Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission
April 26, 2010
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
DHS Clinton Building, Chicago
DHS Harris Building, Springfield
Held via Video Conferencing
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 12:13 PM.
Roll Call
Commissioners: Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Patricia Connell, Gene Griffin and IJJC Chairman George Timberlake. Quorum declared present.
Staff: Julie Stremlau
Domestic Battery Proposals
Chairman Lisa Jacobs presented the Domestic Battery proposals to the Committee. There were three proposals: DuPage County Probation and Court Services; Children's Home Association of Illinois of Peoria; and Youth Outreach Services of Cook County. These providers are addressing domestic violence in the juvenile justice system with support from the MacArthur Foundation's Models for Change Initiative. This partnership is data driven by the data that suggests youth involved with the Juvenile Justice System are referred on charges related to domestic battery. Data also indicates these youth are often either direct or indirect victims of domestic violence themselves.
The Domestic Battery Programs are designed to reduce detention admissions for youth charged with domestic battery with a specific focus on gender specific services to reduce the length of detention stays, facilitate effective family integration and increase the number, range and effective utilization of community-based strategies for serving families in crisis and responding to youth charged with domestic violence. The Step-Up program is an effective community-based program to stop youth-perpetrated violence and abuse of family members. Step Up stands for Stop, Time out, Evaluate, Prepare, Use skills and Patience. It is a 22- week curriculum designed to serve both adolescent youth and their parents.
There is also an evaluation process being considered with the University of Illinois and it is targeting the Step Up program. There was a question as to whether it is practical for U of I to evaluate all three sites or to just focus on DuPage. It was recommended that the evaluation be completed on all three sites. Gene Griffin asked why these three areas were targeted. Chairman Lisa Jacobs responded that all three sites have already started the process and are all Comprehensive Community Based Services (CCBYS) providers. Patricia Connell moved to approve funding for all three programs with the understanding that they meet the Title V contract requirements and the fifty percent match with a stipulation that all three programs are evaluated for efficacy. Gene Griffin seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed. Chairman Lisa Jacobs and IJJC Chairman Timberlake abstained.
First Defense Legal Aid Proposal
First Defense Legal Aid's (FDLA) grant ended March 31st. The question before the Committee is to approve extending FDLA's grant another quarter thus funding them $25,000. FDLA also presented a proposal to the Commission for fiscal year 2011. Gene Griffin commented that much of their work focuses on services for adults instead of youth. Patricia Connell added that FDLA was very clear that the majority of their legal staff is volunteers, and that Commission funding supports the administrative and coordination of services. Chairman Lisa Jacobs indicated a desire for a juvenile-specific outreach curriculum which could be shared with others for replication. FDLA indicates they will work to improve their juvenile services and address DMC. The Planning and Grants Committee recommends FDLA work with the DMC Committee to focus more services on areas with high DMC.
Lisa Jacobs motioned to approve FDLA funding for another quarter that would extend their contract through June 2010 in the amount of $25,000 but to table the proposal for FY2011 funding at this time. The Commission requests detailed information concerning the services provided to juveniles through FDLA's agency and will expect revisions to their current proposal before giving it further consideration. Patricia Connell seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
Illinois Association of Juvenile Justice Council
The Illinois Association of Juvenile Justice Council is requesting a one time funded amount of $35,000 from the Commission for initial outreach, in the form of regional seminars, and the creation of detention alternatives guides and information for Councils. Patricia Connell discussed the importance of including defenders in Councils, and noted that, in many communities it has been difficult to reach the defense bar. The Commission could advise the Council to focus on this area. The Council is really trying to work with the public defenders and defense lawyers in general to advocate for what juveniles really need. Patricia Connell motioned to approve funding of $35,000 to the IAJJC with the stipulation the Commission's Detention Alternatives Committee work with the Council on its efforts and that the Council implement strategies to engage the defender community.Gene Griffin seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed. IJJC Chairman George Timberlake abstained.
Coalition for Juvenile Justice July 2010 Conference
Patricia Connell gave an overview of the Coalition for Juvenile Justice conference that is scheduled to take place in July. The plan is to reinstitute the Regional meetings, as they enable the states to share information, promising practices and contacts. The conference planning group is requesting up to $15,000 from the Commission to assist in paying for the conference. Patricia Connell motioned to approve up to $15,000 for the CJJ Conference. Gene Griffin seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
New Business, Planning & Next Meetings
The next meeting will be held at the Retreat in May.
Gene Griffin motioned to adjourn. IJJC Chairman Timberlake seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned 1:14 PM.