Report to the General Assembly - State Fiscal Year 2009 (pdf)
Report to the General Assembly
The Illinois Department of Human Services' (IDHS) Homeless Prevention Program Report is compiled for the Illinois General Assembly in accordance with Public Act 86-1454. It provides historical and current information on the Homeless Prevention Program in Illinois. It also outlines Fiscal Year 2009 funding by providing details on program expenditures, types of services and number of households served.
The Homeless Prevention Program was created by the Homeless Prevention Act of 1999. The program provides rental/mortgage assistance, utility assistance and supportive services to households who are in imminent danger of eviction, foreclosure or homelessness or are currently homeless.
The Homeless Prevention Program provides cost-effective prevention of homelessness, preserves family self-respect, and helps to keep families intact. The program prevents the need for long-term assistance programs and sustains permanent housing options by avoiding evictions, foreclosures, and utility disconnections.
In Fiscal Year 2009, $10,868,298.64 was allocated to the Homeless Prevention Program.
Program Goal
The Goal of the Homeless Prevention Program is to stabilize individuals and families in their existing homes, shorten the amount of time that individuals and families stay in shelters and assist individuals and families with securing affordable housing. The program provides rental/mortgage assistance, utility assistance and supportive services directly related to the prevention of homelessness or repeated episodes of homelessness.
Program deliverables require that:
- All providers have a referral process that assists program participants with enrollment into public benefit programs such as TANF, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP, formerly known as Food Stamps), All Kids, medical and disability assistance, as well as other resources that address the needs of the population targeted for service.
- All providers attend local Continuum of Care homeless network meetings and report on progress and distribution of funds from the Illinois Department of Human Services (IDHS).
- All providers have community outreach plan which includes a detailed description for notifying the community of the program, hours of operation, and admittance/eligibility requirements into the program(s) they administer for IDHS. The plan must include outreach to other community service agencies, court and sheriff's personnel involved with eviction matters, and other outreach entities. IDHS must be advised of any publications and distribution of flyers, printed materials, and brochures that are part of the IDHS funded program.
- All providers document participant need and eligibility, and maintain documentation in the participant files for a minimum of five years. All providers must use the "Homeless Prevention Documentation Checklist" tool to assure completeness of the participant file.
- All providers expend program funds under any of the allowable cost categories: prevention rental/mortgage assistance, security deposit assistance, utility assistance, approved case management, and approved legal services according to program rules and consistent with the purposes of the Homeless Prevention Act.
- All providers adhere to the IDHS program requirements including non-discrimination and community-wide access to Homeless Prevention Program services.
- All providers conduct follow-up on all households served through the program during the previous fiscal year.
- All providers have the ability to download the IDHS Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP formerly known as food stamps) application and distribute it to households to determine their need and eligibility for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and, based on that determination, assist with a LIHEAP application or referral.
- All participants have a complete intake and assessment done upon entry into the program. Providers must submit all intake and assessment forms to IDHS annually for approval.
- All providers have a written agreement or Memorandum of Understanding for referrals to other social service providers. The agreement or Memorandum at a minimum must include: type(s) of service(s) to be provided; and how referrals are handled by each entity; and follow-up actions.
- All providers report deliverables and outcomes using the Homeless Prevention Program web- based reporting system.
- The following projected data are also included in the provider's Funding Plan:
- the projected total number of households served; and
- the projected number of households receiving rental/mortgage assistance; and
- the projected number of households receiving utility assistance; and
- the projected number of households receiving security deposit assistance.
The Department of Human Services was designated as the lead agency to administer the Homeless Prevention Program in 2000. The Bureau of Homeless Services and Supportive Housing administers the Homeless Prevention Program on behalf of IDHS. Bureau staff perform fiscal, programmatic, contracting, and monitoring functions related to the administration of the Homeless Prevention Program funds.
