04.02.07 - Galileo Online Data-Entry Procedure

Galileo Online-Date Entry Procedure Policy Number and Last Update 

Program information and assessments are entered into the Galileo Online Web site at: www.ati-online.com

Delegates are required to enter the following information into the ATI-Web (Galileo) system:

(Important Note: "Primary Person Responsible" means the person is responsible to monitor that the data gets entered. Delegates can have Data Entry Person for some, or all the data entry duties. However, even if the duties are assigned to one person, the time frames have to be met for ALL components)

General Staff Info. Director for all staff & Education Coordinator for classroom staff  Within 24 hours of hiring date
MSHS Staff Track Sheet

Director for all staff


Education Coordinator (EC)for classroom staff 

Position, qualifications, and background check - Within 24 hours of hiring date.

Rest of information, within 24 hours of obtaining it.

General Family Member Info. Family Services Coordinator By the end of child's first week of attendance.

IMSHS Family - Eligibility/Other:

From Enrollment Priority to Employment & School sections

Family Services Coordinator By the end of child's first week of attendance.

IMSHS Family - Eligibility/Other:

From Social Services to Home visits section 

Family Services Coordinator Information is updated, as applicable, every week.
General Child Info. Education Coordinator By child's first day of attendance.
Attendance & Meal Counts Director & Education Coordinator Daily
M&SHS Service Track: Enrollment, Ethnicity & Language Education Coordinator By child's first or last day of attendance.
M&SHS Service Track: Special Services & Screening Disability Coordinator & Mental Health Coordinator

Initial information - within one week of enrollment.

New information - within 24 hours of child receiving diagnostic report, or service.

M&SHS Service Track: Parent/Teacher Contacts Teachers Within 24 hours of staff meeting with parents.
M&SHS Service Track: Transition Information

General Transition-Ed. Coordinator

Child with Medical Need-Health Coord.

Child with Disability-Disability Coord.

Before child's scheduled drop date, or within 24 hours of child leaving the program unexpectedly.
Child Immunization Health Coordinator

Initial information - within one week of enrollment.

Immunization records are reviewed and updated, as applicable, every week.

Health Data Tracking

Initial information - within one week of enrollment.

Health records are reviewed and updated, as applicable, every week.

MSHS Disability Service & Progress Notes Disability Coordinator

Initial information - within one week of enrollment.

Disability records are reviewed and updated, as applicable, every week.

Bi-weekly information to be entered within 24 hours of meeting

Child Nutrition Assessment Initial information - within one week of enrollment.

LEA agreements - Disability Coordinator

Local Kindergarten, Head Start, and local Child Care - Education Coordinator

Initial information - within 24 hours of receiving signed document

Update dates yearly

Program Report - Board & Policy Committee Directors Once per month
Ed. Coordinator Monthly Monitor Report Education Coordinator 2nd. Friday of each month
CLASS  Observation Form Education Coordinator Within 24 hours of doing observation
Infant/Toddler and Preschool Curriculum Implementation Observation Form Education Coordinator Observations are done ongoing, as necessary, throughout the month; final scores for the preceding month are entered by the 2nd. Friday of each month
Grantee Monitor Visit Report & Classroom Observations Education Manager Within 24 hours of monitor visit or classroom observation
  1. Delegate sends the Grantee office a list of staff that will be entering data, position, and type of data they will be required to enter. Grantee will give ID's and temporary password to new staff, or it will assign one person, per delegate, who is authorized to give access for data entry.
  2. Grantee will transfer records of any staff returning for the current fiscal year.
  3. Person registering children provides the data entry person with a list of the children with birth dates, marking who is newly enrolled and who is re-enrolling from the previous year, and forward it to the Grantee Office.
  4. The Grantee office will transfer any children's and family's data from previous years, and enter any new children into the database.
  5. Children are placed on the Center Roster List, however, they are not considered "enrolled" until they are moved into a classroom--on their first day of attendance (See #6).
  6. Move the child from the center roster list into the assigned classroom on his/her first day of attendance, and immediately enter date as "enrollment date" in the Child's Services Track form.
  7. Once child's name has been moved into a classroom his name will appear in the classroom attendance page. Enter children's attendance daily.
  8. Once the children have been assigned into a classroom, teachers follow the Assessment Procedure to enter ongoing developmental data.
  9. Use the Galileo instruction manual as a reference and obtain technical assistance, as needed, from the Education Manager.