01.07.08 - Performance Evaluation Procedures

Performance Evaluation Procedures Policy Number and Last Update

Types of Evaluations:

Annual - Completed yearly for all employees; may be basis for merit compensation, subject to budgetary constraints.

Discharge - Completed prior to termination of employment; used as a discharge recommendation to Board and Policy Committee, for their approval.

Other - e.g., a periodic evaluation can be used in cases of questionable performance; and exit evaluation may be requested by an employee leaving the program for his/her use as a reference.


Employee and supervisor use the form for evaluation prior to the meeting. At the meeting, both discuss each point, giving specific examples of work products to support their ratings Supervisor and employee formulate training goals based upon performance and survey If there is disagreement on an item, the supervisor's rating takes precedence, but the employee may use Part III for explaining his or her rationale. The employee and the supervisor sign the evaluation, alternately at the same time, unless the employee refuses to sign due to disagreement explained in Part III.

Appraisal of Employee Performance Characteristics:

Assess each item in Part I as it relates to the expectations of the position. You must provide comments for either an Exceptional or Unacceptable rating, citing concrete, measurable examples or work products. Overall Performance Rating: Rate the overall performance according to directions and guidance on the form.

Note: Satisfactory completion of all work is not exceptional. An employee surpasses expectations when he or she does more than the job description, or when the quality of work is so outstanding as to exceed a normal level of achievement. Staff participation in training, sponsored through the program, is not an example of outstanding performance. The method by which an employee enhances his/her skills is irrelevant, as is his/her improvement. Only actual job performance can be evaluated.