01.05.02 - Involvement of Volunteers

Involvement of Volunteers Policy Number and Last Update

Volunteers shall be involved to the fullest extent possible in the planning and implementation of each component of the Migrant Head Start Program. Involvement of volunteers shall include:

  1. Education Area
    • Planning Activities
    • Implementing activities and curriculum in large group sessions, small group sessions, individual sessions, field trips
    • Assisting with parent activities
  2. Parent Involvement
    • Making decisions about policies and operation of the program
    • Serve on policy committees and/or councils
  3. Social Services Area
    • Help prepare the centers newsletter
    • Help prepare center's social services directory
    • Assist in recruitment of children
    • Recruit other parents as volunteer
  4. Health Area
    • Serve on the Health Services Advisory Committee
    • Assist in health screening
    • Provide transportation to health services
    • Assist in preparing food
    • Eat with children for the purpose of enhancing their social environment
    • Provide first-aid training for staff and parents
    • Provide training (professional volunteers) for staff and services for children
  5. Disabilities and Mental Health Area
    • Provide transportation to appointments for families and children with disabilities
    • Assist families with translation
    • Participate as a member of the center's Education Committee, observing classrooms and making recommendations for the improvement of the mental-health aspect of the classrooms
    • Assist with parent education activities
    • Implement classroom activities with children with disabilities, as per their individual plans
  6. Administration
    • Assist in recruiting volunteers
    • Assist in recruiting children