Communication Alert: Mental Health Waiver Teleconference

Date: September 20, 2010

To: Key Stakeholders Distribution

From: Lorrie R. Jones, Ph.D.,Director, Division of Mental Health

Re: Mental Health Waiver 1915(c)

The Department of Human Services/Division of Mental Health and the Department of Healthcare and Family Services will host a moderated teleconference on Monday, September 27, 2010, from 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m., to outline the structure and activities, to date, in developing a Medicaid Waiver for persons who have serious mental illness(es). This waiver is being developed to address enhanced community-based service needs for individuals transitioning from nursing facility level of care and/or individuals who would require this level of care if enhanced services were not available.

We will use this opportunity to provide an update on the most recent survey reviews conducted with residents of several nursing homes in Illinois and what these outcomes are in response to recommended community-based service needs. We also will provide an overview of waiver service categories in context to the full service taxonomy. Finally, we would like to hear your suggestions on needs, based on your work or experiences in serving individuals who fall within the defined target population.

Please note that DMH is establishing a special Mental Health Waiver 1915(c) webpage for postings of information and notification on subsequent Waiver meetings or teleconferences, Additionally, this page will be used to post sections of the draft waiver document for review and comment. The Department of Healthcare and Family Services will also have a link back to this webpage.

The call in number for the teleconference is: 1-800-230-1085

We ask that you initiate your call at least 15 minutes in advance, so that we can start promptly at 1:00 p.m. A brief PowerPoint presentation will be posted to the webpage no later than Friday, September 24, 2010.

Cc: Julie Hamos, Director HFS

Distribution List:

  • Primary consumers of mental health services
  • Family members
  • Former residents of NF/LTC
  • DMH contracted vendors
  • Representatives of Long Term Care trade organizations
  • Representatives of community mental health trade organizations
  • Representatives of other community-based service vendors (non-DMH contracts)
  • Representatives of the Illinois Mental Health Planning and Advisory Council
  • Legislative and Governmental liaisons
  • Equip for Equality
  • American Indian Health Services of Chicago, Inc.