All Staff (Office of Inspector General Rule 50 Required Training)

The completion of OIG Rule 50 training is required for all Provider employees at the time of hire and every two years thereafter. Compliance with training requirement for OIG Rule 50 training can be met through any of the training formats below:

  • OIG Rule 50 Training.Provider staff may review the OIG Rule 50 PowerPoint on the DHS web site.  The date viewed, tests or measures used to demonstrate understanding of Rule 50 definitions must be documented, along with reporting requirements and time frames.
  • Agency-developed Rule 50 Training: Providers may develop their own Rule 50 training program as long as it fully covers all Rule 50 definitions, reporting requirements and reporting time frames.  Providers must maintain documentation of the content of the agency-developed training and any tests or measures it uses to document staff's understanding of the content.
  • Abuse & Neglect Module 3: This module is a required part of an approved DSP training program and meets all requirements of OIG Rule 50 training.  Although Provider staff can choose this option for meeting annual or biennial Rule 50 training, DSPs who have not yet completed an approved DSP training program cannot substitute any of the other OIG Rule 50 training options for completion of this three-hour classroom training module.  Providers choosing this option must document attendance and any tests or measures it uses to document staff's understanding of the content.

Documentation of Training

This training must be documented and maintained in the employee's personnel or training file or other location accessible to Department review staff.