In Illinois there are twenty-one Continuum of Care organizations developed by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide a network of homeless services to serve the entire state. Funding for the Homeless Prevention Program is allocated to each of these organizations utilizing HUD's homeless distribution formula. The Continuum of Care organizations in turn solicit proposals from local providers that serve homeless families and individuals. Each Continuum of Care organization then recommends agencies to receive Homeless Prevention Program funding from IDHS. Upon execution of a contract, the Homeless Prevention Program providers receive payments, and implement the program.
The twenty-one Continuum of Care organizations that received Homeless Prevention Program funding allocations in Fiscal Year 2009 were:
Agency |
Amount of Funds |
The City of Chicago Continuum of Care |
$3,257,251.65 |
Cook County Continuum of Care |
$1,333,969.00 |
DuPage County Continuum of Care |
$701,984.99 |
Northwestern Illinois Continuum of Care |
$569,737.89 |
Lake County Continuum of Care |
$542,300.00 |
Madison County Continuum of Care |
$531,459.89 |
Heart of Illinois Continuum of Care |
$484,000.00 |
Southern Illinois Continuum of Care |
$468,302.99 |
St. Clair County Continuum of Care |
$430,330.53 |
Boone/Winnebago County Continuum of Care |
$465,300.00 |
Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
$414,696.99 |
City of Evanston Continuum of Care |
$347,600.00 |
South Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
$301,268.56 |
West Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
$177,676.82 |
Kane County Continuum of Care |
$178,019.33 |
Joliet / Will County Continuum of Care |
$163,900.00 |
Champaign / Urbana Continuum of Care |
$138,600.00 |
Heartland Continuum of Care |
$118,800.00 |
Decatur / Macon County Continuum of Care |
$108,900.00 |
McHenry County Continuum of Care |
$ 80,300.00 |
City of DeKalb Continuum of Care |
$ 53,900.00 |
Total |
$10,868,298.64 |
Fiscal: All Homeless Prevention Program expenditures are based upon an IDHS approved budget stipulating each service category including rental assistance, mortgage assistance, utility assistance, security deposits, supportive services and case management. All expenditures are reported quarterly on the IDHS web-based reporting system.
Program: Homeless Prevention Program providers report the number and characteristics of households/participants served, the supportive services provided, household composition, household income, preventive service utilization, and other program information quarterly on the IDHS web-based reporting system.
Follow-Up: All providers were required to conduct follow-up by contacting every participant or family that received assistance from the Homeless Prevention Program during the previous fiscal year to assess the housing retention rate for the entire program. The follow-up data is reported to IDHS as specified at the end of each fiscal year.
Program Services
The Homeless Prevention Program provides rental/mortgage assistance, security deposit assistance, utility assistance, approved case management, and approved supportive services to individuals and families who are in imminent danger of eviction, foreclosure or homelessness, or are currently homeless. These services are provided in an effort to stabilize families in their exiting homes, shorten the amount of time that individuals and families stay in shelter, and assist individuals and families to secure affordable housing.
The households document to the provider a temporary economic crisis beyond the household's control by giving evidence of at least of one of the following conditions;
- loss of employment
- medical disability or emergency
- loss or delay of some form of public benefit
- natural disaster
- substantial change in household composition
- victimization by criminal activity
- illegal action by a landlord
- displacement by a government or private action, or
- some other condition with constitutes a hardship comparable to the other conditions enumerated above.
Homeless Prevention Program services are limited to the following;
- a maximum payment not to exceed three months of rent or mortgage arrears when no other resource is available, and/or
- a maximum payment not to exceed two months for rental or security deposit when no other resource is available, and/or
- payment of utility bills or arrears when no other resource is available (no legislative dollar amount stipulated), and/or
- supportive services where appropriate to prevent homelessness or repeated episodes of homelessness.
Households must be able to demonstrate the ability to meet prospective rental/utility obligations or mortgage payments after assistance has been granted based on current or anticipated income. Payments for Homeless Prevention Program services must be made to a landlord, utility company or other entity who provides housing or other eligible services to an applicant for assistance. Payments can not be made directly to a Homeless Prevention Program participant.
