QIDP Training Requirements and Gaps In Service

To work as a QIDP in a community setting providing developmental disabilities services in Illinois, QIDPs must be listed on the state QIDP database.  Providers can check QIDP status by emailing DHS.BQMQE@illinois.gov.  If not on the state QIDP database, Providers must submit Checklist A (pdf) (IL462-0130) with the required supporting documentation to the DHS Division of Developmental Disabilities. The credentials will be reviewed to determine whether the person qualifies to be added to the state QIDP database.  Persons not on the state QIDP database cannot begin the required 40-hour QIDP orientation training program, perform QIDP duties, prepare QIDP paperwork for another QIDP to approve.

Important Information

  • After being added to the state QIDP database, the person must complete a DHS-approved QIDP orientation training program within six (6) months.
  • The QIDP orientation training program cannot be completed in less than 21 calendar days, but once started, it must be completed within 120 calendar days.
  • During this 6-month training window, individuals may perform all responsibilities of a QIDP such as completing paperwork and signing off as a QIDP.
  • QIDPs NOT completing a DHS-approved QIDP orientation program within the six (6) month window can no longer perform QIDP duties until such training has been completed.
  • Completion of a DHS-approved QIDP orientation training program must be documented and kept in the individual's personnel or training file or other location available for review by DHS staff.
  • Individuals who began work as QIDPs prior to October 1, 1999, and have not completed a DHS-approved QIDP orientation training program may have the 40-hour training requirement waived if by October 1, 1999, they can document:
    1. One year of experience working directly with people with intellectual disabilities or other developmental disabilities; and
  • Met the minimum federal educational requirements for a QIDP, defined in 42 CFR 483.430.
  • If the person met both #1 and #2 by October 1, 1999, they must have their competency to perform QIDP work evaluated by the employing Provider using the QIDP Orientation Training Core Competency Area Checklist (IL462-0134).
  • All QIDPs must have 12 hours of continuing education (CE) each state fiscal year (July 1-June 30) beginning the first state fiscal year after completing the 40-hour QIDP Orientation training. Six of the 12 annual CE hours must be obtained outside the employing agency. Topics must be related to the field of developmental disabilities or to the work of a QIDP.
  • Documentation of CE hours must be kept in the individual's personnel or training file for review by DHS staff. QIDPs may use college courses as continuing education hours as long as they relate to the field of developmental disabilities or the work of a QIDP. These continuing education hours equal the credit hours earned for the class during the term (semester, quarter, etc.), not the actual time spent in class during the term.  See Continuing Education Credits for more information.

QIDPS With Gaps in Service

  • Providers must retrain all skill gap areas identified through the QIDP competency review process and must document the checklist review or retraining in the QIDP's personnel or training file or other location available for review by DHS staff.
  • QIDPs who completed orientation training, whose gap in service is less than two years will not need to repeat orientation training if the annual 12-hour CE requirement is met during the gap in service.
  • QIDPs who completed orientation training, whose gap in service is two years or more will not need to repeat orientation training if continuously employed with an agency providing developmental disabilities services and continued to meet the annual 12-hour CE requirement each year.
  • QIDPs who completed QIDP orientation training, whose gap in service is two years or more, but did not meet their 12-hour CE requirement during the gap in service must have their QIDP status reevaluated by the new employing Provider using the QIDP Orientation Training Core Competency Area Checklist (pdf) (IL462-0134) and be retrained in any identified skill gap area. The retraining and completed checklist must be signed by the Executive Director or designee, QIDP training coordinator, QIDP instructor, or supervising/lead QIDP.  Documentation must be kept in the individual's personnel or training file and be available for review by DHS staff.
  • QIDPs who:

    • began work as a QIDP before October 1, 1999, who did not complete QIDP Orientation training program; and  
    • left the agency that originally evaluated their QIDP competencies; and
    • have a gap in service of 2 years or more outside the field of providing direct services to people with developmental disabilities

      must be reevaluated by the new employing Provider.  The new Provider is responsible for assessing the individual's competency to perform QIDP work by using QIDP Orientation Training Core Competency Area Checklist (pdf) (IL462-0134) and retrain any skill gap area identified. The retraining and completed checklist must be signed by the Executive Director or designee, QIDP training coordinator, QIDP instructor, or supervising/lead QIDP.  This must be documented in the individual's file available for review by DHS staff.

  • QIDPs who:

    • began work as a QIDP before October 1, 1999, did not complete QIDP training; and
    • remained in continuous employment with an agency that provides direct services to people with developmental disabilities but did not meet the annual 12-hour CE requirement for two or more years. 

      must be reevaluated by the Provider. The Provider is responsible for assessing the individual's competency to perform QIDP work by using the QIDP Orientation Training Core Competency Area Checklist (pdf)IL462-0134) and must retrain in skill gap areas identified through this process. The retraining and completed checklist must be signed by the Executive Director or designee, QIDP training coordinator, QIDP instructor, or supervising/lead QIDP.  This must be documented in individual's personnel or training file or other location available for review by DHS staff.

Note:  ICFs/DD are not required to add their QIDPs to the state QIDP-Eligible database or provide 40 hours of DHS-approved QIDP Orientation training.

Training for QIDPs serving as DSPs

QIDPs who are assigned to spend 20% or more of their work time in a direct care or support role must complete an approved DSP training program and have their name added to the Health Care Worker Registry as a DD Aide.  QIDPs may use an alternative training program because of their professional training and required work experience.  QIDPs only need to satisfactorily complete an abbreviated portion of an approved DSP training program:

Training Hours
Training Hours
Basic Health & Safety 15 Hours 20 Hours
CPR & First Aid 6 Hours None**
Abuse & Neglect Prevention
and Intervention
3 Hours 5 Hours

**The QIDP must hold current certification in First Aid and CPR through the American Red Cross or American Heart Association or as an Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) through an examination approved by the Illinois Department of Public Health and/or National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). 

QIDPs must be observed demonstrating competency in each of the bolded areas of the remaining content areas listed in the DSP Training Core Competency Area Checklist (pdf) (IL462-1286) or DSP Training Program Core Competency Verification (pdf) (IL462-1290). 

QIDPs that complete the abbreviated curriculum must also have their DSP training record added to the Health Care Worker Registry.