Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA)

What is it?

Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) is a living arrangement for adults (age 18 and older) in a group home, family home or apartment where 8 or fewer unrelated adults with developmental disabilities live under supervision of the community developmental services agency.  Residents receive complete and individualized residential habilitation, personal support services and supports under the direction of a community support team within the local agency. 

How do I apply for a CILA License?

DHS, Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure & Certification assures that Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) agencies providing services to adults with a developmental disability conform to established standards.  Agencies must meet the licensure and surveys requirements  in compliance of Rule 15. 

  1. Please check the DDD Provider Training page for announcements about the next New Provider Orientation
  2. Register to participate in a New Provider Orientation session.  If you have any questions about this training, please contact:
  3. AFTER attending the New Provider Orientation or meeting the exemption requirements, request a CILA Licensure Application from:
    • Illinois Department of Human Services
      Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure & Certification 
      401 S. Clinton, 7th Floor
      Chicago, IL 60607
      Phone: 312-814-5310
  4. Please see the New Provider Guidance - Steps For CILA for guidance on the basic steps you must complete to become a CILA provider

How do I enroll as a Developmental Disability Medicaid Waiver provider for CILA services?

  1. Obtain a Community Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA) license issued by the Bureau of Accreditation, Licensure and Certification.
  2. Apply for a National Provider Identification Number (NPI) on the National Plan and Provider Enumeration System website. 
    1. The NPI must be a Type 2 - Organizational NPI number. 
    2. The taxonomy code must be 320900000X - Community Based Residential Treatment Facility, Developmental Disabilities.
  3. Send the following enrollment documents to DHS, Division of Developmental Disabilities:
    • EMAIL:
      Illinois Department of Human Services Division of Developmental Disabilities
      600 East Ash Street, Building 400, Mail Stop 3S
      South Springfield, IL 6270
      Attention: Provider Enrollment
      1. Typed cover letter that includes a description of the services that your organization plans to provide and the owner(s) or Executive Director's phone number and email address
      2. Copy of CILA License
      3. IRS W-9 form PDF - Carefully review the IRS W-9 Guidelines and complete the IRS W-9 form based on the tax classification of the organization and determine if any additional IRS forms or other supporting documentation needs to be submitted with W-9.
  4. Submit an IMPACT Provider Enrollment application for the company:
  5. You, the person sitting at the computer, must create an IMPACT account on the State of Illinois | HFS IMPACT: Home and apply for approval for a Single Sign-On ID.  Please use the Single Sign-On ID PowerPoint Presentation found on the Presentations and Materials | HFS ( page onto complete this step. 
  6. When the Single Sign-On ID has been approved, return to the State of Illinois | HFS IMPACT: Home and log into your account.  An IMPACT blue hyperlink will now be on your IMPACT home page located under the 4 green boxes.  Click on IMPACT hyperlink to access the IMPACT Provider Enrollment System. 
    1. Click on NEW ENROLLMENT. 
    2. On the next screen, select the Enrollment Type:  Facility, Agency, Organization (FAO). 
    3. Use the Facility, Agency, Organization PowerPoint Presentation found on the Presentations and Materials | HFS ( page on the HFS website to complete this step. 
    4. The IMPACT application for the company must includes the following information:
      1. Add Specialty: Care Facility; Community-Integrated Living Arrangement (CILA); No Subspecialty
      2. Associate Provider: DDD Billing Provide ID number 7094718
      3. Associate Billing Agent: DDD Billing Agent number 7094638
  7. Send an email to notifying DDD Provider Enrollment that the IMPACT enrollment application has been completed and submitted for State Review. 
  8. The IMPACT system will send you an email notification when your IMPACT application has been approved.  Email to request the DHS ID number for your agency.
  9. Submit your Direct Support Person (DSP) and Qualified Intellectual Disability Professional (QIDP training) programs to DHS, Division of Developmental Disabilities for approval.
  10. Review the information available about Using ROCS and contact the ROCS helpdesk for Technical Support.

When you have completed your enrollment as a CILA provider, you must submit for approval the Direct Support Person (DSP) and Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professional (QIDP) training programs to:

    • Illinois Department of Human Services
      Division of Developmental Disabilities
      Bureau of Quality Management
      600 East Ash Street, Building 400, Mail Stop 2 North
      Springfield, IL  62703
    • Attention:  DSP/QIDP Training Program 

DSP program training approval process

QIDP program training approval process

Registration Form

Keep watching for the Next Prospective New Provider Agency Orientation training.

Important Resources for Program Requirements