Healthy Kids Annual Mailing 2012

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  • Federal law requires the state to remind families of the availability of Healthy Kids services.
  • The annual Healthy Kids notice, HFS 1802 (pdf)/HFS 1802S (pdf), is being inserted with August 2012 medical cards for cases with children under age 21.
  • In August, HFS 1802 is also being mailed to persons under age 21 in unmet spenddown and All Kids/FamilyCare Rebate cases.
  • The Healthy Kids notice includes the Immunization Schedule information for 2012. 

Children may receive early periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment (EPSDT) to help them stay well and to prevent disability, illness or death. In Illinois these services are called Healthy Kids.

Federal law requires the state to remind families of the availability of Healthy Kids services. You can help by:

  • learning about Healthy Kids services (see PM 20-21-00),
  • telling families about the availability of services, and
  • encouraging parents to make and keep Healthy Kids appointments.

The annual Healthy Kids informational message, HFS 1802 (pdf)/HFS 1802S (pdf) is being inserted with August 2012 medical cards for cases with children under age 21 in categories: 00, 90, 02, 92, 03, P3, 93, 04, P4, 94, 06, P6, 96, 07 and 98. HFS 1802 is also being mailed to persons under age 21 in unmet spenddown and All Kids/FamilyCare Rebate clients.

The annual Immunization Schedule information is on the reverse of Form HFS 1802.

[signed copy on file]

Michelle R.B. Saddler
Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Julie Hamos
Director, Healthcare and Family Services

Forms referenced:

  • HFS 1802
  • HFS 1802S