Policy Memo: Applying Department on Aging (DoA) Community Care Program (CCP) Services to Spenddown

Policy Memo: Applying Department on Aging (DoA) Community Care Program (CCP) Services to Spenddown


  • Beginning September 1, 2010, due to an agency initiative, Department on Aging (DoA) Community Care Program (CCP) service costs are an allowable medical expense for meeting spenddown.
  • Persons applying for DoA/CCP services are required to apply for medical benefits and enroll, if eligible.
  • The computer system will identify persons for whom DoA/CCP service costs equal or exceed the spenddown amount. The system centrally takes appropriate action to put the case in met status.
  • The system will centrally backdate eligibility up to 3 months, if the person was receiving DoA/CCP services during those months and the cost equals or exceeds the spenddown amount.
  • Persons receiving DoA/CCP services may enroll in Pay-in Spenddown.
  • HFS 2538B, Illinois Department on Aging (IDoA) Notification, has been revised.
  • The Community Care Unit (CCU) will send HFS 2538B to the FCRC when DoA/CCP service costs are not enough to meet spenddown. 
  • HFS 2538C, Using Department on Aging (DoA) Community Care Program (CCP)Services to Meet Spenddown, will be issued to persons enrolled in spenddown.
  • Use expense Type 'A' in ASDS when entering DoA service costs.
  • Separate companion spenddown cases when one of the spouses begins receiving DoA services.