All eligible Homeless Prevention Program households may access assistance every two years. In the event a household requires additional Homeless Prevention Program assistance within a two-year period, exceptions are considered. All exceptions must be submitted to and approved by IDHS Homeless Prevention Program staff.
The supportive services provided by the Homeless Prevention Program are those deemed necessary to move people to self-sufficiency. Homeless Prevention Program offers supportive services that directly relate to the prevention of homelessness or repeated episodes of homelessness. There are two categories of supportive services; Required Supportive Services and Supplemental Supportive Services.
The Required Supportive Services are:
Case Management |
Coordinating the acquisition, delivery and use of support services.
Case Management must include individual assessments that are used to develop individual services plans.
Financial Counseling |
Budgeting/financial planning to ensure that participating households have the ability to maintain rental, mortgage, or utility obligations after assistance has been granted to reduce the probability or a recurrence of the crisis situation. |
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Coordination (formerly known as food stamps |
Screening every household that receives Homeless Prevention Program assistance to determine the need and eligibility for assistance and based on that determination assist the participant with the application process or referral. |
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) |
Screening every household that receives Homeless Prevention Program assistance to determine the need and eligibility for assistance and based on that determination assist the participant with the application process or referral. |
Follow-Up |
Contacting each program participant or family assisted during the fiscal year to assess their housing status. |
The Supplemental Supportive Services are:
Advocacy |
Intervention on behalf of participating households to assist in the receipt and use of services. |
Alcohol Abuse Services |
Providing or referring participants to Alcoholics Anonymous or similar program to address the abusive use of alcohol. |
Child Care |
Providing or arranging child care services. |
Children's Services |
Child-specific services such as child abuse counseling or preschool programs. |
Counseling |
Providing or arranging for individual or group counseling to alleviate physical abuse, mental health issues, substance abuse, and/or familial obstacles that are preventing a return to self-sufficiency. |
Education |
Providing or arranging services for participants to complete a course of study leading to a diploma or specific skill certificate. |
Employment Services |
Providing or arranging services for participants to complete job preparation and/or to secure job interviews or employment. This may include acquiring special tools or clothing to perform the job in which the participant is place or receiving training. |
English as a Second Language |
English language services available to persons who seek to improve their English language skills. |
Health/Dental Services |
Providing or arranging services for participants needing medical and/or dental services. |
Housing Placement/Inspection |
Locating and/or the initial inspection of rental property on behalf of participants to ensure the housing is generally decent and adequate for the household and meets the general health and safety standards prior to tenant occupancy. |
Legal Services (if requested) |
The provision of legal assistance / advocacy to program participants who are facing homelessness due to eviction, utility shut-off, lockout, or mortgage foreclosure. |
Mental Health Services |
Supportive Services that address serious mental health needs that can not be solved through regular counseling sessions. |
Outreach |
Locating and contacting homeless individuals or families in the community and inform them of available services. |
Substance Abuse Services |
Providing or arranging services for participants to attend NA (Narcotics Anonymous) or other programs that address substance abuse issues. |
Transportation |
Transporting or purchasing services, such as bus tokens or taxi fares for participants to obtain medical care, public assistance, education, training and other services not provided on site. |
Total Households Served
Agency |
Number Served |
Boone Winnebago Continuum of Care |
394 |
Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
634 |
Champaign/Urbana Continuum of Care |
324 |
City of Chicago Continuum of Care |
2,440 |
City of DeKalb Continuum of Care |
215 |
City of Evanston Continuum of Care |
193 |
Cook County Continuum of Care |
