02.04.01 - Interagency Agreements Procedure

Interagency Agreements Procedure Policy Number and Last Update

Disabilities Services Coordinators will:

  • Attend LIC meetings, as a regular member, representing the families and children of Migrant and Seasonal Head Start, to ensure that agencies and local providers are aware of the eligibility criteria as well as the availability of slots for children with all disabilities.
  • Establish contacts with LEAs and CFCs in local area through LIC and other means.
  • Identify local agencies and qualified consultants and diagnosticians to serve children and families.
  • Invite community agencies, including LEAs and CFCs, to attend Parent Fair, interagency meeting, and always ensure that a representative from the disabilities services sector attends all HSAC meetings.


  • Written Interagency Agreements must be signed between delegates and LEAs and CFCs annually.
  • Agreements should address:
    1. Child Find activities;
    2. Efforts to jointly train parents and staff;
    3. Development of IEP/IFSP and placement decisions;
    4. Resource sharing;
    5. Transition activities;
    6. Procedures to report the number of children served jointly; and
    7. Referral process.
  • Agreements should include:
    1. Names of the persons responsible for each agency providing services;
    2. Annual updated signatures; and
    3. A clear distinction of the roles and responsibilities of each party.

(A sample form is available in the Disabilities Manual; but you don't have to use that form.)