01.05.01 - Volunteer Procedure

Volunteer Procedure Policy Number and Last Update (01.05.01/01-2011)


Project Head Start was founded on the belief that successful programs demand meaningful citizen participation. To achieve such participation, the program was designed to require using volunteers and, in turn, to allow their services to be counted as in-kind contributions toward the non-federal share of the local Head Start budget.


Illinois Migrant & Seasonal Head Start believes that persons volunteering services to the program increase their knowledge and understanding of the overall program. The involvement of parents, as well as community persons, develops a broad community base of advocates for Migrant Head Start.


The goal of the Volunteer Program is designed to improve and expand the services provided by Illinois Migrant & Seasonal Head Start Programs through the involvement of individuals representing all facets.


Four objectives are developed for an effective Volunteer Program. They are:

  1. To use volunteers as vital participants in all parts of the program
  2. To use parents and former parents of Illinois Migrant & Seasonal Head Start children in all parts of the program
  3. To assure volunteers meaningful assignments which will both satisfy and enhance the growth and development of both the volunteer and the Illinois Migrant & Seasonal Head Start Program
  4. To recruit volunteers from all cultural and economic backgrounds in order to enhance the growth and development of the Illinois Migrant & Seasonal Head Start Program


Responsibility for developing and managing the Volunteer Program will be:

  1. The director or designated person from each delegate agency shall have overall responsibility for planning, coordinating and implementing the volunteer program
  2. The Parent Committee may choose to assist by selecting an individual or a committee to share the responsibility