Indicator 4 - Family Involvement

Monitoring Priority

Results Indicator: Percent of families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family:

  1. Know their rights;
  2. Effectively communicate their children's needs; and
  3. Help their children develop and learn.

(20 USC 1416(a)(3)(A) and 1442)

Historical Data

Baseline year: 2010

Target/Data FFY 2005 FFY 2006 FFY 2007 FFY 2008 FFY 2009 FFY 2010 FFY 2011 FFY 2012 FFY 2013
Target N/A 76.00% 76.00% 74.00% 73.50% 78.00% 78.50% 79.00% 69.20%
Data 76.80% 82.00% 75.00% 71.85% 78.58% 67.82% 67.60% 69.17% 65.69%
Target N/A 86.00% 86.00% 86.00% 85.00% 85.80% 86.20% 86.70% 77.40%
Data 86.50% 90.30% 87.10% 83.81% 85.63% 76.51% 75.70% 77.37% 74.15%
Target N/A 90.00% 90.00% 89.00% 89.00% 85.00% 87.00% 90.40% 74.00%
Data 90.20% 93.30% 90.80% 88.27% 83.28% 74.31% 73.20% 74.02% 73.34%

Data from 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, and 2009 is data prior to baseline

FFY 2014 - FFY 2018 Targets

Target FFY 2014 FFY 2015 FFY 2016 FFY 2017 FFY 2018
Target A 69.40% 69.70% 70.00% 70.30% 70.60%
Target B 77.90% 77.90% 78.20% 78.50% 78.80%
Target C 74.50% 74.50% 74.80% 75.10% 75.40%

FFY 2014 SPP/APR Data

Number of respondent families participating in Part C 17832
A1. Number of respondent families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family know their rights 1099
A2. Number of responses to the question of whether early intervention services have helped the family know their rights 1537
B1. Number of respondent families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family effectively communicate their children's needs 1176
B2. Number of responses to the question of whether early intervention services have helped the family effectively communicate their children's needs 1537
C1. Number of respondent families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family help their children develop and learn 1139
C2. Number of responses to the question of whether early intervention services have helped the family help their children develop and learn 1537
Respondent families participating in Part C FFY 2013 Data FFY 2014 Target FFY 2014 Data
A. Percent of families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family know their rights 65.69% 69.40% 71.50%
B. Percent of families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family effectively communicate their children's needs 74.15% 77.90% 76.51%
C. Percent of families participating in Part C who report that early intervention services have helped the family help their children develop and learn 73.34% 74.50% 74.11%

Describe how the State has ensured that any response data are valid and reliable, including how the data represent the demographics of the State.

Responses are believed to be valid and reliable as families are rating their own achievement of stated outcomes. Data are generally representative of the State's demographics. The state is very close to a representative for suburban and downstate, but we are over-representing collar county families and under-representing Cook county families. Efforts this year include surveying families closer to the time they exit the program and included a Quick Response reader (QR) code on surveys so that families can complete surveys on their smart phones.

Question Response Yes/No
Was sampling used? No
Was a collection tool used? Yes
Is it a new or revised collection tool? No
The data accurately represent the demographics of the State Yes
The data does not accurately represent the demographics of the No

Actions required in FFY 2013 response: None
Responses to actions required in FFY 2013 response, not including correction of findings: None
FFY 14/SFY 15 Family Outcome Survey Results Return Rates & Unweighted Results by CFC
Child and Family Connections Office (CFC) # Surveys Returns Return Rate Know their Family Rights (Scores 4 or Greater) Know their Family Rights (Mean Score) Communicate their Children's Needs
(Scores 4 or Greater)
Communicate their Children's Needs (Mean Score) Help their Child Develop & Learn (Scores 4 or Greater)  Help their Child Develop & Learn (Mean Score)
CFC 1 554 47 8.48% 70.21% 4.06 76.60% 4.15 68.09% 3.96
CFC **2 776 70 9.02% 62.86% 4.00 70.00% 4.16 67.14% 4.01
CFC 3 331 35 10.57% 80.00% 4.30 80.00% 4.39 77.14% 4.34
CFC **4 845 95 11.24% 72.63% 4.15 74.74% 4.22 72.63% 4.21
CFC **5 1126 129 11.46% 78.29% 4.32 82.95% 4.44 77.52% 4.32
CFC *6 1701 170 9.99% 75.29% 4.12 78.24% 4.26 75.29% 4.17
CFC *7 1025 88 8.58% 64.77% 3.97 79.55% 4.15 72.73% 4.03
CFC *8 746 50 6.70% 72.00% 3.98 74.00% 4.03 72.00% 4.09
CFC *9 948 43 4.53% 65.12% 3.97 67.44% 4.07 69.77% 4.00
CFC *10 685 21 3.07% 61.90% 3.94 61.90% 4.05 57.14% 3.93
CFC *11 2134 177 8.29% 61.58% 3.82 68.36% 4.02 69.49% 4.01
CFC*12 1088 81 7.44% 69.14% 4.03 75.31% 4.16 70.37% 4.06
CFC 13 286 23 8.04% 65.22% 4.04 73.91% 4.22 69.57% 4.18
CFC 14 560 56 10.00% 67.86% 4.09 67.86% 4.15 78.57% 4.15
CFC **15 1324 135 10.20% 80.00% 4.21 83.70% 4.37 82.22% 4.33
CFC 16 684 69 10.09% 68.12% 4.04 71.01% 4.18 71.01% 4.10
CFC 17 169 10 5.92% 70.00% 3.98 70.00% 4.32 70.00% 4.23
CFC 18 311 23 7.40% 60.87% 3.94 60.87% 3.80 60.87% 3.83
CFC 19 392 30 7.65% 70.00% 4.41 83.33% 4.51 83.33% 4.46
CFC 20 384 22 5.73% 77.27% 4.14 81.82% 4.19 81.82% 4.14
CFC 21 634 64 10.09% 76.56% 4.33 87.50% 4.50 81.25% 4.43
CFC 22 332 36 10.84% 75.00% 4.26 80.56% 4.33 75.00% 4.25
CFC 23 149 10 6.71% 100.00% 4.60 90.00% 4.47 80.00% 4.47
CFC 24 194 11 5.67% 72.73% 4.00 63.64% 4.05 54.55% 3.97
CFC **25 454 42 9.25% 85.71% 4.50 92.86% 4.62 88.10% 4.58
STATEWIDE 17832 1537 8.62% 71.50% 4.11 76.51% 4.23 74.11% 4.17
*Chicago- Cook
4513 291 6.45% 63.92% 3.88 68.73% 4.03 69.07% 4.01
*Suburban- Cook County 3814 339 8.88% 71.09% 4.06 73.86% 4.21 73.45% 4.11
**Collar Counties (2,4,5,15 & 25) 4525 471 10.41% 76.01% 4.22 80.47% 4.35 77.28% 4.28
Downstate (All Others) 4980 436 8.76% 72.02% 4.17 76.38% 4.26 74.54% 4.20
Cook County Offices: CFC 6-North Suburban CFC 7- West Suburban CFC 8- Southwest Chicago CFC 9- Central Chicago CFC 10- Southeast Chicago CFC 11- North Chicago CFC 12- South Suburban