September 24, 2010 Planning & Grants Sub-Committee Meeting Minutes

Loyola University Chicago
25 E. Pearson 11th Floor
Childlaw Center
Chicago, IL 60660


I. Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 10:09am.

II. Roll Call 

Commissioners: Edith Crigler, Debra Ferguson, Gene Griffin, Roseanna Ander, Lisa Jacobs, Esther Franco-Payne, Randell Strickland, Rick Velasquez, Wayne Straza, George Timberlake, Arthur Bishop. Quorum declared present. 
Staff/Guests: Karrie Rueter, Julie Stremlau and Edwin Howard.

III. Approval of Minutes

No minutes to approve.

IV. Funding Strategies and Recommendations

Commissioner Jacobs passed out a packet and referenced previous commission meeting notes and documents within the packet. Commissioners discussed the primary purpose of the meeting, which was to refine the possible funding strategies the Commission can employ to advance the goals we seek for systems improvement and improved outcomes for juvenile-justice involved youth. Commissioner Jacobs noted that, at the last Planning and Grants Committee, the group agreed that a more structured strategic planning process could help the Commission function more efficiently and effectively. In the meantime, however, the Committee had been asked to develop initial funding priorities that could be recommended to the Commission, while strategic planning is developed.

Commissioner Jacobs reviewed the Committee's initial list of priorities, developed at the August Committee meeting and asked if there are other issues and ideas that should be included in the meeting discussion. Commissioner Ander stated there has been a lot of time spent defining what has been done in the past. Karrie Rueter stated the current funding can be changed if necessary but we need to use our Annual Plan as a guideline. Commissioner Franco-Payne posed the question of the committee process and is there a limit of how much can be spent. Commissioner Timberlake discussed Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ), Juvenile Detention Alternatives Initiatives (JDAI) and Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) reduction as possible priorities. Commissioner Straza noted that he was not pleased with the lack of success in DMC over the past five years, despite significant funding investments. Commissioner Griffin suggested that the Commission should consider supporting the conversion of assessment tools within the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice (IDJJ) to begin to address the needs of youth in DJJ custody.

Following extensive discussion, Commissioners selected the five priority areas for initial development, as follows:

Community-Based Services:

  • Pilot or expand high-level / high quality clinical services for high-need youth in placement and in the community.
  • Pilot services / approaches which provide youth meaningful opportunities for positive youth development, not just "clinical" improvement.
  • Improve QA (quality assurance) capacity and sustainability of EBPs in Illinois. Consider an EPB "institute" or entity to enhance in-state capacity to implement, utilize and measure high-quality evidence-based practices.
  • Pilot strategies to increase community capacity to provide high-quality services and support to youth at risk of entry / leaving juvenile justice system
  • Pilot or expand specialized services, such as services to youth with problem sexual behaviors, gender-specific services to youth on probation, parole or in custody, etc.

Community-Based Supervision Models:

  • Pilot evidence-based community supervision strategies (probation and / or parole) for older youth involved in the justice system. Could include a pilot of the Ohio EPICS model with DJJ and identified probation departments.

Detention Alternatives and Reform:

  • Increase capacity of detention facilities to assess and improve conditions of confinement.
  • Increase opportunities for detention leaders to learn from one another and collaborate effectively to implement best practices.
  • Enhance prosecutor and defender roles in detention alternatives and detention reform.


  • Pilot approaches to increase access of JJ-involved youth to meaningful education and vocational opportunities - such as the Cook County electronic highschool, partnership with colleges and community colleges, etc.


  • Improve local data capacity and utilization, including JWatch expansion and diffusion.

Implement available data templates, including the Burns Institute expanded data template, the Connecting Pathways local data template to drive decisions regarding local and state policy improvement efforts. Maximize use of JMIS detention data by Commission and other decision-makers.

Commissioner Ander presented a proposal for a planning grant for Chicago Public Schools, and Cook County to develop "virtual high school" concepts to help system-involved youth to obtain high school diplomas. The virtual high school concept was discussed at length, as was the process for bringing funding proposals forward. Commissioner Jacobs stated that she thought more information is needed to determine how to address the issue of youth not finishing school. Other Commissioners agreed, but noted that the grant was for planning purposes only and would not obligate the Commission to fund any further activity or implementation. Following extensive discussion, Commissioner Timberlake made a motion for the Planning and Grants Committee to recommend funding for the $35,000.00 planning grant, as presented. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed. Commissioner Ander abstained.

Following discussion with Commissioner Bishop, Commissioners also agreed that the Commission should consider targeted funding to DJJ to enhance the screening, assessment and case planning policy and practices within the Department of Juvenile Justice.

Commissioners also discussed the various funding strategies that could be utilized to make resources available, including requests for information, requests for proposals, targeted / sole source funding and other options. Commissioners agreed that the Planning and Grants Committee should next develop recommended funding mechanisms to advance the initial funding priorities identified at this meeting for presentation to the full Commission.

V. New Business, Planning & Next Meetings

Next meeting scheduled for November 1, 2010.

VI. Adjournment

Commissioner Ander motioned to adjourn; IJJC Chairman Timberlake seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 3:40pm.