MR #10.22: Miscellaneous Changes Including Additional EZ REDE/Budgeting and 2002 Farm Bill Changes

MR #10.22: Miscellaneous Changes Including Additional EZ REDE/Budgeting and 2002 Farm Bill Changes


  • Due to high unemployment, Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) has notified the State that we qualify for a waiver of the SNAP Work Requirement for Abled Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWD) so the entire state is now exempt through September 30, 2011. 
  • When additional Cash, Medical, or SNAP applications are received prior to the date that eligibility is determined, review the information contained in additional application(s) and if applicable use it to determine eligibility and benefit amount. 
  • If additional applications are received after an approval, review the application for any changes and take the appropriate action, see PM 18-04-00.
  • A SNAP unit that cannot be located does not qualify for SNAP. When mail is returned as undeliverable, send a Form 1721 to the last known address (if there is forwarding information on the returned envelope, send to the forwarding address) before canceling the case, see WAG 18-04-03.
  • Based on questions from staff, we are revising PM 13-02-03 and WAG 13-02-03 to clarify when income ends in a month, budget only the amount anticipated to be received.
  • If the customer did not provide the proof of the income received in the fiscal month of application, ask the customer to tell you about the missing amount(s). Document their response in the case record. If you question their response, request proof.
  • WAG 13-02-07 is changed to reflect the new policy of using income from the last 30 days.
  • PM 19-07-04-a is revised to delete reference to the calendar month before the last month of the approval period and replace it with the last four pay stubs if paid weekly and the last two pay stubs if paid biweekly or every other week.
  • WAG 15-05-01-c and WAG 15-05-01-d are updated to delete the reference to Quarterly Reporting and revise the procedures to agree with current policy.
  • The Group Home Informational Sheet, Form 4745 and the Monthly Activity Report for Drug/Alcoholic Treatment Facilities, Form 3037, are now published on One Net and the DHS Web site.  Bureau of Policy Development no longer issues these forms.
  • Language identifying the options implemented as a result of the Farm Security and Rural Investment Act of 2002 is added to the manual.
  • Form 3658 and Link card log sheet should be sent to Business Services, Records Administration after 2 years.