GRF Walk-Up

GRF Walk to DHS FY12 Introduced Budget (All Numbers in Thousands)

Category Total
GRF FY11 Estimated Spending; reflects requested supplemental $3,662,549.3
FY12 DHS GRF REQUEST $3,274,052.30
Change from FY11 Appropriation ($388,497.0)
Category SubTotal Total
Developmental Disabilities
GRF Pickup of Provider Relief One-Time Funds $100,000.0
DD Community Annualizations $5,904.3
Maintain DD Payment Cycle $136,580.7
Epilepsy Prog 250 ($724.8)
SIU Telemed ($103.6)
Dental Grants ($735.6)
FFS (in-home and residential) allocations ($3,583.1)
Grant - "voucher respite" ($1,145.8)
Grant - Group Respite ($486.5)
Eliminate Family Assistance Stipends ($720.3)
Reduce HBSS and CHBS ceilings by 10% ($2,934.9)
6% Rate Reduction ($56,209.8)
Medicaid Buy Down ($150,000.0)
Subtotal $25,840.6
Human Capital Development
Child Care Liability $146,381.0
AABD Liability $700.0
Electronic Benefits Transfer contract increase $3,874.0
Postage $2,700.0
Employment & Development Services Liability $495.0
GRF Pickup of TANF paid from 347 Fund $53,705.6
Early Intervention Program Liability $20,000.0
Eliminate Funeral & Burial ($3,435.9)
Eliminate State Transitional Assistance ($9,636.6)
Eliminate State Family & Child Assistance ($1,263.6)
Eliminate Children's Place ($492.4)
Move Crisis Nurseries to DFI ($318.7)
AABD 50% Grant Reduction ($15,607.4)
Refugees 50% Reduction in benefits ($1,185.5)
Refugee Social Services 50% Reduction in benefits ($221.8)
Immigrant Integration 50% Reduction in benefits ($2,244.7)
Employment & Development 50% Reduction in benefits ($8,077.8)
Food Stamp Employment & Training 50% Reduction in benefits ($3,880.4)
TANF Caseload Change ($6,161.3)
6% Reduction in grant programs ($1,545.8)
Immigrant Integration ($427.2)
No Wrong Door - Repeal of HB1801 ($3,010.0)
Repeal HB1800 ($20,680.0)
TANF - Eliminate Work and Training exemption for children under one ($15,132.3)
Employment & Development Services Reduction ($1,823.3)
Food Stamp Employment & Training Reduction ($946.5)
Child Care Program Reductions ($54,725.7)
Child Care funding shift off GRF to 347 Fund ($425,000.0)
Eliminate Put Illinois To Work ($107,000.0)
Eliminate Addiction Prevention ($2,662.6)
Eliminate Meth Awareness ($671.0)
Reduce Domestic Violence ($2,137.6)
Eliminate Teen Parent Services ($1,527.6)
6% Rate Reduction for Family Case Mgt ($2,485.4)
6% Rate Reduction for Early Intervention ($6,120.0)
10% increase in Early Intervention Family Fees ($400.0)
Subtotal ($470,965.5)
Mental Health
GRF Pickup of Supportive MI Housing paid from Health & Human Services Medicaid Trust Fund $20,557.6
6% Rate Reduction for MH Community Services ($7,471.2)
MH Community services reduction ($21,448.8)
Reduction in appropriation authority for MH ICG's ($1,500.0)
Eliminate MH Transportation ($1,176.0)
Eliminate Psychotropic Drugs ($2,646.0)
Eliminate Children's Mental Health Partnership funding ($1,871.4)
MH SASS Liability Reduction from policy changes implemented ($200.0)
Estimated Savings from Rebid of Administrative Service Organization ($600.0)
Annualization of Utilization Management ($7,952.6)
Subtotal ($24,308.4)
Rehabilitation Services
Payment of SEIU Healthcare Deferral from FY11 $19,500.0
Maintain Payment Cycle Home Services $19,000.0
Home Services Liability $62,598.9
Implementation of Service Parameters ($10,000.0)
Eliminate duplication of customers on DD and DRS Waivers ($2,648.4)
Expedite & Prioritize Appeals for Home Services ($1,700.0)
Ensure all customers apply for Medicaid in Home Services ($1,000.0)
Medicaid Buy Down Home Services ($40,000.0)
Eliminate Supported Employment ($1,054.6)
Centers for Independent Living Program Reduction ($1,627.5)
Reduction in Community Reintegration funding ($1,710.0)
Subtotal $41,358.4
Addiction Treatment Services
Maintain DASA Medicaid payment cycle $8,600.0
Partial Restoration of DCFS Clients FY11 reduction $2,073.3
Medicaid Savings due to implementation of Utilization Management ($7,800.0)
Eliminate Non-Medicaid ($48,668.1)
6% Rate Reduction ($7,144.1)
Subtotal ($52,938.9)
Program Administration
PS & F Annualization $87,718.5
MIS SSRF Increase $5,000.0
Drugs $2,323.7
Printing $106.9
One year suspension of Assets for Independence funding ($218.1)
Tort Claim Reduction ($2,414.2)
Subtotal $92,516.8