1,335 |
Decatur/Macon Continuum of Care |
109 |
DuPage County Continuum of Care |
583 |
Heart of Illinois Continuum of Care |
779 |
Heartland Continuum of Care |
107 |
Joliet/Will Co. Continuum of Care |
104 |
Kane County Continuum of Care |
154 |
Lake County Continuum of Care |
514 |
Madison County Continuum of Care |
634 |
McHenry County Continuum of Care |
88 |
Northwestern IL Continuum of Care |
740 |
South Central IL Continuum of Care |
586 |
Southern IL Continuum of Care |
813 |
St. Clair County Continuum of Care |
525 |
West Central IL Continuum of Care |
364 |
Total |
11,635 |
Total Households with Children Served
Agency |
Number Served |
Boone Winnebago Continuum of Care |
285 |
Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
467 |
Champaign/Urbana Continuum of Care |
210 |
City of Chicago Continuum of Care |
1,654 |
City of DeKalb Continuum of Care |
173 |
City of Evanston Continuum of Care |
94 |
Cook County Continuum of Care |
1,068 |
Decatur/Macon Continuum of Care |
83 |
DuPage County Continuum of Care |
444 |
Heart of Illinois Continuum of Care |
499 |
Heartland Continuum of Care |
88 |
Joliet/Will Co. Continuum of Care |
88 |
Kane County Continuum of Care |
116 |
Lake County Continuum of Care |
394 |
Madison County Continuum of Care |
463 |
McHenry County Continuum of Care |
59 |
Northwestern IL Continuum of Care |
526 |
South Central IL Continuum of Care |
410 |
Southern IL Continuum of Care |
558 |
St. Clair County Continuum of Care |
389 |
West Central IL Continuum of Care |
247 |
Total |
8,315 |
Number of Households without Children Served
Agency |
Number Served |
Boone Winnebago Continuum of Care |
109 |
Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
167 |
Champaign/Urbana Continuum of Care |
114 |
City of Chicago Continuum of Care |
786 |
City of DeKalb Continuum of Care |
42 |
City of Evanston Continuum of Care |
99 |
Cook County Continuum of Care |
267 |
Decatur/Macon Continuum of Care |
26 |
DuPage County Continuum of Care |
139 |
Heart of Illinois Continuum of Care |
280 |
Heartland Continuum of Care |
19 |
Joliet/Will Co. Continuum of Care |
16 |
Kane County Continuum of Care |
38 |
Lake County Continuum of Care |
120 |
Madison County Continuum of Care |
171 |
McHenry County Continuum of Care |
29 |
Northwestern IL Continuum of Care |
214 |
South Central IL Continuum of Care |
176 |
Southern IL Continuum of Care |
255 |
St. Clair County Continuum of Care |
136 |
West Central IL Continuum of Care |
117 |
Total |
3,320 |
Total Individuals Served
Agency |
Number Served |
Boone Winnebago Continuum of Care |
1,227 |
Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
1,936 |
Champaign/Urbana Continuum of Care |
881 |
City of Chicago Continuum of Care |
6,503 |
City of DeKalb Continuum of Care |
685 |
City of Evanston Continuum of Care |
393 |
Cook County Continuum of Care |
4,003 |
Decatur/Macon Continuum of Care |
323 |
DuPage County Continuum of Care |
1,761 |
Heart of Illinois Continuum of Care |
2,085 |
Heartland Continuum of Care |
347 |
Joliet/Will Co. Continuum of Care |
378 |
Kane County Continuum of Care |
501 |
Lake County Continuum of Care |
1,572 |
Madison County Continuum of Care |
1,879 |
McHenry County Continuum of Care |
252 |
Northwestern IL Continuum of Care |
2,088 |
South Central IL Continuum of Care |
1,559 |
Southern IL Continuum of Care |
2,280 |
St. Clair County Continuum of Care |
1,489 |
West Central IL Continuum of Care |
967 |
Total |
33,109 |
Total Adults Served
Agency |
Number Served |
Boone Winnebago Continuum of Care |
595 |
Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
941 |
Champaign/Urbana Continuum of Care |
436 |
City of Chicago Continuum of Care |
3,235 |
City of DeKalb Continuum of Care |
297 |
City of Evanston Continuum of Care |
236 |
Cook County Continuum of Care |
1,973 |
Decatur/Macon Continuum of Care |
146 |
DuPage County Continuum of Care |
890 |
Heart of Illinois Continuum of Care |
1,030 |
Heartland Continuum of Care |
142 |
Joliet/Will Co. Continuum of Care |
156 |
Kane County Continuum of Care |
236 |
Lake County Continuum of Care |
694 |
Madison County Continuum of Care |
1,008 |
McHenry County Continuum of Care |
132 |
Northwestern IL Continuum of Care |
997 |
South Central IL Continuum of Care |
845 |
Southern IL Continuum of Care |
1,239 |
St. Clair County Continuum of Care |
653 |
West Central IL Continuum of Care |
510 |
Total |
16,391 |
Total Children Served
Agency |
Number Served |
Boone Winnebago Continuum of Care |
632 |
Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
995 |
Champaign/Urbana Continuum of Care |
445 |
City of Chicago Continuum of Care |
3,268 |
City of DeKalb Continuum of Care |
388 |
City of Evanston Continuum of Care |
157 |
Cook County Continuum of Care |
