Health Service Plan Policy Number and Last Update
(03.01.01e/04-2019) Subpart D §1302.40-47
GOAL I: To coordinate and support the provision of a broad range of individualized health, dental, and developmental services to all enrolled children.
Objective I-A: All enrolled children are up-to-date on a schedule of age appropriate preventive and primary health care.
(Health Plan)
I-A, 1
Follow the Enrollment Procedure to obtain information on the child's most recent health services, health insurance information, health records from parents, and a signed release of information form for records at the child's previous location, if any. |
At time of child's enrollment |
I-A, 2
Review child intake forms to determine if the child has a source of accessible health care while in Illinois and an Illinois medical card or other source for medical payment. If not, assist parents with identifying health care sources, including giving parents the Community Resource Directory, and determining DPA eligibility and applying for card. |
At time of child's enrollment |
I-A, 3
Follow IMSHSP Health Screening, Examination, Treatment, and Follow-up Care Procedures to ensure all enrolled children are up-to-date on the Illinois Healthy Kids (EPSDT) schedule of well-child care. Work collaboratively with parents to arrange needed medical and dental examinations and immunizations, keeping in mind parents' work schedules. NOTE: Parents are not obligated to have their child's physical prior to entering the center. |
Within 4 weeks of the child's enrollment & ongoing |
I-A, 4
Always obtain informed, signed parent consent and release of information for all health services provided by the program or its contracted service providers. No non emergency intrusive physical exam is to be performed on a child without the written consent of a parent or guardian. |
Before services are provided |
I-A, 5
Inform parents of screening and examination results completed by program or contracted service provider by sending them the original Medical/Dental Screening and Exam Results form in their language. |
No later than 2 days after screening exam or procedure is done |
I-A, 6
Track and document the provision of children's health care services using the online Galileo Tracking Forms and the IMSHSP Filing Procedures, and IMSHSP Confidentiality Policy. |
Daily |
I-A, 7
Refer children suspected of having a disability immediately to the Disabilities Services Coordinator. Inform Education staff of any conditions that may affect the child's activities. |
Within 2 days of receiving results |
I-A, 8
Develop and implement a written individualized follow-up plan for any conditions identified. Arrange further diagnostic testing, examination, and treatment for each child with observable, known, or suspected, medical/dental and developmental problems. |
Delegate Team |
As needed, but no longer than 2 days after condition is known |
I-A, 9
Per the Health Services Tracking Procedures, document and analyze the Health Services outcome measure goals. |
HSW, Health Services Mgr. |
Per Tracking Procedure |
Objective I-B: Every enrolled child has a developmental, sensory, and behavioral screening within 4 weeks of child's entry to the program.
(Health Plan)
I-B, 1
Screen all children using the Ages and Stages (ASQ-3) and ASQ-SE or Mental Health Consultant's preferred Social Emotional Checklist. |
DSW, Educ. Coordinator & Teachers |
Within 4 weeks of child's entry |
I-B, 2 |
Send home the Parent's notification of Screenings form to notify parents that the screenings are completed and available for their review. |
DSW, Educ. Coordinator |
Within 3 days of screenings |
I-B, 3 |
Hold the initial bi-weekly staffing before MH consultant or associate visit. |
Delegate Team |
Before MHc or MHA visit |
I-B, 4 |
Submit a list of referrals for observation (from bi-weekly) to the MH consultant or associate. |
Within 1 week of screenings |
I-B, 5 |
Review ASQ-3 for which there is a concern and all Social Emotional Checklists. |
During each site visit |
I-B, 6 |
Observe all classrooms, complete recommendation forms, and meet with classroom to discuss recommendations and to answer questions. |
During each site visit |
I-B, 7 |
Discuss MHC or MHA recommendations and the need for an outside referral during next bi-weekly staffing, considering each teachers' input, family's' wishes and concerns, and MH Consultant's information. |
Delegate Team |
Every 2 weeks |
I-B, 8 |
Do homevisit contact with the family to explain the results of the bi-weekly staffing and recommendations for a referral; and request a written consent to pursue the referral process. |
Within 1 working day from the bi-weekly staff meeting |
I-B, 9 |
Refer child to LEA or CFC, following the Disabilities Services Plan. |
Within 1 working day of parental consent |
Objective I-C: Follow-up care is provided to all children requiring re-screening, assessments, diagnostic services, medical/dental treatment or therapy.
