02.01.01e - Family and Community Partnership Plan

Family and Community Partnership Plan Policy Number and Last Update

GOAL I: Enroll all eligible families in the recruitment area (1305.4).

Objective IA: Establish parents' income and agriculture eligibility.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Family & Comm. Partnership Plan)
I-A, 1 Examine documents that prove parents' current farm work, and 51% of parents' combined annual income from farm work.  Follow MSHS ERSEA procedures. FSC 1st visit
I-A, 2 Record documents reviewed on 1.C.Eligibility Verification and sign to certify truthfulness.  Copy documents for file. FSC 1st visit
I-A, 3 If parents have no proof of income or only check stubs, assist them to use the income chart to figure their annual income.  Follow MSHS ERSEA procedures. FSC 1st visit
I-A, 4 Complete all enrollment and health forms. FSC or HSC 1st visit
I-A, 5 Review documents to determine eligibility and assign enrollment priority number; sign Eligibility Verification form.  File all eligibility verification copies. Delegate Director within 24 hours of application
I-A, 6 Continue recruitment and enrollment of new eligible families. All Staff, FSC continuously all season

GOAL II: Families improve their health, safety, and financial security.

Objective II-A: Use home visits to establish relationships with families, and to identify and support their interests and goals.

(Family and Community Partnership Plan)
II-A, 1
Complete Family Assessment, in an interview, to determine families' social-service needs and individual goals. FSC within 2 weeks of enrollment
II-A, 2 Provide emergency assistance and crisis intervention as needed or requested. FSC all season
II-A, 3 Assist family in using community resources and systems of support, and follow up to determine their effectiveness. FSC all season
II-A, 4 Help families consider their strengths and needs, and write individual goals. Help develop action steps for each goal. Provide direct assistance or link families to support services and resources to help them achieve goals. FSC monthly or semi-monthly, all season
II-A, 5 Visit families to re-assess the goals and progress. Revise goals if needed. FSC monthly or semi-monthly, all season
II-A, 6 Provide one educational session of 10-15 minutes each home visit on a topic from one of the family engagement areas. FSC monthly or semi-monthly, all season

Objective II-B: Offer parent training opportunities.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Family and Community Partnership Plan)
II-B, 1 Offer Strengthening Families Illinois or Abriendo Puertas sessions FSC, Coordinators, Delegate Director monthly
II-B, 2 Provide a resource directory to each family and individualized explanations of information as follow-up to their goals. FSC at monthly home visits
II-B, 3 Provide time, including some evening hours, for parents to consult with the mental-health specialist. Mental Health Coordinator, Delegate Director 4 hours per month

GOAL III: Families develop healthy, supportive relationships that foster children's learning, development, and preparation for school.

Objective III-A: Encourage parents' involvement in the everyday education of their children at home and at school.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Family and Community Partnership Plan)
III-B, 1 With the parents, develop individual learning goals for each child. Teachers within 30 days of enrollment
III-B, 2 Give parents an access code to their child's Galileo Assessment information. FSC within 30 days of enrollment
III-B, 3 Discuss child's progress with parents. Teachers at second Parent Contact
III-B, 4 Answer parents' questions about children's progress, or relay information to education staff. FSC Monthly, or as requested by parents
III-B, 5 Send home parent-child activities related to classroom projects. Teachers, Education Coordinator Monthly
III-B, 6 Welcome parents to the center and classroom at any time. All Staff All the time
III-B, 7 Organize a parent education committee to observe classrooms and make recommendations. Education Coordinator at least twice during season
III-B, 8 Provide intergenerational literacy activities. Education Coordinator, FSC, Director Monthly
III-B, 9 Share information about the importance of the home language and second-language learning with parents. Teachers, FSC during parent-teacher contacts
III-B, 10 Carry out the activities of the transition plan. FSC, Director, Education Coordinator before August 15

GOAL IV: Parents advance their own learning interests through education, training, and other experiences.

