2009 Teen Pregnancy Prevention - Primary (TPP-P) Fact Sheet

Teen Pregnancy Prevention - Primary (TPP-P)
Bureau of Community-Based & Primary Prevention
Division of Community Health & Prevention
Illinois Department of Human Services

Program Description


Adolescent girls and boys ages 10-18 and their parents in selected high need areas of the state.


To reduce first-time teenage pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS, improve access to health services and increase the role of the schools in improving pregnancy prevention education and services.


Based on a community needs assessment in conjunction with a local advisory group, coalition and/or youth group, services are provided by using three or more of the following strategies:

  • Sexuality Education/Family Planning Information and Referral
  • Youth Development
  • Male Involvement
  • Parental Involvement
  • Public Awareness

Delivery Method

Services are planned and provided by local health departments, community-based organizations, schools, churches, after-school programs and/or in other community settings.

Program Data

Program Expenditure (Numbers in 000's) $2,028.1 $2,460.0 $2,460.0 $2,460.0
Number of Grantees 40 40 40 40
*Number Served 65,732 64,064 64,552 69,819

*Note - All data stated reflects an unduplicated count.

Program Effectiveness

  • The average IL Teen Birth Rate of 10.25% is at the lowest level in 40 years.
  • Through TPP-P Teens are delaying having sexual intercourse.
  • A greater percentage of teens are using condoms and other forms of contraception if they do have sex.
  • Teens are learning more about the consequences of a teen pregnancy.
  • Providing effective programs to change teen's sexual behavior related to the risks and protective factors that influence their behavior.
  • The program continues to work with schools and community leaders to reach the youth before they make a choice that could change their lives.