- Infant/Toddler classrooms follow the Creative Curriculum for Infant, Toddlers, & Twos (Second Edition).
- Preschool classrooms follow the Creative Curriculum for Preschool (4th Edition).
- All classrooms complement the above curricula with the Anti-Bias Curriculum, Whole Language Approach & Planned Language Approach Strategies.
Education Staff |
Prior to opening & May-Nov. |
Staffing |
- Maintain group size and ratio according to IMSHS & HS Standards:
- Infant & Toddlers 4:1 (qualified teacher) with maximum group size of 8
- Three-Year Olds 8:1 with group size of 16 (3-year old classroom is one in which more than half of the children are 3 years old, or will turn 3 by September 1st).
- Four & Five-Year Olds 10:1 with a group size of 20
- Assign two paid staff persons for each classroom throughout the day.
- Every classroom has at least one teacher, teacher assistant, or a third person not counted in the adult/child ration, who speaks the child's language (including sign-language when applicable).
- Assign and move primary caregivers with children as they transition from infant into toddler rooms, whenever possible.
- Assign one staff member per classroom to begin his/her schedule 15-30 minutes prior to arrival of the children to conduct routine safety classroom check and prepare learning areas for children's arrival.
- Assign a staff member to inspect the playground, before children's scheduled outdoor hour, and complete the Playground Safety Checklist.
Directors & EC |
May - Nov. |
Special Teaching Requirements |
- Make all the necessary accommodations in consultation with parents and in accordance with the child's Individual Education Plan (IEP) or Individual Family Services Plan (IFSP) to successfully include children with disabilities with same age peers.
- When developmentally appropriate and supported by the parents, provide opportunities for the children to learn self-control, autonomy and responsibility including independent use of toilet facilities.
- Integrate health, mental health, and safety activities into the classroom daily schedule; including preparation for medical and dental exams, tooth brushing, hand washing, safety practices, emergency drills, cooking preparation activities, etc.
- Coordinators inform teachers of results on children's screenings, evaluations, or examinations and evaluate how this information affects the child's developmental progress, participation in the classroom, or socialization with his/her peers.
Teaching Staff & Coordinators |
May - Nov. |
Lesson Plans
- Teachers use the Lesson Plans in the Education Manuals (no other plans will be accepted).
- Monthly Infant Plan for children 6 wks. to 12 mos. - each teacher is responsible for hers.
- Toddler Lesson Plan (Modified Creative Curriculum) for children 13 -36 mos. - teachers plan together.
- Creative Curriculum Preschool Lesson Plan for children 3-5 years.
- Classrooms with multi-age children use the predominant age to select the lesson plan to use.
- Teaches will not use additional lesson plan inserts e.g. forms for individualized goals and objectives, detailed description of activities etc.
EC & Education Staff |
May-Nov. per Planning Procedure |
Instruction |
- Teaching staff follows IMSHS Language Acquisition Policy & Procedures.
- Lesson plans should include at least one math, literacy, and science activity per week.
- Provide a balance of teacher-directed and child-initiated activities that include individual and small group activities (indoor and outdoor).
- Provide children with concrete experiences and materials to promote exploration, comparison, and experimentation. (Absolutely no calendar or weather time, mandated drills or worksheets, pattern art, food used for art or play, handwriting lessons, or mandated phonic instruction is to be used.)
- Provide numeric, emerging literacy, science, social studies, language, and art opportunities throughout every learning area, in accordance with the Creative Curriculum and Whole Language Approach.
- Plan, and implement, Planned Language Approach strategies into daily routines and activities, including the Big 5 (Alphabet knowledge & Early Writing, Background Knowledge, Book Knowledge & Print concepts, Oral Language & Vocabulary, and Phonological Awareness)
Teaching Staff & Coordinators |
Weekly |
Pedestrian Training |
Pedestrian safety activities need to be scheduled for children & families. |
Teaching staff & Health Coordinators |
within 30 days of enrollment |
Music |
- Use music to enhance children's creativity and learning according to the following: Babies & Toddlers - play a variety of soft background music, including soft classical music, cultural, and English lullabies (as much as possible). Hum or sing to babies throughout daily routines as alternative to speech and to enhance language development. Loud music or sounds are detrimental to babies.
- 3-6 mos - Introduce simple repetitious rhyming songs using child's own hands, toes, or fingers to gently move in time.
- 6 mos.-1 year - Encourage child to play along with music by providing simple musical instruments.
- 1 to 1-1/2 years - Introduce visual components: use soft, plastic or rubber animals to move about in time to music. Picture books and felt visuals can also provide visual reinforcement.
- 1-1/2 & Older - Play music as often as possible. Be sure to include folk, classical, jazz, and other forms.
- No music with vulgar language or sexual innuendo is allowed in the classroom or during bus trips.
- Be intentional when playing music.
- Select music according to activity
- Do not play music all day.
Teaching Staff & Coordinators |
Physical Activities |
Mobile Infants & Toddlers: Provide 60 minutes of outdoor playtime--Carriage rides do not count as outdoor playtime.
Preschool: Provide 90 minutes of outdoor play (can be divided into two sessions), plus 30 minutes of teacher-directed physical-movement activities (indoor or outdoors).
Five Week Challenge: Each delegate will compete in a five-week physical challenge per the following guidelines:
- All classrooms participating document classrooms physical activities in one PALA weekly Activity Log per classroom
- Teachers can guide mobile infants and toddlers through simple movements--5 to 10 minute increments can be done throughout the day, no minimum required. Record the total minutes each day.
- Preschool teachers guide children to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity--can be done in two 15 minute workouts. increments of less than 15 minutes, and daily totals of less than 30 minutes, will not be counted toward challenge goal.
