Bus Rides Policy Number and Last Update (03.03.01/04-2019) SUBPART F-Transportation §1303.72 (e) §1303.73(a) (b) §1303.74
On the buses as in the centers, the children's well-being and comfort is the first priority of program staff.
- Only music for pre-school children will be played or sung on the bus, at moderate volume.
- No child will ride on the bus for more than 1 hour, unless there is no shorter route available or any alternative shorter route is either unsafe or impractical.
- Staff will carry a thermos jug with water and paper cups, and offer the children at least one drink during the bus ride.
- At least one bus aide must speak Spanish (bi-lingual preferred).
- Bus staff will follow IMSHSP child guidance procedures.
- At morning pick-up, the bus will not wait more than 2 minutes at each stop.
- Bus aides will assure that each child remains seated while the bus is moving, in an age and weight appropriate safety restraint system.
- At least once during the drive, bus aides will check each child's seating to make sure he/she is comfortable. Aides will respond promptly to children's entreaties.
- Aids will periodically engage children in activities that they enjoy, like singing, finger-plays, observing interesting sight through the windows, telling stories, conversing, playing guessing games, etc.
- When the bus arrives at the center to drop off children, as well as when they drop the children at home, the aides will check each seat and underneath.
- It will be the responsibility of the Bus Driver to complete the final inspection of the bus to ensure that there are no more children remaining on the bus.