DHS-approved RN Nurse-Trainers are required by Illinois Nurse Practice Act and Administrative Rule 116 and DDD Information Bulletin DD 12.020 - Rule 116: Medication Administration in Specific Community Settings to teach DSPs, qualified and authorized to safely administer medications to people with developmental disabilities. RN Nurse-Trainers will also teach DSPs:
- Health and safety factors that affect the administration of specific medications to specific individuals.
- Correct and safe procedures for administering medications to minimize health and safety risks and errors.
- How to recognize and report medical and medication-related observations and medication errors to the RN Nurse-trainer.
Required Training
The Division of Developmental Disabilities must approve all Nurse-Trainers. The approval process includes mandatory completion of the Medication Adminstration DHS Nurse-Trainer Program and Self-Administration of Medication Assessment (MA/SAMA) training.
Recommended Courses
Contact for Questions or Assistance
IDHS Statewide Nursing Coordinator: