Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission
June 17, 2010
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM
Double Tree Hotel
Oak Brook, IL
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 10:06 AM.
Roll Call
Commissioners: Chairman Lisa Jacobs, IJJC Chairman George Timberlake, Patricia Connell, Roseanna Ander, Kurt Friedenauer, IJJC Vice Chair Wayne Straza, Eugene Griffin and George Hill.
Staff: Karrie Rueter and Julie Stremlau.
Parole Study Funding Proposal (SB 1725 and HB 5914)
Commissioner Jacobs presented the request for resources to conduct the Parole Study required by SB 1725 and HB 5914 to be conducted by the Commission. Commissioner Jacobs noted that the proposal/workplan was prepared by Commissioner Julie Biehl, as directed by the Commission at its May meeting, to describe the mechanisms and resources which will be necessary to fulfill the legislative mandates to report upon Illinois' current parole system. She noted that the work plan includes processes and resources for file reviews, observation of prison review board hearings, analysis of existing data tracking systems, reviews of best practices literature regarding effective juvenile reentry and aftercare and preparation of recommendations for consideration by the Commission. Once complete, the draft report will be submitted to the Commission for approval. IJJC Commissioners are invited and strongly encouraged to participate in these reviews and observation of parole hearings. The proposal would allocate funding to Youth Network Council for the Child and Family Justice Center at Northwestern University to oversee the parole study envisioned by statute. The proposal includes resources for data management, technical assistance regarding data collection and management, data collection / entry, supplies and travel resources to support parole hearing observation and master file reviews at IYC facilities. Allocation of up to $22,500.00 is requested to complete this review.
Karrie Reuter reported on discussions with Sharon Shipinski, Parole Division of the Department of Corrections, regarding challenges in providing the various types of data for review by the Commission. Commissioners discussed the importance of complete, timely and accurate information to fulfill the legislative mandates and agreed to continue discussions with DJJ and DOC regarding options to access, compile, analyze and report on the parole data, as envisioned in the statute.
Commissioner Connell moved to allocate up to $22,500 to Youth Network Council to allocate funds to Northwestern to complete this study with changes made to account for the difference in files reviewed. Wayne Straza seconded the motion with the stipulation that the confidentiality of the files be maintained. All in favor, motion passed.
First Defense Legal Aid Proposal
Chairman Lisa Jacobs reported that FDLA was not able to present their proposal but will do so in July.
DJJ FY2011 Funding Request
Chairman Lisa Jacobs noted that a copy of the funding requests by DJJ were electronically shared with the members. The current request includes elements, both for continued funding of positions the Commission currently funds within DJJ. The two positions are a Behavioral Clinical Director and an Administrator of Detention Standards and Audits.
Kurt Friedenauer explained that the Administrator of Detention Standards and Audits oversees the state's audits of the eight DJJ facilities and provides technical assistance to those facilities. Eugene Griffin asked about the differences between this request and the request for monitoring assistance approved in a previous meeting. Commissioner Connell explained that the compliance monitoring positions previously approved are different positions, for different functions. The compliance monitoring focuses on DOC's ongoing audits of county jails, municipal lockups and other local facilities which may hold youth (and adults), whereas this detention auditing position provides oversight of compliance with standards governing county detention centers. Patricia Connell added that this is a system improvement piece and, she believes, should be funded. George Hill asked if any of this grant pays for clerical positions. Director Friedenauer responded that prior requests included clerical support, but this request does not.
Director Friedenauer noted that the second position, the Behavioral Healthcare Administrator, was previously a "shared service" with DOC and DJJ did not find this arrangement workable. Therefore, he had sought funding through the Commission to create a new behavioral health oversight position within DJJ. He stated that this position is critical for the department.
IJJC Vice Chair Wayne Straza asked how much funding previously allotted to DJJ has not been spent. He reminded the members that he has raised this concern previously, but that the Commission does not yet have that information. Commissioner Straza stated that he understands that DJJ has been unable to fill some positions due to hiring challenges, but that it is critical that the Department report on funds which will not be expended as planned, so that these funds can be recouped rather than lapsed, and redirected accordingly. Judge Timberlake agreed that this is a critical issue and noted that a full review of the budget will take place at the Commission's meeting next month.