2,030 |
Decatur/Macon Continuum of Care |
177 |
DuPage County Continuum of Care |
871 |
Heart of Illinois Continuum of Care |
1,055 |
Heartland Continuum of Care |
205 |
Joliet/Will Co. Continuum of Care |
222 |
Kane County Continuum of Care |
265 |
Lake County Continuum of Care |
878 |
Madison County Continuum of Care |
871 |
McHenry County Continuum of Care |
120 |
Northwestern IL Continuum of Care |
1,091 |
South Central IL Continuum of Care |
714 |
Southern IL Continuum of Care |
1,041 |
St. Clair County Continuum of Care |
836 |
West Central IL Continuum of Care |
457 |
Total |
16,718 |
Total Households Receiving Rental Assistance
Agency |
Number Served |
Boone Winnebago Continuum of Care |
337 |
Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
516 |
Champaign/Urbana Continuum of Care |
324 |
City of Chicago Continuum of Care |
1,563 |
City of DeKalb Continuum of Care |
95 |
City of Evanston Continuum of Care |
151 |
Cook County Continuum of Care |
727 |
Decatur/Macon Continuum of Care |
86 |
DuPage County Continuum of Care |
475 |
Heart of Illinois Continuum of Care |
645 |
Heartland Continuum of Care |
84 |
Joliet/Will Co. Continuum of Care |
78 |
Kane County Continuum of Care |
120 |
Lake County Continuum of Care |
180 |
Madison County Continuum of Care |
455 |
McHenry County Continuum of Care |
26 |
Northwestern IL Continuum of Care |
449 |
South Central IL Continuum of Care |
505 |
Southern IL Continuum of Care |
512 |
St. Clair County Continuum of Care |
198 |
West Central IL Continuum of Care |
305 |
Total |
7,831 |
Total Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance
Agency |
Number Served |
Boone Winnebago Continuum of Care |
71 |
Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
45 |
Champaign/Urbana Continuum of Care |
0 |
City of Chicago Continuum of Care |
61 |
City of DeKalb Continuum of Care |
1 |
City of Evanston Continuum of Care |
12 |
Cook County Continuum of Care |
137 |
Decatur/Macon Continuum of Care |
2 |
DuPage County Continuum of Care |
9 |
Heart of Illinois Continuum of Care |
34 |
Heartland Continuum of Care |
2 |
Joliet/Will Co. Continuum of Care |
11 |
Kane County Continuum of Care |
11 |
Lake County Continuum of Care |
36 |
Madison County Continuum of Care |
122 |
McHenry County Continuum of Care |
1 |
Northwestern IL Continuum of Care |
24 |
South Central IL Continuum of Care |
31 |
Southern IL Continuum of Care |
44 |
St. Clair County Continuum of Care |
44 |
West Central IL Continuum of Care |
25 |
Total |
723 |
Total Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance
Agency |
Number Served |
Boone Winnebago Continuum of Care |
32 |
Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
32 |
Champaign/Urbana Continuum of Care |
0 |
City of Chicago Continuum of Care |
499 |
City of DeKalb Continuum of Care |
82 |
City of Evanston Continuum of Care |
51 |
Cook County Continuum of Care |
266 |
Decatur/Macon Continuum of Care |
21 |
DuPage County Continuum of Care |
19 |
Heart of Illinois Continuum of Care |
88 |
Heartland Continuum of Care |
36 |
Joliet/Will Co. Continuum of Care |
14 |
Kane County Continuum of Care |
33 |
Lake County Continuum of Care |
14 |
Madison County Continuum of Care |
0 |
McHenry County Continuum of Care |
0 |
Northwestern IL Continuum of Care |
150 |
South Central IL Continuum of Care |
53 |
Southern IL Continuum of Care |
287 |
St. Clair County Continuum of Care |
209 |
West Central IL Continuum of Care |
33 |
Total |
1,919 |
Total Households Receiving Utility Assistance
Agency |
Number Served |
Boone Winnebago Continuum of Care |
7 |
Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
95 |
Champaign/Urbana Continuum of Care |
0 |
City of Chicago Continuum of Care |
750 |
City of DeKalb Continuum of Care |
16 |
City of Evanston Continuum of Care |
42 |
Cook County Continuum of Care |
259 |
Decatur/Macon Continuum of Care |
0 |
DuPage County Continuum of Care |
120 |
Heart of Illinois Continuum of Care |
24 |
Heartland Continuum of Care |
18 |
Joliet/Will Co. Continuum of Care |
3 |
Kane County Continuum of Care |
10 |
Lake County Continuum of Care |
119 |
Madison County Continuum of Care |
31 |
McHenry County Continuum of Care |
7 |
Northwestern IL Continuum of Care |
171 |
South Central IL Continuum of Care |
76 |
Southern IL Continuum of Care |
38 |
St. Clair County Continuum of Care |
112 |
West Central IL Continuum of Care |
33 |
Total |
1,931 |
Homeless Prevention Services Utilization Statewide by Household Type
Supportive Services
No Child
With Child
with Child
with Child
Total |
Case Management |
1.360 |
2,218 |
809 |
3,011 |
566 |
7,954 |
15,918 |
Counseling - Financial |
1,125 |
1,641 |
648 |
2,336 |
426 |
11,121 |
17,297 |
SNAP (Food Stamp) Screening |
1,115 |
1,617 |
608 |
2,117 |
415 |
