GRF Walk-Up

GRF Walk to DHS FY11 Introduced Budget (All Numbers in Thousands)

Category Total
GRF FY10 Appropriations $4,036,884.5
FY11 GRF Budget Request $3,886,884.2
Change from FY10 Appropriation ($150,000.3)


Category Subtotal Total
Developmental Disabilities
Restoration of one-time shift to non-GRF funds $15,600.0
Annualization of FY10 SODC transitions to CILAs $5,935.0
Annualization of DCFS CILA transitions and add'l 93 transitions in FY11 $4,529.3
Funding to support 125 additional CILA transitions from SODCs $3,306.3
Subtotal $29,370.6
Human Capital Development
Child Care Rate Increases, Health Insurance, and Adjustment $27,502.7
Electronic Benefit Transfer increase $4,720.4
HCD Contractual $476.0
Income Assistance $20,165.3
Subtotal $52,864.4
Mental Health
Money Follows the Person $4,252.0
Restoration of Supportive MI Housing back to GRF from Health and Human Service Medicaid Trust Fund $17,965.0
Treatment & Detention Program Annualization & Growth $1,200.0
Subtotal $23,417.0
Rehabilitation Services
Home Services - Additional dollars support program growth and investment in the work force providing care to program participants. $85,716.3
Contractual staff conversion - arbitration decision $3,094.2
DRS Schools $120.3
Subtotal $88,930.8
Administration /Program Support
Torts contingency $3,000.0
Electronic Medical Records $3,500.0
Printing Consolidation $283.2
Internal Auditors $1,122.1
MIS - CMS costs $743.3
Subtotal $8,648.6
Overall Program Annualizations
Personal Services & Related $47,133.2
Subtotal $47,133.2
Total Increases $250,364.6


Category Subtotal Total
Community Health & Prevention
Shift 6 Headcount to Federal Funds ($378.1)
Community Health & Prevention Grant Program Reductions ($19,750.0)
Subtotal ($20,128.1)
Developmental Disabilities
Elimination of Non-Medicaid Grant programs ($28,224.4)
Extend DD LTC Payment Cycle ($15,883.4)
One and one-half month payment deferral for DD residential and day programs ($48,267.5)
Across the board 2.5% rate reduction ($25,899.3)
Savings from closure of Howe Development Center ($15,067.9)
Subtotal ($133,342.5)
Human Capital Development
Implement Child Care background checks (Licensed exempt home providers) ($14,600.0)
Reduce Child Care Quality funding ($10,000.0)
Cap Child Care Services to non-TANF Employment & Training clients ($24,100.0)
Child Care Liability Deferral ($55,000.0)
10% Program reduction to Immigrant Integration services ($836.4)
Subtotal ($104,536.4)
Mental Health
Eliminate Non-Medicaid Community based mental health services and significant reduction in capacity grants ($90,700.0)
Subtotal ($90,700.0)
Rehabilitation Services
Service Parameter and Asset Limit Savings ($19,489.2)
Subtotal ($19,489.2)
Addiction Treatment
8% Program reduction for non-Medicaid addiction treatment services ($6,883.9)
Subtotal ($6,883.9)
Administration /Program Support
Lease Consolidations ($350.0)
Subtotal ($350.0)
Overall Program Annualizations
Operations Reserves from FY10 ($24,934.8)
Subtotal ($24,934.8)
Total Decreases ($400,364.9)