WAG 25-06-14: Historical Data for Long Term Care

Lookback Dates for Transfers of Assets

The following table shows the historical time frames for reviewing asset transfers, based on the date of application for medical assistance.

"App/service date" means the latest of:

  • date of application for medical assistance; or
  • date of entry into a nursing home or SLF; or
  • receipt of or application for DoA services.

"Specified trust actions" means:

  • Transfers from a revocable trust; or
  • The creation of an irrevocable trust that does not permit payment to, or for the benefit of, the person; or
  • The creation of an irrevocable trust that does not permit payment to, or for the benefit of, the person at some point after the trust is created.
Application Date Type of Transfer Review transfers made on or after
Before 08/11/93 All transfers 36 months before app/service date
08/11/93 - 08/11/96 All transfers 36 months before app/service date
08/12/96 - 08/11/98 Specified trust actions 08/11/93
All other transfers 36 months before app/service date
08/12/98 - 12/31/11 Specified trust actions 60 months before app/service date
All other transfers 36 months before app/service date
On or after 01/01/12 All transfers 60 months before app/service date

Mandatory Screening

The mandatory screening requirement for long term care admission in the state of Illinois was implemented on June 30, 1996. Persons continuously residing in an LTC facility since that date or before are not required to submit the Interagency Certification of Screening Results (Form 2536) when applying for medical assistance.