04.02.05 - Outcomes Policy and Procedure

Outcomes Policy & Procedure Policy Number and Last Update


Illinois Migrant & Seasonal Head Start's (IMSHS) purpose of using Galileo System's Electronic Management of Learning (EML) and Online Reporter is the advantage of prompt access to information for use in setting educational goals, making and implementing plans to achieve those goals, and evaluating the accomplishment of said goals.


  1. Delegate and grantee staff will use the Galileo System EML to collect and analyze children's developmental assessment data after each of the checkpoints by:
    1. Check status of School Readiness Plan;
    2. Establishing realistic age-appropriate educational goals for children;
    3. Developing action steps to achieve those goals;
    4. Implementing and monitoring the plans of action;
    5. Evaluating the extent to which these goals have been achieved; and
    6. Using the aggregated data for program planning.
  2. Director and Education Coordinator become familiar with the different types of reports available in the Galileo System and choose, or develop, reports to use for planning purposes.
    1. Galileo Online Reporter allows IMSHS staff to generate a variety of multi-level reports that reflect child outcomes.
    2. Multi-level capability means that reports can be produced at class, center, and agency. (See Resources for Norm Reference Scores used in Galileo.)
    3. If necessary, contact Education Manager for technical assistance in analyzing and using data.
  3. After each checkpoint a report is printed, delegate staff will compare data to School Readiness Plan goals and:
    1. Look for patterns of development, developmental progress, and/or areas that appear to be idle-in each classroom as well as center-wide;
    2. Use the results to make immediate changes or adaptations to the environment;
    3. Review and/or modify curriculum, individual child goals, and ongoing assessment;
    4. Review and/or modify teaching strategies;
    5. Assess teachers' training needs; and,
    6. Share individual child assessment reports with parents.
  4. Education Coordinator prepares a summary of the results for the board and policy committee addressing any areas that need immediate attention. (See Sample Report).
  5. Delegate staff uses the aggregated data when doing their annual program planning and establish goals to improve children's developmental outcomes and school readiness. Goals will be documented in the Delegate Program Improvement Plan, and should include action plans and budget details.
  6. Grantee staff uses the results to plan for training and/or technical assistance for delegate staff. Outcome reports, including necessary follow up, will be given to the Board of Directors and Policy Committee after each assessment.

The Education Manager collects and analyzes statewide developmental progress data and generates outcome reports to be used at the Strategic Planning meeting by grantee and delegate staff, parents, and boards, to develop program improvement as well as School Readiness goals and objectives for the following season