Objective IV-A: Support parents' access to basic education.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Family and Community Partnership Plan)
IV-A, 1
Provide referrals to educational resources: GED, ESL. FSC All season
IV-A, 2 Assure parents have the necessary supports to complete their education. FSC Monthly- All season

Objective IV-B: Assist parents to reach their education and career goals.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Family and Community Partnership Plan)
IV-B, 1
Inform parents of Head Start's policy of hiring parents whenever possible, and of training opportunities available through the program. FSC Monthly
IV-B, 2 Invite parents to visit or  volunteer at the HS center whenever they wish. FSC Monthly
IV-B, 3 Explore, with those who are interested, other career and educational opportunities. FSC Monthly
IV-B, 4 Assist parents to break their goals into realistic steps. FSC Monthly
IV-B, 5 Follow up each goal by discussing parent's progress; offer continuing assistance; revise goals as necessary. FSC Monthly
IV-B, 6 Form partnerships with educational resources in the community and beyond, including higher-learning institutions, to support families' goals. FSC Monthly
IV-B, 7 Provide 2 training sessions for parents to learn a skill that will lower their expenses. (eg. cake decoration, children's haircutting, basic mechanics.) FSC, Delegate Director Throughout Year
IV-B, 8 Link families to internships, volunteer activities, etc. that could expand their skills and build on their career interests. FSC Monthly - All season

GOAL V: Community providers work in cooperation with the MSHS program to meet parents' needs.

Objective V-A: Assure connections with community providers.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Family and Community Partnership Plan)
V-A, 1
Invite community agency representatives to parent fairs, open-house days, or other events at the center to acquaint parents with their services. Delegate Director, Health Coordinator, FSC once per season
V-A, 2 Hold a Health Services Advisory Committee meeting: invite one or two parents to participate. Delegate Director, Health Coordinator, FSC once per season
V-A, 3 Inform community members of volunteer opportunities at the center. FSC July
V-A, 4 Identify a contact person, bilingual if possible, from each local agency and include their name in the Resource Directory. FSC July
V-A, 5 Facilitate or refer parents to parental support and educational groups where they can share concerns. Delegate Director, Health Coordinator, FSC All season
V-A, 6 Encourage parents' participation in community activities: PTA, City Council meetings, cultural events, etc. Delegate Director, Health Coordinator, FSC Once per season

Goal VI: Families participate in leadership development, decision-making, program policy development, and community and state organizing activities.

Objective VI-A: Create an environment that welcomes and affirms parent leadership and advocacy in the program.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Family and Community Partnership Plan)
VI-A, 1
Ensure that parents' opinions are heard and included in the program planning process. Delegate Director at planning meeting and throughout year
VI-A, 2 Work with parents to arrive at mutual understandings of how to collaborate with each other within the program. Delegate Director throughout year
VI-A, 3 Provide opportunities for parents to identify their strengths as leaders and advocates and to use them in the program and community. Delegate Director throughout year
VI-A, 4 Provide mentoring opportunities that could include staff, alumni parents, and professionals in the community to serve as a resource and support for parent leadership development. Delegate Director throughout year
VI-A, 5 Form ties with parent-to-parent organizations or other K-12 parent groups to facilitate connections for MSHS families. Delegate Director throughout year

Objective VI-B: Parent representatives fully exercise their decision-making capacity according to Head Start standards.

OBJECTIVE NUMBER (Family and Community Partnership Plan)
VI-B, 1
Hold Parent Committee meetings according to procedures. Delegate Director, FSC every month of season
VI-B, 2 Hold Policy Committee meetings according to procedures. Delegate Director, FSC every month of season
VI-B, 3 Facilitate representatives' attendance of Policy Council meetings. Delegate Director, FSC, other staff June-Oct., and March
VI-B, 4 Train Policy Committee on the program budget, program governance, rights and duties of the Policy Committee, Head Start Program Performance Standards, leadership and advocacy. Delegate Director June-October