(Health Plan)
I-C, 1
Explain to parents the individualized follow-up needed and ensure that parental permission is obtained for each follow-up service before it is provided by the program. If parents refuse to authorize any of these services, have them sign as documentation of that refusal. Ensure ongoing communication with parents concerning specific needs of their children. |
Delegate Team |
As needed |
I-C, 2 |
Carry out the written individualized follow-up plan developed in Obj. A,8 for children with additional health and dental needs per the IMSHSP Health Screening, Examination, Treatment, and Follow-up Care Procedures. |
Per follow-up plans |
I-C, 3 |
Inform parents of follow-up results provided by the program or its contracted service providers by sending them the Medical/Dental re-screening, Evaluation, or Treatment Results form. |
Within 2 days of completion of follow-up service |
I-C, 4 |
Assist parents, as needed, with identifying resources to obtain prescribed medications, aids, or equipment for medical and dental conditions. |
As needed |
I-C, 5 |
Assure that if the child has an IEP/IFSP, delegate staff addresses all health concerns, accommodations, and related services needed, according to the plan. |
When writing, or within 1 week of receiving, the plan |
I-C, 6 |
In consultation with parents and health provider, develop a transition plan for children in need of further services, if not completed before they depart for their next destination - include in transition packet. |
Delegate Team |
When further services are needed |
Objective I-D: New and recurring medical, dental, or developmental concerns are identified so that appropriate referrals can be made quickly.
(Health Plan)
I-D, 1
Participate in all bi-weekly staffing. Provide information on the status of children about whom there are concerns. Develop action plans per staffing instructions and review progress of action plan for each child previously discussed. (Follow the Bi-Weekly Procedure) |
Delegate Director, All Service Workers & Teachers |
Within 2 weeks of program opening and every 2 weeks after |
I-D, 2 |
Complete daily health checks for each child in the center. Determine who will be responsible in each classroom, and the procedure for reporting problems found. |
HSW, Education Staff |
Daily |
I-D, 3 |
Notify the child's teacher when any health condition is identified that might affect the child's learning or behavior (i.e. failed hearing tests, severe dental caries, etc.) |
Within 2 days of receiving results |
I-D, 4 |
Record infants' patterns of eating, sleeping, elimination, and general activity on the Infant Daily Activity Record and send to the parents daily. |
Infant Classroom Staff |
Daily |
I-D, 5 |
Consult with parents regularly to solicit their observations of their children. Follow IMSHSP procedures for parent/teacher conferences and home visits. |
Delegate Team |
Per parent/teacher conf. & home visit procedure |
Objective I-E: Parents are involved at all levels during the screening/exam, diagnostic, treatment, and follow-up processes.
(Health Plan)
I-E, 1
Ensure that each parent signs a consent form, which explains the developmental screening , before the administration of IMSHSP-approved developmental screenings, social emotional checklist and MH observations. If parents refuse to authorize any of these services, have them sign a written refusal. |
At time of enrollment |
I-E, 2 |
Provide and explain the IMSHSP Description of Screening/Exams handout to parents before they sign consent for all health screenings and exams. If parents refuse to authorize any health services, have them sign documentation of that refusal. |
At enrollment and prior to receiving services |
I-E, 3 |
Give parents the Parent Guidebook, which explains the Head Start Services provided. Also, present a short explanation about the required health and developmental screenings, and how to familiarize their children with these procedures. |
FSw HSW, Educ. Coord., & DSW |
At time of enrollment at Parent Fair |
I-E, 4 |
To the extent possible, schedule services provided by the program that do not conflict with parents' work schedules and encourage parents to accompany their children to appointments. |
Continuously |
I-E, 5 |
Participate with FSW and Director in the organization of Annual Inter-agency meeting. Advocate for community health resources offering evening and weekend appointments so parents can be involved in their family's health care and attend to their own health care needs. |
HSW, Director, FSW |
Once, prior to opening |
I-E, 6 |
Following the IMSHSP Transition Policy and Procedure at time of enrollment and throughout program operation, collect data and incorporate into a transition packet for parents. Give parents records of all services provided to their child, including the physical form, dental form, nutrition assessment, immunization record, and required disabilities records. Have parents sign that they received the records and discuss with them the importance of these records and how to maintain them. |
Delegate Team |
Throughout the child's enrollment before the child's departure |
Objective I-F: Organize and maintain a Health Services Advisory Committee.