- Invite Staff and Parents to participate in doing 60 minutes of physical activity three times a week, or more, for five consecutive weeks. Two 30 minute activities, per day, will be accepted, but no less, in order to count toward challenge goal. Each individual participating must fill and sign his/her own form.
- Adult physical activities that will be accepted are 30 minutes to an hour of: walking, playing a sport, running, any type of aerobics or guided physical activity such as Zumba, swimming, etc.
- Planting flower beds, mowing lawn, cleaning house, etc., will not be accepted as physical activities toward the challenge goal.
- Grantee will give Gold, Silver, or Bronze awards to the top three delegates. Award will be based on aggregate of delegate's total qualifying hours, per participants, divided by their funded enrollment.
Teaching Staff & Coordinators |
Daily |
Nutrition & Meal Times |
- Follow IMSHS Nutrition Policy & Procedures when planning and doing nutrition activities.
- Using feeding techniques that enhance attachment, increase feeling of security, and provide an overall sense of well-being (see Infant Feeding Procedure).
- Hold babies to take bottles;
- Use chairs with trays and infant seats only for feeding babies that need them;
- Involve toddlers in table-setting, serving, and clean-up, according to their abilities;
- Sit with small groups (4-5) of toddlers and serve from their seats (do not hold child's hand to serve);
- Eat with children, modeling affirmative attitudes, manners, and conversation.
- Arrange meal areas as far as possible from the diapering area.
- Teaching staff DO NOT place any food items on the diaper tables, including food bins.
Education Staff |
May - Nov. |
Field Trips |
Plan age-appropriate field trips that are fun and expand children's understanding of the world. |
Education Staff |
Bi-weekly, Per Procedure
May - Nov.
Nap time |
- Assign each child his/her own crib or cot, which is used for sleeping only and labeled with each child's own name. Cribs are 3 feet apart when children are sleeping.
- Nap times provide children a peaceful respite from activity:
- Pat, rock, etc. children who cannot sleep;
- Partly darkened rooms--NO classroom shall be completely dark, teachers should be able to see ALL children at ALL times;
- Play lullabies or other soothing music;
- No infant room shall be darken when babies are awake, even if only one. Individualize infants' sleeping routines according to parents' information and the babies' cues--babies should be allow to nap in accordance to their OWN schedule.;
- Follow a familiar nap time ritual with toddlers,soothing and quieting them;
- Do not reprimand children who do not sleep;
- Kinder-eligible children will NOT be expected to give up nap time for work time. Follow IDCFS requirements.
- Teaching staff use nap time to plan, document children's development, update portfolios, etc.
Education Staff |
May - Nov. |
General Routines |
- Assure that routines and transitions occur in a predictable unrushed manner and according to each child's needs.
- Use daily routines (diapering, meals, etc.) as opportunities to build a close relationship with each child while attending to his needs.
Education Staff |
Daily |
Mid-Season Classroom Transitions |
Avoid transferring children from room to room if at all possible. When and IF a child needs to be moved to another room, follow these techniques:
- Discuss the transition with the parents before it occurs.
- Allow the child to visit the room where he/she is to be moved, with a current caregiver, for short periods of time and increase it as the child becomes more comfortable.
- When a number of children need to be transferred, move a current caregiver with them; this will assist both the staff and the children to accept the change more easily (especially if transition needs to be done quickly).
Education Staff & EC |
May - Nov. |
Parental Engagement
(Families as life long educators)
Provide parents the following opportunities to contribute to planning the education program:
- Home visits, staff-parent conferences, and progress notes.
- Invite at least one parent per classroom to participate in the Parent Education Committee to give input into educational services.
- Provide parents with ideas for learning experiences they can do at home that can promote children's development.
- Engage parents in conversations and share child assessment data to help parents learn about children's progress.
- Provide opportunities for the parents to review and give input into their child's assessment.
- Send bi-weekly Notitas to share information about children's social, emotional, and cognitive development and the importance of the home language. Encourage staff to consistently connect with families to gather child information and parent observations to inform teaching.
- Send home ideas/activities that promote learning.
- Encourage families to observe & participate in child learning and development during home visits and in the classroom.
- Encourage parent-to-parent support about children's learning and development during parent meetings.
- If parents have access to computer, provide them with User ID to the Galileo assessment web-page & show them how to navigate page to check on their child's progress.
Education Staff |
Per procedures |
Parental Engagement(Positive Parent-child relationships) |
- Engage with parents as equal partners in learning about their child while acknowledging parent's premier role as their child's first teacher.
- Foster meaningful, reciprocal relationships between mother and child, and father and child in manner that is both culturally receptive and responsive.
- Talk together with families about the child's signals in ways that help families explore these signals and understand and respond to their child's behavior.
- Work together with families to help children overcome behavioral challenges.
- Facilitate, or refer parents to: parental support and/or educational groups where they can share their concerns (e.g. children's behavioral problems and special needs).
Education Staff, Mental Health Consultants & Family Services Coordinators |
May-Nov. |
Family Literacy |
Offer a Family Literacy Program following the guidelines below:
For Children:
- Offer at least three parent-child literacy group activities.
- Hold at least three book distributions.
- Offer a 2-week reading challenge for parents and their children.
- Provide special library events.
- Have project literacy activities.
- Offer take-home literacy activities like a lending library, Polaroid literacy projects, book-in-a-bag, reading bear, etc.
For Parents:
- Offer parents opportunities to work on their literacy development by referring to, or providing literacy classes.
- Assist families with their education and training goals, and provide referrals to educational resources (GED, adult education, and ESL).
- Provide literacy workshops
- Invite them to participate in literacy activities such as: story time, individual reading, journal writing, project literacy activities, or special events at the local library.
Education Staff , Ed. Coordinators & Family Services Coordinator |
June - Sept. |