Example: QIDP Classroom Training Schedule

This QIDP training schedule should be used as a guide.  Agencies need to develop a schedule that meets both DHS requirements and its own training and operational needs.

Training Module Name Hours Date
Module 1:  Introduction to the World of the QIDP 4 12/1/15
Module 2:  Leadership and Communication 4 12/1/15
Module 3:  Behavior Supports 5 12/1/15
Module 4: Person-Centered Planning 5 12/1/15
Module 5: Record Keeping 4 12/1/15
Module 6: Advocacy Rights and Resources 4 12/1/15
Module 7: Environmental and Safety Supports 5 12/1/15
Module 8: Medical Supports 5 12/1/15

Module 9: Rules and Regulations

Training Coordinator__________________________________

Training Location_____________________________________

4 12/1/15

Competency Assessment Tools

Assessment testing must be used to document the individual's understanding of required classroom competencies.  Testing can be supplemented by using DHS' QIDP Training Core Competency Area Checklist (IL-462-0134 (R-12-15) to monitor and document progress of trainees or ongoing performance.

Performance Standard Statement

Individuals must achieve a minimum of 80% accuracy in understanding the informational competencies in each module.

Attendance Policy

Attendance is mandatory for all modules and must be documented by a sign-in/sign-out sheet for each module.  If an individual misses a training session, he/she is responsible for contacting the instructor and scheduling a make-up session.