5,783 |
11,655 |
LIHEAP Screening |
1,115 |
1,619 |
609 |
2,121 |
415 |
5,800 |
11,679 |
Supportive Services
No Child
With Child
with Child
with Child
Total |
Advocacy |
448 |
678 |
295 |
1,180 |
155 |
2,609 |
5,365 |
Alcohol Abuse Services |
35 |
45 |
4 |
22 |
12 |
109 |
227 |
Child Care |
17 |
0 |
8 |
59 |
29 |
262 |
375 |
Children's Services |
0 |
0 |
0 |
30 |
16 |
153 |
199 |
Counseling - Life Skills |
102 |
169 |
76 |
259 |
33 |
478 |
1,117 |
Counseling - All Other |
65 |
138 |
60 |
188 |
39 |
495 |
985 |
Education |
30 |
45 |
8 |
50 |
9 |
149 |
291 |
Employment Services |
71 |
89 |
42 |
147 |
24 |
268 |
641 |
English as a Second Language |
3 |
1 |
3 |
8 |
3 |
11 |
29 |
Follow-up services |
459 |
671 |
334 |
1,140 |
169 |
2,481 |
5,254 |
Health/Dental |
44 |
67 |
26 |
54 |
11 |
69 |
271 |
HIV/AIDS Related Services |
28 |
7 |
1 |
2 |
2 |
18 |
58 |
Housing Location/Inspection |
96 |
147 |
65 |
235 |
23 |
414 |
980 |
Legal Services/Referrals |
43 |
42 |
21 |
75 |
11 |
171 |
363 |
Mental Health Services |
42 |
59 |
6 |
22 |
17 |
181 |
327 |
Outreach |
214 |
396 |
168 |
549 |
76 |
1,081 |
2,484 |
Substance Abuse Services |
37 |
50 |
7 |
33 |
15 |
157 |
299 |
Transportation |
30 |
35 |
6 |
32 |
6 |
76 |
185 |
Other |
140 |
343 |
84 |
405 |
41 |
1,119 |
2,132 |
Total |
6,619 |
10,077 |
3,888 |
14,075 |
2,513 |
40,959 |
78,131 |
Program Statistics by Continuum of Care Receiving Assistance
- Boone/Winnebago County Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
595 |
Total Number of Children |
632 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
1,227 |
Total Households with Children Served |
285 |
Total Households without Children Served |
109 |
Total Number of Households |
394 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
337 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
71 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
32 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
7 |
- Central Illinois Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
941 |
Total Number of Children |
995 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
1,936 |
Total Households with Children Served |
467 |
Total Households without Children Served |
167 |
Total Number of Households |
634 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
516 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
45 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
32 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
95 |
- Champaign / Urbana Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
436 |
Total Number of Children |
445 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
881 |
Total Households with Children Served |
210 |
Total Households without Children Served |
114 |
Total Number of Households |
324 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
324 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
0 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
0 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
0 |
- City of Chicago Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
3,235 |
Total Number of Children |
3,268 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
6,503 |
Total Households with Children Served |
1,654 |
Total Households without Children Served |
786 |
Total Number of Households |
2,440 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
1,563 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
61 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
499 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
750 |
- City of DeKalb Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
297 |
Total Number of Children |
388 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
685 |
Total Households with Children Served |
173 |
Total Households without Children Served |
42 |
Total Number of Households |
215 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
95 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
1 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
82 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
16 |
- City of Evanston Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
236 |
Total Number of Children |
157 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
393 |
Total Households with Children Served |
94 |
Total Households without Children Served |
99 |
Total Number of Households |
193 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
151 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
12 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
51 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
42 |
- Cook County Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
1,973 |
Total Number of Children |
2,030 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
4,003 |
