05.02.03 - Developing IEPs or IFSPs

Developing IEPs or IFSPs Policy Number and Last Update

If Migrant Head Start has to develop an IEP or IFSP:

  1. Contact Disabilities Services Manager to discuss steps to follow and to schedule activities.
  2. Request Parent Permission for Evaluation & Referral (after Denver and Social Emotional Checklist was completed, bi-weekly staffing requirements fulfilled, and after team decided that referral was appropriate).
  3. Contact Mental Health consultant for an individual observation of the child.
  4. Contact possible diagnosticians who can provide for a multi-disciplinary evaluative procedure that is not racially or culturally biased.
  5. Assure that all areas related to suspected disability are assessed by trained, state certified/licensed personnel.
  6. Contact family members to discuss possible schedule for diagnostic appointments.
  7. Assure that more than one measure or information source is used to determine existence of a disability.
  8. Appoint a multi-disciplinary team consisting of:
    • Parents 
    • A Specialist with knowledge in the area of suspected disability
    • Education Coordinator 
    • Child's Teacher
    • Disabilities Services Manager Mental Health Consultant
    • Disabilities Services Coordinator
  9. After diagnosis is confirmed, according to HSPS criteria (within 30 days from initiation of referral), call the team to attend IEP or IFSP development meeting and invite in writing a representative from LEA or CFC (no more than 2 weeks after diagnostic results were received).
  10. Meet with family and provide a detailed explanation about Parent's Rights (booklets provided by state).
  11. Ensure family/guardian participation in the development of the IEP or IFSP, assisting with transportation, translation, and all other support services.
  12. The IEP or IFSP must include:
    • Child's present level of functioning in areas of development;
    • Identification of specific educational/developmental needs in those areas requiring programming;
    • Statement of annual goals and the short-term objectives to meet those goals;
    • Statement of additional component services required, including transition services;
    • Specific special education and related services required;
    • Identification of the program options to meet the child's needs, with full inclusion being the strongly preferred option;
    • Identification of the personnel responsible for supervision and delivering of services;
    • Projected dates of initiation and duration of services;
    • Evaluative procedures for determining before season is over, whether the short-term objectives are being achieved or need to be revised; and
    • Identification of family goals/objectives essential to the child's progress.

Services to be provided must begin within 2 weeks of the IEP/IFSPs meeting.