Indicator 14

Overview of the Annual Performance Report Development:

Monitoring Priority:

Effective General Supervision Part C / General Supervision

Indicator 14: State reported data (618 and State Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report) are timely and accurate.

(20 U.S.C. 1416(a)(3)(B) and 1442)


State reported data, including 618 data, State performance plan, and annual performance reports, are:

  1. Submitted on or before due dates (February 1 for child count, including race and settings; and November 1 for dispute resolution); and
  2. Accurate, including covering the correct year and following the correct measurement.

States are required to use the "Indicator 14 Data Rubric" for reporting data for this indicator (see Attachment B).

FFY: 2008

Measurable and Rigorous Target:
100 percent of state reported data will be timely and accurate.

Actual Target Data for FFY08/SFY09:

Indicator 14 From Part C Indicator Data Rubric-Percent of timely and accurate data =(C /70) X 100
FFY08/SFY09 Result: 70/70 X 100 = 100%
FFY08/SFY09 Target = 100%

Part C Indicator 14 Data Rubric

Valid and
1 1 1 2
2 1 1 2
3 1 1 2
4 1 1 2
5 1 1 2
6 1 1 2
7 1 1 2
8A 1 1 2
8B 1 1 2
8C 1 1 2
9 1 1 2
10 1 1 2
11 1 1 2
12 1 1 2
13 1 1 2
Subtotal 30
Timely Submission Points
(5 pts for submission of APR/SPP by February 1, 2010)
Grand Total 35

 Indicator 14 - 618 Data

Table Timely  Complete
to Date Note
Table 1 -
Child Count
Due Date: 2/1/09
1 1 1 1 4
Table 2 -
Due Date: 2/1/09
1 1 1 1 4
Table 3 -
Due Date: 11/1/09
1 1 1 N/A 3
Table 4 -
Dispute Resolution
Due Date: 11/1/09
1 1 1 N/A 3
Subtotal 14
Weighted Total (subtotal X 2.5) 35

Indicator# 14 Calculation

  1. APR Total 35
  2. 618 Total 35
  3. Grand Total 70

Percent of timely and accurate data = (C divided by 70 times 100)
(70) / (70) X 100 = 100

The Illinois Cornerstone system is a statewide database application that is used by all Child and Family Connections (CFC) offices. The application includes a number of edit checks on numeric data, character data, and data fields, as well as content-specific edit checks and logical consistency checks. The design of the Cornerstone system, including all of the edit and logical consistency checks help ensure the quality and consistency of the data.

All 618 data tables and APR data used in responses to Indicators 2 through 9 contain data met computational and logic edit checks. An electronic database is used to track complaint, mediation and administrative hearing status and outcomes used in response to Indicators 10 - 13. On a monthly basis, CFC offices use an electronic reporting system to submit service delay data for Indicator 1.

All 618 and APR data were accurate to the best knowledge of the lead agency. All reports were submitted in a timely fashion.

Discussion of Improvement Activities Completed and Explanation of Progress or Slippage that occurred for FFY08/SFY09:

Progress/Slippage for Indicator 14: In FFY07/SFY08 and in FFY08/SFY09, Illinois demonstrated 100% compliance with data accuracy and report submission.

Improvement Activities
  • Monthly, CFC offices receive an Early Intervention statistical report, which includes 32 data elements. These reports are reviewed and analyzed by each CFC office and by the lead agency. These reports have been used to identify and quickly resolve data problems.
  • Quarterly, CFC offices receive other data reports from the lead agency that are used to facilitate data review for accuracy. For example, CFC offices receive a report which lists the names of children in the program that are not enroll in the state Medicaid/Child Health Insurance Program and do not have a family fee. CFC office are asked to research each case to ensure that an application to the state Medicaid/Child Health Insurance Program is submitted or a family fee is assessed, when appropriate.
  • CFC offices have the capacity to establish and run data reports directly from the system to meet their own quality assurance needs.
  • Cornerstone provides a series of edit rights so that a service coordinator or his/her supervisor can correct data under specified circumstances. Corrections that fall outside these guidelines must be address through the HEAT ticket process, with each request reviewed and approved by Bureau staff. These requests are monitored and technical assistance is provided to CFC staff, when indicated.
  • Each CFC office received an on-site monitoring visit during which monitoring staff reviewed both electronic and hard-copy files to verify that required data elements were correctly entered/documented.
  • All new service coordinators receive training on use of the Cornerstone system. Training on system modifications or procedure clarifications are provided to all service coordinators, when needed.
  • FFY07/SFY08 represents the first full year in which service delay data were reported using an electronic reporting system. Monthly reports are submitted by each CFC office and provide detailed data regarding service delays. Discussion of this improved data resource can be found under Indicator 1.
  • Child find data sharing with the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE)/Part B program has been fully implemented statewide. Discussion of this data sharing can be found under Indicator 8.
  • In FFY07/SFY08, there was greater emphasis on maintaining the security of protected health information. Encryption software was loaded on all laptops used by service coordinators.
  • In July 2007 an updated CFC Procedure Manual and in September 1, 2009 an updated Early Intervention Service Descriptions, Billing Codes, and Rates provider manual went into effect. Both documents provide clarifications to policies and procedures that support improved data collection.
  • In FFY08/SFY09, several Cornerstone updates/changes were made to address system issues related to new training and proficiency testing for bilingual interpreters and translators, appropriate authorization of audiology evaluations, correcting designation on authorizations for a provider types not required to bill insurance, and updating obsolete diagnosis/procedure codes. Codes for documentation of eligibility were expanded and clarified. Other coding changes support ARRA expenditure documentation.
  • In FFY08/SFY09, new data reports were created and shared with CFC offices relative to determination of eligibility and authorization of services. These reports were discussed with CFC office managers to identify issues for further consideration and resolution.
  • In FFY08/SFY09, Cornerstone initiated a new system to verify that users receive daily messages that include changes/updates. Users are now required to acknowledge receipt of these messages.
  • A system is in place to ensure timely submission of required reporting (i.e., APR, updates SPP, and 618 data).
  • The Bureau staffing level has been maintained to help ensure data integrity and follow-up with any issued identified during monthly data analysis and reporting.

Revisions, with Justification, to Proposed Targets / Improvement Activities / Timelines / Resources for FFY09/SFY10:

The activities listed above to ensure timely and accurate data will continue, with modifications to the Cornerstone system and training updates, when necessary. No changes to targets, improvement activities, time lines or resources are proposed at this time.