Total Households with Children Served |
1,068 |
Total Households without Children Served |
267 |
Total Number of Households |
1,335 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
727 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
137 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
266 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
259 |
- Decatur/Macon County Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
146 |
Total Number of Children |
177 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
323 |
Total Households with Children Served |
83 |
Total Households without Children Served |
26 |
Total Number of Households |
109 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
86 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
2 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
21 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
0 |
- DuPage County Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
890 |
Total Number of Children |
871 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
1,761 |
Total Households with Children Served |
444 |
Total Households without Children Served |
139 |
Total Number of Households |
583 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
475 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
9 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
19 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
120 |
- Heart of Illinois (Peoria Area) Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
1,030 |
Total Number of Children |
1,055 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
2,085 |
Total Households with Children Served |
499 |
Total Households without Children Served |
280 |
Total Number of Households |
779 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
645 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
34 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
88 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
24 |
- Heartland (Springfield Area) Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
142 |
Total Number of Children |
205 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
347 |
Total Households with Children Served |
88 |
Total Households without Children Served |
19 |
Total Number of Households |
107 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
84 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
2 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
36 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
18 |
- Joliet/Will County Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
156 |
Total Number of Children |
222 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
378 |
Total Households with Children Served |
88 |
Total Households without Children Served |
16 |
Total Number of Households |
104 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
78 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
11 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
14 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
3 |
- Kane County Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
236 |
Total Number of Children |
265 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
501 |
Total Households with Children Served |
116 |
Total Households without Children Served |
38 |
Total Number of Households |
154 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
120 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
11 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
33 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
10 |
- Lake County Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
694 |
Total Number of Children |
878 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
1,572 |
Total Households with Children Served |
394 |
Total Households without Children Served |
120 |
Total Number of Households |
514 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
180 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
36 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
14 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
119 |
- Madison County Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
1,008 |
Total Number of Children |
871 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
1,879 |
Total Households with Children Served |
463 |
Total Households without Children Served |
171 |
Total Number of Households |
634 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
455 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
122 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
0 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
31 |
- McHenry County Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
132 |
Total Number of Children |
120 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
252 |