Commissioner Connell recommended analyzing each position separately. Commissioners discussed the DJJ funding request for the Detention Standards and Audit position. Commissioner Jacobs noted that the Department of Juvenile Justice has a statutory responsibility to monitor detention facilities and the fact that the state relies upon grant funding for these critical functions is something that needs to be reviewed and considered carefully. Also, if these grants are intended to serve as Systems Improvement resources, the Commission should get more feedback from these audits and move toward improving detention center standards, policy and practice. Director Friedenauer indicated that the Detention Auditor would gladly give a report to the Commission for review. Commissioner Connell reminded the Commission that the detention auditor also fulfills some portion of our OJJDP Compliance Core Requirements and moved to approve the award of $92,300 for this position.
Following discussion, Commissioners agreed that there are three issues to consider: 1) An examination of how the State will fund these critical functions in the future without reliance upon external grant funding; 2) That revised detention standards - which have been in development for an extended period of time - must be completed and implemented; 3) For the audit function to advance systems improvement efforts, the Commission will need detailed feedback to guide development of policies and procedures for Illinois detention centers. Commissioners agreed that the Commission should receive, at least annually and perhaps more frequently, reports from the Auditor's findings to guide system improvement efforts. Commissioner Connell revised her motion to include that the Commission receive and review the reports as requested and for the Auditor to present to the Commission on an annual basis. George Hill seconded the motion. All in favor, motion carried.
Discussion then turned to the Behavioral Health Administrator position for which resources were requested. Commissioner Jacobs noted that the Behavioral Health Administrator position is also a critical position the State should fund and other Commissioners concurred. Director Friedenauer explained that he has had very little success with general revenue state-funded positions. Commissioner Hill asked about efforts to close outdated and/or inappropriate facilities which cannot adequately house youth. Director Friedenauer stated that facilities will not close until a better option is available to house the 1200 youth currently in facilities around the state. Director Friedenauer stated that operating the Department without a behavioral administrator would be detrimental.
Commissioner Griffin asked what had happened to the resources allocated by the state for the DOC/DJJ shared services. Director Friendenauer responded that DJJ was receiving very little time or expertise from this arrangement and noted that DOC has 36 institutions while DJJ has 8. DOC has 38,000 inmates, while DJJ has 1200. He stated that, anytime shared services were established, all the services would go to DOC. Commissioner Griffin noted that, by allocating grant funding for a behavioral health position within DJJ, the state was absolved from both supporting this critical function within DJJ and from finding ways to utilize the shared service effectively, to the benefit of incarcerated youth. He asked whether Commission funding was creating unintended consequences, in that this mandated "shared resource" was now providing no benefit to DJJ or the youth it cares for.
Commissioner Jacobs added that, if this grant is structured as a systems improvement effort, it could provide both better services and better information regarding mental health, trauma and substance abuse needs of incarcerated youth. To do this, the Commission will need to receive detailed information regarding behavioral health needs and services for youth within DJJ as a product of this grant. Commissioner Hill stated that the Commission needs to fund many projects across the state and indicated that he does not support using limited funds to support DJJ functions.
Commissioner Connell agreed that, while she does not like that the Commission funds such a function on behalf of the state, she is not in favor of this position ending and thus leaving the youth without the services they require. Commissioner Griffin moved to approve the Behavioral Health Administrator. Commissioner Connell seconded the motion. Commissioner Jacobs offered an amendment to require system improvement, programming and policy reports and information as a product of this grant. Commissioner Hill opposed, all others in favor. Motion passed.
New Business
No new business was reported. It was noted by IJJC Chairman Timberlake that there are conflicts with the July 13th date for the Budget Planning Meeting. Others present commented that they had conflicts also. A calendar for possible meeting dates will be sent to the Commission for feedback.
Patricia Connell motioned to adjourn, Eugene Griffin seconded. Meeting adjourned at 11:01 AM.