $17,372.7 $17,372.7 ($9,295.0) $8,077.7
Food Stamp Employment & Training $8,707.2 $8,707.2 ($4,826.9) $3,880.3
SNAP Outreach $7,000.0 $7,000.0
DOD SNAP Admin $17,000.0 $17,000.0 $17,000.0
Employment & Training Program $105,955.1 $105,955.1 $354,044.9 $460,000.0
Fed/State Employment Program $5,000.0 $5,000.0 $5,000.0
Children's Place $492.4 $492.4 ($492.4)
Crisis Nurseries $318.7 $318.7 ($318.7)
Crisis Nursery Check-Off $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
SSBG Emergency Disaster Flood Relief Fund $30,502.5 $30,502.5 ($18,702.5) $11,800.0
Donated Funds Initiative Program $22,328.0 $22,328.0 $155.7 $22,483.7
Supportive Housing (365) $3,382.5 $3,382.5 $3,382.5
Addiction Prevention (001) $2,662.6 $2,662.6 ($2,662.6)
Methamphetamine Awareness (001) $671.0 $671.0 ($671.0)
Addiction Prevention (013) $16,000.0 $16,000.0 $16,000.0
Pymt for Alcoholic Liquors (128) $150.0 $150.0 $150.0
Addiction Prevention (128) $1,050.0 $1,050.0 $1,050.0
Addiction Prevention (646) $8,309.3 $8,309.3 $8,309.3
Administrative WIC Nutrition $52,000.0 $52,000.0 $52,000.0
Farmer's Market Nutrition $1,500.0 $1,500.0 $1,500.0
Infant Mortality $41,423.9 $41,423.9 ($2,485.4) $38,938.5
WIC Program $17,230.8 $17,230.8 $17,230.8
Supportive Food Prog WIC $1,400.0 $1,400.0 $1,400.0
Free Distribution Food Supplement $251,000.0 $251,000.0 $251,000.0
Community Activities $12,969.9 $12,969.9 ($2,969.9) $10,000.0
Domestic Violence Programs $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
Domestic Violence Shelters $10,882.0 $10,882.0 ($2,085.2) $8,796.8
Domestic Violence Shelters $952.2 $952.2 $952.2
Sexual Assault Services $100.0 $100.0 $100.0
Teen Parents Services $2,923.6 $2,923.6 ($1,491.6) $1,432.0
Early Intervention Program $69,038.1 $69,038.1 $13,480.0 $82,518.1
Parents Too Soon $6,939.7 $6,939.7 $6,939.7
GEAR Up $3,500.0 $3,500.0 $3,500.0
Parents Too Soon (408) $3,701.8 $3,701.8 $3,701.8
Early Intervention Program (502) $160,000.0 $160,000.0 $160,000.0
Subtotal $1,896,149.8 $1,896,149.8 ($78,597.7) $1,817,552.1
Total Appropriation $1,896,149.8 $1,896,149.8 ($78,597.7) $1,817,552.1

FY12 Adjustments All Funds

Adjustments Description Amount
Staff (June 30th) (HCD) Transfer of ARRA and Federal SNAP staff to vacancies within HCD headcount (101.0)
Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled Reduce Benefits By 50% ($14,907.4)
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Net Increase in TANF Liability $8,700.9
Putting Illinois to Work (TANF) Eliminate Program ($107,000.0)
State Transitional Assistance Eliminate Program ($9,636.6)
State Family and Children's Assistance Eliminate Program ($1,263.6)
Funeral and Burial Eliminate Program ($3,435.9)
Refugee Reduce Program to 50% Service Level ($2,669.8)
Refugee Social Services Reduce Program to 50% Service Level ($250.1)
Immigrant Integration Services Reduce Program to 50% Service Level ($2,585.1)
Refugee Resettlement FY12 PS & F Annualizations $41.8
Child Care Services GRF Cap Children, Return to Pre-ARRA Co-Payment Levels, Reduction to 185% FPL & Reduce Non-TANF Education and Training, Shift Funding to 347 Fund ($333,344.7)
Child Care Services SPTF Increase to Federal Child Care Block Grant $58,887.1
Migrant Child Care Services FY12 PS & F Annualizations $77.8
Emergency Food Program (GRF) Reduce Emergency Food Assistance Program By 6% ($12.1)
Emergency Food Program (SPTF) FY12 PS & F Annualizations $120.6
Employability Development Service Reduce Program to 50% Service Level ($9,295.0)
Food Stamp Employment & Training Reduce Program to 50% Service Level ($4,826.9)
SNAP Outreach Convert Non-Appropriated Account Into Appropriated $7,000.0
Employment & Training Program Increase Appropriation Authority To Fund Child Care Payments $354,044.9
Children's Place Eliminate Program ($492.4)
Crisis Nurseries Shift Program to DFI ($318.7)
SSBG Emergency Disaster Flood Relief Fund Reduce Excess Appropriation Authority ($18,702.5)
Donated Funds Initiative Program FY12 PS & F Annualizations $155.7
Addiction Prevention Related Services Eliminate Program ($2,662.6)
Meth Awareness Eliminate Program ($671.0)
Infant Mortality 6% Rate Reduction ($2,485.4)
Community Activities Elimination of Excess Appropriation Authority ($2,969.9)
Domestic Violence Shelters Program Reduction ($2,085.2)
Teen Parents Services Eliminate Program; Headcount transfer to HCD ($1,491.6)
Early Intervention Program Request includes $20.0M for program liability, ($400.0K ) from 10% increase in family fees, and ($6,120.0K) from 6% rate reduction. $13,480.0

