
For the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2010, Governor Quinn proposes a $6.346 billion (FY10 - $6.224 billion) all funds ordinary and contingent expenses budget for the Illinois Department of Human Services. The General Revenue Fund portion of this request totals $3.887 billion (FY10 - $4.037 billion).

As proposed by Governor Quinn:

The FY11 DHS GRF proposed budget represents a $150.0 million decrease from FY10 appropriations.

The FY11 GRF proposed budget reflects increases of $250.4 million, including:

  • Developmental Disabilities - $29.4 million to restore the FY10 one-time shift to non-GRF funds, annualization of transitions from State-Operated Developmental Centers (SODCs) to the community, and funding to support 125 additional community transitions from SODCs in FY11.
  • Human Capital Development - $52.9 million to fund rate increases for child care home and center providers and an increase for the SEIU insurance program per the labor agreement, and increases to Income Assistance lines.
  • Mental Health - $23.4 million to fund the Money Follows the Person program, transfer of MI Supportive Housing back to GRF, and program growth and annualization in the Treatment and Detention Program.
  • Rehabilitation Services - $49.5 million to support the annualization of FY10 program growth and fund additional program growth estimated for FY11, $33.0 million for the SEIU labor agreement for personal attendants, and $3.3 million for the Homemaker wage and health insurance increases, and $3.1 million to convert contractual staff to state employees per the Fletcher arbitration decision.
  • Funding for administration includes $8.6 million for torts contingency, electronic medical records, and internal auditors (SB51).
  • Personal Services funding increased $47.1 million to support AFSCME agreement.

The FY11 GRF proposed budget also reflects decreases of $400.4 million, including a reduction of $24.9 million as a result of operations reserves imposed in FY10. Program decreases include:

  • Community Health and Prevention - ($20.1 million) reflecting an estimated 10% across-the-board reduction for most grant line appropriations.
  • Developmental Disabilities - ($133.3 million) due to the elimination of non-Medicaid grant programs, an extension of the payment cycle in Long-Term Care, a one and one-half month payment deferral for DD residential and day programs, a 2.5% across-the-board rate reduction and $15.1 million savings from the closure of Howe Developmental Center.
  • Human Capital Development - ($104.5 million) reflecting a 10% funding reduction for Immigrant Integration Services, and implementation of changes in the Child Care Program, including: background checks for licensed exempt home providers, reduced funding for Child Care Quality, a cap on services to non-TANF Employment and Training clients, and a one-month deferral of liability.
  • Mental Health - ($90.7 million) reflecting the elimination of non-Medicaid community-based mental health services and a significant reduction in capacity grants.
  • Rehabilitation Services - ($19.5 million) due to changes in service parameters and changes in asset limits.
  • Alcohol and Substance Abuse - ($6.9 million) reflecting an 8% reduction for non-Medicaid addiction treatment.