January 11th, 2010 PLANNING & GRANTS Sub-Committee Meeting

Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission

January 11, 2010
1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
Hilton Hotel
Springfield, IL

Call to Order

Meeting called to order at 1:54 PM.  Chairman Timberlake began the meeting with introductions.

Roll Call

Commissioners Present: Chairman George Timberlake, Vice Chairman Wayne Straza, Reverend Charles Collins, Pamela Rodriguez, Lisa Jacobs, Dr. Debra Ferguson, Roseanna Ander, Julie Biehl and Esther Franco-Payne. Quorum declared present.

Staff: James Reynolds, Julie Stremlau, Michael Holmes, Karrie Rueter, Deborah McCarrel and Miguel Millett.

Guests: Angela Greene, Rod Chaney, Terrence Mitchell, and Jim Bray.

Approval of Minutes

Vice Chairman Straza chaired the meeting in Patricia Connell's absence.  Vice Chairman Straza moved to approve the minutes.  George Hill seconded the motion.  All in favor, minutes approved.

P&G Overview for New Commissioners

George Hill gave an overview of the role of the Planning and Grants Committee.  He stated the Commission addresses proposals the Planning and Grants Committee finds appropriate to present.  The Planning and Grants Committee is essential in developing the 3-Year Plan, reviewing grant applications, Request for Proposal's (RFP's) and compliance monitoring of the federal guidelines.  Vice Chairman Straza explained that Ron Smith is the Compliance Monitor with the assistance of Dick Walsh.  The budget and funding cuts are a major issue this year and the Planning and Grants Committee is vital in this process.

P&G Committee Membership

Please indicate your interest in this committee on the information forms in your packets.  Chairman Timberlake will make the final committee appointments.

Fiscal Update

Karrie Rueter gave an overview of the budget.  Many Commissioners asked questions regarding the budget and Karrie explained.  Due to time constraints, a detailed review of the budget will be presented to the full Commission.

Title II Formula & Title V Performance Measures

The Commission controls Title II and Title V grant funding.  The Commission itself cannot receive funding but can oversee funding through other channels.  Karrie Rueter explained that Juvenile Reentry is something the Commission could be interested in pursuing.  In this example, DHS would be the applicant for the grant in partnership with the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice (IDJJ).  The pilot program is suggested to be in Cook County.  DHS will narrow down the focus to a particular population and also has to acquire the $750,000 match.  There is a committee currently working on this proposal.  Pamela Rodriguez commented that she hopes the Commission will move forward and in the future be the body that initiates this type of endeavor.

Vice Chairman Straza commented that money has been lost in the past as we were unable to expend the money as set by the guidelines.  He stated we should further ensure that the money is expended and monitor more closely how the money is spent.  He also feels the Commission should rescind the money if necessary.  Chairman Timberlake agreed and stated the Commission needs to exercise that it is the voice of juvenile justice in Illinois.  This reentry money is a chance to show the expertise of this group and a great opportunity for the state.

Program Compliance Update / Issues

Ron Smith gave an overview of Compliance and how Illinois can have a reduction in federal funding if found out of federal compliance.  He also explained how Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice (IDJJ) funding works with the Corrections Monitors and the monitoring of jails and lock-ups throughout the state.  The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) require monitoring of 1500 facilities pertaining to juveniles.  This compliance monitoring covers three of the four Core Requirements of OJJDP.  The complete compliance report will be presented to the full Commission.

CJJ Midwest Regional Conference

The CJJ Midwest regional conference will be discussed at the full Commission meeting.

DMC Spending Requests

DMC was allotted $54,000 and up to $70,000 for the Workshop in June.

JDAI Spending Requests

Will be presented to the full Commission.

IDJJ Spending Request

Karrie Rueter presented the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice (IDJJ) request for a budget revision to support their reform effort.  There was a detailed discussion about this request.  Debra Ferguson noted that MacArthur is in the process of doing an extensive study that may impact IDJJ.  Debra Ferguson is working with MacArthur on this study.  They are unable to share their findings until the report is finalized and sent out. It was recommended the Commission wait to decide on IDJJ's request until the report is finalized.  Karrie Rueter explained this revision can not be suspended until the report is complete. Pamela Rodriquez stated it is the Commission's duty to be flexible enough to review these topics with current information and decide what is the best plan.  No formal action taken by the Committee.  This request will be presented to the full Commission.

Title V Grant Revisions - Develop Plan (Gender Specific-Domestic Battery)

Karrie Rueter explained about the Title V Truancy Grants.  There was a lack of participation in the Truancy Initiative.  It was suggested to move toward expending those funds on a gender specific focus.  The desire of this committee is to issue this money without going through a long process that will result in loss of funding due to time constraints.

ICJIA has already given baseline data.  Esther Franco-Payne added there is a great need for further training in gender specific issues and training is available.  Western Illinois University has set up a task force for gender specific issues.  Lisa Jacobs added there are sites currently providing gender specific services and have a focus on addressing domestic violence.  There are three points to consider.  The point of potential arrest, the need for temporary respite care or emergency placement and the first responder/self help-family oriented resolution of the crisis. Lisa Jacobs is currently helping the Child Welfare League write up a model.

Lisa Jacobs stated programs in Addison and Naperville that have shown domestic battery is in direct relation to disproportionality.  This discussion went on for some time.  Final recommendation was to partner with Models for Change and allocate the maximum Title V funds for the gender-specific project.  George Hill motioned and Vice Chairman Straza seconded.  All in favor, motion passed.  Chairman Timberlake abstained.

Debra McCarrel reported that applying for the American Reinvestment and Recover Act (ARRA) funds has been a very difficult process.  If the money is not spent by November it will lapse.  The Commission would like to have control over distribution of this money in the future.

2009 Annual Report

The Annual Report is complete and will be submitted once it is approved by the Commission.

SB1725 Report

A committee will be established to address SB 1725.  Please notify Chairman Timberlake if you are interested in serving on this committee.

Truancy Update

Due to time constraints, the Truancy Update will be given to the full Commission.

Transportation Update

Due to time constraints, the Transportation Update will be given to the full Commission.

Access to Counsel Update

Due to time constraints, the Access to Counsel update will be given to the full Commission.

YSMP Update

Debra McCarrel gave a brief Medicaid overview of the Youth Services Medicaid Pilot.  A detailed report will be given to the Commission.

Other Business

None noted.


Vice Chairman Straza moved to adjourn the meeting.  Pamela Rodriguez seconded the motion.  Meeting adjourned at 5:14 PM.