MR #10.14: Health Benefits for Persons with Breast or Cervical Cancer (BCC)

MR #10.14: Health Benefits for Persons with Breast or Cervical Cancer (BCC)


  • The Illinois Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (IBCCP) offers free cervical and breast cancer screenings to uninsured women through the Illinois Department of Public Health (DPH). 
  • Health Benefits for Persons with Breast or Cervical Cancer (BCC) is an HFS program that provides full medical coverage for persons who need treatment for breast or cervical cancer or a precancerous condition.
  • Uninsured persons in Illinois are eligible for BCC if they meet the non-financial criteria whether or not they were initially diagnosed through the IBCCP screening process and regardless of income.
  • Processing of BCC applications and maintenance of active cases is the responsibility of the HFS Breast and Cervical Cancer Eligibility Unit in Springfield.
  • BCC cases are category 93 with Local Office Number 189; the FCRC office number where the person lives appears in the RESIDENCE field.
  • Persons who require only routine monitoring services (for example, pap smears or mammograms) are not considered to need treatment.
  • SNAP benefits cannot be authorized on these cases.