(Health Plan)
I-F, 1 |
Recruit committee members from the community who represent the medical, dental, nutrition, MH, Disability & other human services profession. (Follow policy 03.02.04-Health Services Advisory Committee Agenda Requirements Policy) |
Prior to opening |
I-F, 2 |
Arrange and conduct one meeting of the committee per season, following the required agenda. |
Before or within 2 weeks of opening |
I-F, 3 |
Invite at least two (2) parents as members of the HSAC |
Prior to scheduled HSAC meeting |
GOAL II: To maintain the well-being of children and staff by enacting sound safety, health, and sanitations practices. (HSPS §1302.15, 41, 42, 46, 47, 90, 92 Health and Safety practices. & §1303 - Transportation)
Objective II-A: Establish and implement policies and procedures to respond to medical, dental, and other emergencies rapidly.
(Health Plan)
II-A, 1
Develop and annually update written Medical/Accident and Dental Emergency plans per licensing requirements and IMSHSP Guidance. |
Delegate Director & HSW with input from HSAC |
HSAC Prior to opening |
II-A, 2
Report all accidents by completing the Accident Report. Send a copy to parents (written in their language) and file a copy in the child's health file. Complete a written report on accidents occurring with staff or volunteers; file in their personnel file. |
Witness & HSW |
Same day of incident |
II-A, 3
Develop and annually update written fire drill, evacuation plans, and natural disaster plans (tornado and earthquake) per licensing requirements and IMSHSP guidance. Include special procedures to accommodate the special needs of children with disabilities. |
Delegate Director & HSW with input from HSAC |
Prior to opening |
II-A, 4
Post all the above emergency plans in every classroom and in other public areas of the center, in both English and Spanish. |
Prior to opening |
II-A, 5
Perform natural disaster, fire and evacuation drills. Hold fire/evacuation drills monthly thereafter, and natural disaster drills at least once more mid-season. |
Delegate Director & HSW |
2 weeks of center opening |
II-A, 6
Prepare children for all drills before conducting them. |
Education staff |
Before holding drills |
II-A, 7
Follow the IMSHSP Child Abuse/Neglect Policy and Procedures to respond to and to report the suspected abuse or neglect of a child. |
All staff as mandated reporters |
When necessary, per CA/N procedure |
II-A, 8
Train staff on the above emergency procedures per IMSHSP pre-service training procedures and as new staff are hired. |
Delegate Director & HSC |
Preservice & when new staff are hired |
Objective II-B: Develop and carry out other policies and procedures to ensure an effective health and safety program.
(Health Plan)
II-B, 1
Complete the Environmental Safety Checklist. |
Prior to opening & once per month |
II-B, 2
Document dates of all environmental safety activities on posted Environmental Safety Activity Record. |
As occurs |
II-B, 3 |
Develop, update, and follow a written delegate short-term Exclusion and Readmission Policy ensuring that no child is excluded solely because of a special or chronic health condition or medication requirements. Include a copy in English and Spanish in parent's enrollment packet. |
Delegate Director & HSW with input from HSAC |
Annually, prior to opening, follow continuously |
II-B, 4
Develop, update, and implement written procedures for the administration, handling, and storage of medicine, ensuring that teachers have the primary responsibility for administration. |
Delegate Director & HSW with input from HSAC |
Annually, prior to opening, follow continuously |
II-B, 5
Ensure staff, volunteers, and children always follow IMSHSP Hand-washing Procedures. |
Delegate Director & HSW |
Daily |
II-B, 6
Develop, update, and follow a Blood-borne Pathogens Control Plan per OSHA regulations and IMSHSP guidance, ensuring that universal precautions are always followed. |
Delegate Director & HSW with input from HSAC |
Annually, prior to opening, follow continuously |
II-B, 7
Follow the IMSHSP Diapering Procedures and I/T Room Daily Sanitation Guide; post both procedures so staff can readily refer to them. |
I/T staff |
Daily |
II-B, 8
Stock first aid kits per licensing First Aid Kit requirements. Restock each kit after use, and inventory all kits, replacing items as necessary. |
Preservice as needed & inventory monthly |
II-B, 9
Train staff on the above health, sanitation, and safety procedures per IMSHSP pre-service training procedures and as new staff are hired. |
Delegate Director & HSW |
Preservice & as new staff are hired |
II-B, 10 |
Ensure a sufficient number of staff are certified in first aid, CPR, and the Heimlich Maneuver for all age groups, so that at least one certified person is on site at all times. |
Delegate Director & HSW |
Prior to opening & on-site continuously |
II-B, 11 |
Contract an RN, LPN, or other medical personnel per Illinois Day Care Licensing Standards to Observe I/T rooms and instruct staff in proper health care. Ensure observations, instructions, and recommendations are recorded on the I/T Room Observation sheet and carried out. |
Delegate Director & HSW |
Contract preservice, RN observes monthly (weekly if center has provisional license) |
II-B, 12 |
Implement other health and safety policies and procedures as outlined in Program Design and Management, Goal IV, Objective B. |
Delegate Director |
Per program Design & Management Plan |
Objective II-C: Maintain the safety, health, and welfare of children and staff during transportation.