FY12 Budget - Change by Line Item - GRF

Staff (June 30th) GRF

FY11 Request FY11 Adj. FY11 EOY FY12 Adj. FY12 Request
Staff (June 30th) (HCD) 24.0 24.0 24.0

Appropriations GRF

Appropriation Name FY11 Approp. FY11 Adj. FY11 Est. Exp. FY12 Adj. FY12 Request
Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled $30,514.7 $30,514.7 ($14,907.4) $15,607.3
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families $85,941.3 $85,941.3 $8,700.9 $94,642.2
Putting Illinois To Work (TANF) $107,000.0 $107,000.0 ($107,000.0)
State Transitional Assistance $9,636.6 $9,636.6 ($9,636.6)
State Family and Children's Assistance $1,263.6 $1,263.6 ($1,263.6)
Funeral and Burial $3,435.9 $3,435.9 ($3,435.9)
Refugee $3,855.3 $3,855.3 ($2,669.8) $1,185.5
Refugee Social Services $471.9 $471.9 ($250.1) $221.8
Immigrant Integration Services (Immigrant Services & New Americans) $4,829.7 $4,829.7 ($2,585.1) $2,244.6
Child Care Services GRF $618,042.5 $618,042.5 ($333,344.7) $284,697.8
Emergency Food Program (GRF) $245.8 $245.8 ($12.1) $233.7
Employability Development Service $17,372.7 $17,372.7 ($9,295.0) $8,077.7
Food Stamp Employment & Training $8,707.2 $8,707.2 ($4,826.9) $3,880.3
Children's Place $492.4 $492.4 ($492.4)
Crisis Nurseries $318.7 $318.7 ($318.7)
Addiction Prevention (001) $2,662.6 $2,662.6 ($2,662.6)
Methamphetamine Awareness (001) $671.0 $671.0 ($671.0)
Infant Mortality $41,423.9 $41,423.9 ($2,485.4) $38,938.5
Domestic Violence Shelters $10,882.0 $10,882.0 ($2,085.2) $8,796.8
Teen Parents Services $2,923.6 $2,923.6 ($1,491.6) $1,432.0
Early Intervention Program $69,038.1 $69,038.1 $13,480.0 $82,518.1
Parents Too Soon $6,939.7 $6,939.7 $6,939.7
Subtotal $1,026,669.2 $1,026,669.2 ($477,253.2) $549,416.0
Total Appropriation $1,026,669.2 $1,026,669.2 ($477,253.2) $549,416.0

FY12 Adjustments GRF

Adjustments Description Amount
Aid to the Aged, Blind and Disabled Reduce Benefits By 50% ($14,907.4)
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Net Increase in TANF Liability $8,700.9
Putting Illinois to Work (TANF) Eliminate Program ($107,000.0)
State Transitional Assistance Eliminate Program ($9,636.6)
State Family and Children's Assistance Eliminate Program ($1,263.6)
Funeral and Burial Eliminate Program ($3,435.9)
Refugee Reduce Program to 50% Service Level ($2,669.8)
Refugee Social Services Reduce Program to 50% Service Level ($250.1)
Immigrant Integration Services Reduce Program to 50% Service Level ($2,585.1)
Child Care Services GRF Cap Children, Return to Pre-ARRA Co-Payment Levels, Reduction to 185% FPL & Reduce Non-TANF Education and Training, Shift Funding to 347 Fund ($333,344.7)
Emergency Food Program (GRF) Reduce Emergency Food Assistance Program By 6% ($12.1)
Employability Development Service Reduce Program to 50% Service Level ($9,295.0)
Food Stamp Employment & Training Reduce Program to 50% Service Level ($4,826.9)
Children's Place Eliminate Program ($492.4)
Crisis Nurseries Shift Program to DFI ($318.7)
Addiction Prevention Related Services Eliminate Program ($2,662.6)
Meth Awareness Eliminate Program ($671.0)
Infant Mortality 6% Rate Reduction ($2,485.4)
Domestic Violence Shelters Program Reduction ($2,085.2)
Teen Parents Services Eliminate Program; Headcount transfer to HCD ($1,491.6)
Early Intervention Program Request includes $20.0M for program liability, ($400.0K ) from 10% increase in family fees, and ($6,120.0K) from 6% rate reduction. $13,480.0