Total Households with Children Served |
59 |
Total Households without Children Served |
29 |
Total Number of Households |
88 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
26 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
1 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
0 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
7 |
- Northwestern Illinois Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
997 |
Total Number of Children |
1,091 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
2,088 |
Total Households with Children Served |
526 |
Total Households without Children Served |
214 |
Total Number of Households |
740 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
449 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
24 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
150 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
171 |
- South Central Illinois Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
845 |
Total Number of Children |
714 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
1,559 |
Total Households with Children Served |
410 |
Total Households without Children Served |
176 |
Total Number of Households |
586 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
505 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
31 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
53 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
76 |
- Southern Illinois Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
1,239 |
Total Number of Children |
1,041 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
2,280 |
Total Households with Children Served |
558 |
Total Households without Children Served |
255 |
Total Number of Households |
813 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
512 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
44 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
287 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
38 |
- St. Clair County Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
653 |
Total Number of Children |
836 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
1,489 |
Total Households with Children Served |
389 |
Total Households without Children Served |
136 |
Total Number of Households |
525 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
198 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
44 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
209 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
112 |
- West Central Continuum of Care
Customer |
Number Served |
Total Number of Adults Served |
510 |
Total Number of Children |
457 |
Total Number of Individuals Served |
967 |
Total Households with Children Served |
247 |
Total Households without Children Served |
117 |
Total Number of Households |
364 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Rental Assistance |
305 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Mortgage Assistance |
25 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Security Deposit Assistance |
33 |
Total Number of Households Receiving Utility Assistance |
33 |
Number of Households That Were Still Housed or Homeless At Homeless Prevention Program Follow-Up - FY2009 Continuum of Care (CoC)
Breakdown of number of households housed or homeless 4 months after receiving Homeless Prevention Program Assistance:
Continuum |
Still Housed |
Homeless |
Boone Winnebago Continuum of Care |
322 |
3 |
Central Illinois Continuum of Care |
608 |
7 |
Champaign/Urbana Continuum of Care |
241 |
0 |
City of Chicago Continuum of Care |
2,024 |
13 |
City of DeKalb Continuum of Care |
162 |
4 |
City of Evanston Continuum of Care |
181 |
5 |
Cook County Continuum of Care |
1,161 |
3 |
Decatur/Macon Continuum of Care |
103 |
0 |
DuPage County Continuum of Care |
570 |
0 |
Heart of Illinois Continuum of Care |
699 |
13 |
Heartland Continuum of Care |
104 |
1 |
Joliet/Will Co. Continuum of Care |
81 |
0 |
Kane County Continuum of Care |
113 |
0 |
Lake County Continuum of Care |
393 |
10 |
Madison County Continuum of Care |
620 |
4 |
McHenry County Continuum of Care |
72 |
0 |
Northwestern IL Continuum of Care |
714 |
4 |
South Central IL Continuum of Care |
536 |
1 |
Southern IL Continuum of Care |
726 |
7 |
St. Clair County Continuum of Care |
468 |
14 |
West Central IL Continuum of Care |
352 |
0 |
- Grand Total Still Housed for the 21 Participating Continua of Care: 10,250
- Grand Total that were Homeless for the 21 Participating Continua of Care: 89
- Grand Total of Households that were Unable to be Located: 1,311
- Grand Total of Deceased Households: 19
- 88 % of the total households retained their housing with assistance from the Housing Prevention Program.
- In Fiscal Year 2009, the average cost per household was $934.00.