01.03.03e - Classroom Staff Procedure §1302.21(b)

Classroom Staff Procedure Policy Number and Last Update
(01.03.03e/12/2023) §1302.21(b)

Delegate agencies will adhere to the following classroom staff guidelines:

  • Teaching staff will complete at least 15 hours of training before starting position, each season. Staff starting mid-season shall complete a minimum of eight hours of training before starting position and the rest within two-weeks.
  • Programs will employ a qualified teacher and an assistant for each preschool classroom.
  • Programs will comply with Head Start Standards by employing TWO or THREE qualified Infant/Toddler Teachers per classroom depending on group size. (See table below and also see Job descriptions or Head Start Standards to verify the credentials needed for teachers).
  • Programs will have two paid staff persons for each classroom throughout the day, even when the adult ratio per child is less.
  • Child-adult ratios are determined by the age of the majority of the children and maintained at all times of the day and in all locations:
Under 3 years no more than 8 OR 9 children enrolled in any class, depending on the number of teachers.
3 Year Olds no more than 17 children enrolled in any class.
3, 4, 5 Year Olds no more than 17* or 20 children enrolled in any class, depending of the age of the majority of children in the classroom.
4 and 5 Year Olds no more than 20 children enrolled in any class.

*group size is determined by the age of the majority of the children in the classroom.

  • Special child-adult ratio notes:
    • Child-adult ratios are adjusted based on children needs, if necessary--i.e. children with disabilities. The appropriate ratio shall be determined through child's IEP/IFSP, consultation among the parent, staff, resource personnel and the grantee, if necessary.
    • Per HS Standards, a child under 3 years is considered a toddler
    • A three-year-old classroom is where more than half of the children are 3 or will turn 3 by Sept. 1st
  • At least one staff member per classroom MUST speak the children's primary language.
  • At least one staff member per classroom shall begin her/his schedule 15-30 minutes prior to the arrival of the children to conduct routine safety classroom check and prepare learning areas for children's arrival.
  • A staff member shall inspect the playground daily, before children's scheduled outdoor hour, and complete the playground safety checklist.
  • The Education Coordinator will plan for a monthly in-service training for the education staff. Topics will be chosen per staff interest or supervisor's observation of needs.