MR #10.27: SNAP Standards and Categorical Eligibility System Changes

MR #10.27: SNAP Standards and Categorical Eligibility System Changes


Effective October 1, 2010 federal law provides for a change in two SNAP standards to determine eligibility and benefit amounts. System Changes are effective 09/20/10 and will reflect in the SNAP Calculations starting with October 2010 issuances.

Also effective 09/20/10, are the system changes for the Expansion of SNAP Categorical Eligibility. 

The changes are as follows:

  • An increase in the Standard Deduction amount for SNAP units with 1-3 members to $142.
  • A decrease in the Maximum Excess Shelter Deduction to $458.
  • In addition to these changes, we are increasing the SNAP 200% FPL Gross Income Standards to be consistent with other programs. Except for this change, there are no other changes in the SNAP Gross or Net Income Eligibility Standards. The SNAP Allotments, including the Basis of Issuance Table, and the Standard Deduction amounts for households with 4 or more members remains unchanged. 
  • There will be no September Benefit Adjustments for Groups 05-09.
  • Item 80 code 349 categorical indicator 8 & 9 is centrally corrected at each schedule if wrong and benefits are recalculated using the correct income standards.
  • IPV/work sanction cases may be processed in ACM.