(Health Plan)
II-C, 1
1. Employ bus drivers who meet the required qualifications of the State of Illinois and the Head Start Transportation Regulations. (See IMSHSP bus driver job description) and a sufficient number of bus aides to ensure the Illinois Day Care Licensing requirement for child/staff ratio is always maintained. |
Delegate Director |
Prior to opening & as needed |
II-C, 2
When purchasing buses or "allowable alternate vehicle," ensure that the specifications meet or exceed the Head Start Transportation Regulations and comply with Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards. |
Delegate Agency |
When purchasing buses |
II-C, 3
Equip buses with safety equipment including: a communication system, seat belt cutters, first aid kit, fire extinguisher, and method to properly store children's medication. Indicate the location of these items with signs. |
Delegate Director, Bus Drivers, Bus Aides, & TSC |
At all times |
II-C, 4 |
Ensure fresh water is always available and offered to children during the bus ride. |
Bus Driver & Bus Aides |
At all times |
II-C, 5 |
Keep an up-to-date list of persons authorized to sign-out children and a parent-signed emergency consent for each child on the bus. |
Director, TSW, & Bus Driver |
At all times |
II-C, 6 |
Develop and update a written Bus Evacuation Plan in English and Spanish, per Department of Transportation requirements. |
Director & TSW |
Annually |
II-C, 7 |
Perform bus evacuation drills. |
Delegate Director, Bus Driver, Bus Aides & TSW |
2 weeks of center opening & monthly |
II-C, 8 |
Develop and follow time efficient and safe written bus routes that are diagrammed on a map, with any traffic hazard noted, to prevent, if possible, that no child will be on the bus for more than 1 hour. Include alternate routes in case of hazardous conditions (e.g. emergency road closings.) |
Delegate Director & Bus Drivers |
Before center opens, update as needed |
II-C, 9 |
Ensure children are transported in correctly installed child safety restraint seats appropriate to their age and weight, on the bus, or in van/staff cars. |
Director, Bus Driver, Bus Aides, Staff transporting children |
Always |
II-C, 10 |
Follow safe bus loading and unloading procedures. Use the Post Trip Form to ensure no child is ever left on the bus alone. |
Bus Driver, Bus Aides |
Always |
II-C, 11 |
Train bus staff on all required procedures per IMSHSP pre-service training procedures and as new staff are hired. Bus Aides can not begin to work until all required training is completed. §1303.72(e) |
Delegate Director, Bus Driver, & TSW |
Preservice & as new staff hired |
II-C, 12 |
Provide activities that teach children safe riding practices, safe boarding and leaving vehicle procedures, how to cross the street safely, what are danger zones around bus, and emergency evacuation procedures. |
Teachers, TSW, Bus Driver, Bus Aides |
Within first 30 days of opening & ongoing as new children are enrolled |
II-C, 13 |
Train parents on the above topics and how to reinforce the importance of bus and pedestrian safety at home. Also, emphasize the importance of escorting their children to and from the bus stop. |
Within first 30 days of opening & ongoing as new children are enrolled |
II-C, 14 |
Conduct the following safety inspections
- Annual Inspection required by Illinois Department of Transportation.
- Transportation section of Monthly Environmental Safety Checklist
- Daily Pre-Trip Inspection
- Daily Post-Trip Inspection
Del. Director
Bus Driver
II-C, 15 |
Write, follow, and monitor procedures for schedule of routine maintenance of buses and vans. |
Director, Bus Driver, TSW, & Grantee HSM |
Per procedures |
II-C, 16 |
As needed, accompany bus driver to identify the authorized persons who may receive the children, per parents' consent, on Authorization form. |
As needed |
II-C, 17 |
Maintain transportation records per IMSHSP Filing Procedures. |
Delegate Director & Bus Driver |
Always |
II-C, 18 |
Ensure staff and volunteers transporting children and/or parents have a valid driver's license, current insurance, and a safe vehicle. |
Delegate Director |
Annually & as new staff are hired |